A few days ago the clock quit working on my friend's PS2, so I figured the battery had croaked. Since it's expensive to take it to a game store and replace it (half the price of buying a new one), I offered to do it for free. He gives me the system and a loose battery, I take two hours disassembling the system, put the new battery in, turn it on, and it still doesn't work. Is there any other reason the clock may not work, or did he just give me a dead battery? If it helps, we put FreeMcBoot on the system but it took two tries to get it working (he gave me a generic card to work with that didn't work so I had to use a 1st party card). When we pulled FMCB card #1 out, that's when we noticed the clock stopped working. I can't even change the time. Did the shitty generic card fuck up the BIOS?