Hacking Possible to make a private WFC server?

Do you think it's possible to make a private WFC server?

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Dec 14, 2009
United States
Would it be possible to make a WFC private server? As far as I know, the wii sends packets to the server and the server sends packets back to wii(s). If we packet sniff what packets are being sent from the server when so and so packet is sent from the wii, we could technically make our own WFC server, just like how all the other kinds of private servers are made(eg: runescape). We would also have to change the IP the wii connects to to our server to work but that would be pretty easy considering we can just change it in the game's iso or through Riivolution, or is it stored in a file on the wii?

Benefits of private server:
1. Private server
2. Make server side hacks
3. Host crazy tournaments
4. Do whatever you want without being banned from nintendo
5. Less lag

So with that being said, do you think this is possible?


Resident Furvert™
Feb 4, 2010
Cave Entrance, Watching Cyan Write Letters
United States
Changing the IP is simple even for retail games/carts, simply set your DNS server in your internet connection to the local IP of your computer and run a DNS server on it that reports the values you want for nintendo's WFC stuff.


People have already done it for pokemon, there's a few GTS server softwares you can download, and there's a "send pkm files to retail carts" or something thread in the DS hacking section.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Re PC custom servers- remember many PC games like this tend to use what amounts to SQL queries (one of the reasons your world of warcraft third party jobbies may be missing the odd thing) and some even benefit from leaked backends as well as a measure of peering in many games (not as good as a leak but halfway there in many cases).

This differs for the wii which may well use full blown custom protocols, handshakes/authentication- lots of work does happen but not very often. IP address stuff is trivial as Rydian said (indeed if you look back at some of the early gamecube hacks it was this technique that was used).

I would look at pokemon but they amount to basic file downloads give or take a bit of customisation. Proper dynamic games are something else entirely. Packet sniffing might not be that useful either- most of these games are encrypted nice and good and while we own the wii it is not a nice hack to pull off (mitm or repeat/chosen key would be better than post game decryption as it gives you the replay option but anything is good).

On the other hand they could just be (or could boil down to be) character movement and action packets with a server side score and looking at the game binary could allow for recreation of necessary data.

I agree it has many benefits but most hackers of that grade (the intersection between ASM grade hacker and web hacking is not as great as you might imagine- how many console hacker sites do you see with bad/simplistic web design or a simple wordpress arrangement?) would probably rather spend their time on something more "useful" (let us face facts even with stuff like xlink kai and other gaming oriented VPN not to mention it being orders of magnitude easier to use than this would probably be how much do you really hear about them- this would be somewhat niche compared).


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2009
The Boonies
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FAST6191 said:
Re PC custom servers- remember many PC games like this tend to use what amounts to SQL queries (one of the reasons your world of warcraft third party jobbies may be missing the odd thing) and some even benefit from leaked backends as well as a measure of peering in many games (not as good as a leak but halfway there in many cases).

This differs for the wii which may well use full blown custom protocols, handshakes/authentication- lots of work does happen but not very often. IP address stuff is trivial as Rydian said (indeed if you look back at some of the early gamecube hacks it was this technique that was used).

I would look at pokemon but they amount to basic file downloads give or take a bit of customisation. Proper dynamic games are something else entirely. Packet sniffing might not be that useful either- most of these games are encrypted nice and good and while we own the wii it is not a nice hack to pull off (mitm or repeat/chosen key would be better than post game decryption as it gives you the replay option but anything is good).

On the other hand they could just be (or could boil down to be) character movement and action packets with a server side score and looking at the game binary could allow for recreation of necessary data.

I agree it has many benefits but most hackers of that grade (the intersection between ASM grade hacker and web hacking is not as great as you might imagine- how many console hacker sites do you see with bad/simplistic web design or a simple wordpress arrangement?) would probably rather spend their time on something more "useful" (let us face facts even with stuff like xlink kai and other gaming oriented VPN not to mention it being orders of magnitude easier to use than this would probably be how much do you really hear about them- this would be somewhat niche compared).

Good points all around. If I were a dev, I wouldn't reinvent the wheel -- I'd use an existing protocol/library for communications and only tweak it as necessary. Possible? Certainly. Likely to happen? Not until the public servers start to go down due to age and there's a real demand for it. Until then, it will likely be a niche request like all of our other ideas, forever remaining untouched by the (relatively) few with the know-how to pull it off, because they have more interesting things to do.

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  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    It's been like 7 years. If there's only this extremely tiny amount of info about it anywhere online... I call bogus. Just my opinion. IF it existed it would most likely be readily available like cheats and hacks for other games.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    But best of luck. Off to sleep.
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    theres youtube videos of people using it but alr
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    alr gn
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its also not available at all on Switch either, so yea think its totally server side
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    yea maybe but the infnite pocket knifes and sprays
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    makes it modded perks
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    so how are they doing that?
  • CoolMe @ CoolMe:
    how well?
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Well enough that kind words help him sleep
  • CoolMe @ CoolMe:
    true dat
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Can't fall asleep with some rando online he doesn't even know being a meanie to him
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You and I the only meanies here supposedly. We should be ashamed, making newbies cry.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Nah Xdqwerty said sorry to you you're friends again
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    But me I'm right up there with Stalin
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    anyone have the f13 modded perks thingy for ps4/ps5. Ill pay (Im desperate asf).or the method on how are people getting god mode and inf pocket knifes and stuff.
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    im lazy but alr
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    hey guys how to fix {thing that will need it's own thread} please help thx - some guy in the GBAtemp general chit-chat
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Kirbydogs, I sometimes do that after making a thread where nobody replied
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    makes sense, to draw attention. most people do it before they make the post tho
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Nah install the fence first then add posts
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Good night I guess
    kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042: fig on ya