Hacking Preserve save file while downgrading? (Noob Question :P)


Im ugly and im proud
Mar 25, 2014
The Lake, Kalos Region
United States
I searched around, and couldnt find anything useful. i know absolutley nothing about, this so i may be worrying about a problem that doesnt exist, but i heard there are different save encryptions or something, and i i downgrade my 3ds to 4.5 it will break it or something? i dont know... I dont want to lose all my work, but i am rarely online, and losing my saves is kind of a big deal. so if this is a real problem, how can i get around it? a program that converts the save? A cheat code program that perfectly recreates my saves? i dunno. thanks
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2012
I searched around, and couldnt find anything useful. i know absolutley nothing about, this so i may be worrying about a problem that doesnt exist, but i heard there are different save encryptions or something, and i i downgrade my 3ds to 4.5 it will break it or something? i dont know... I dont want to lose all my work, but i am rarely online, and losing my saves is kind of a big deal. so if this is a real problem, how can i get around it? a program that converts the save? A cheat code program that perfectly recreates my saves? i dunno. thanks

After system version 7.0 (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the 3DS started using a new encryption for saves so if you try to load a save created with that encryption in a system that lacks the correct key then it shows as a corrupted save. I haven't heard of any way to do the conversion between both encryptions so what most people do after downgrading is say goodbye to their saves and start new ones, since these new saves will be created with the old encryption they'll boot fine afterwards but you can't play them on a system firmware above 7.0 or they'll be corrupted again because of the encryption mismatch.


Im ugly and im proud
Mar 25, 2014
The Lake, Kalos Region
United States
After system version 7.0 (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the 3DS started using a new encryption for saves so if you try to load a save created with that encryption in a system that lacks the correct key then it shows as a corrupted save. I haven't heard of any way to do the conversion between both encryptions so what most people do after downgrading is say goodbye to their saves and start new ones, since these new saves will be created with the old encryption they'll boot fine afterwards but you can't play them on a system firmware above 7.0 or they'll be corrupted again because of the encryption mismatch.

what happened when 7.0 was released, did everyone lose their saves when they update from 6.x?
EDIT: I got the 3ds on release day and upated past 7.0, i never remember losing saves. Why is it caused now, and not then?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2012
what happened when 7.0 was released, did everyone lose their saves when they update from 6.x?
EDIT: I got the 3ds on release day and upated past 7.0, i never remember losing saves. Why is it caused now, and not then?

Because Nintendo actually knows how to handle their own firmware better than Gateway? Why it happens is beyond my knowledge but it's been stated several times around here that saves are currently incompatible between both encryptions. Also system update =/= reflashing a nand backup.

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    @SylverReZ, Hm yeah I understand, Linux can work if you don't play new games, I still do though so it's not super practical for me. I have a spare SSD though, I could experiment with stuff in the future
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