Tutorial  Updated

Pinky's PS3 Tutorials 1 of 2

Pinky’s PS3 Tutorials

Hello. My name is Pinky. Let me preface my list by saying that I didn't discover all of these hacks. Where needed, I have credited the person who had originally discovered the hack (at the bottom of the applicable tutorials). Out of respect, all of these tutorials and accompanying files are my own. :) All templates are now the original repack ones. However, 3 of the links have temp in place of the link itself, because they need to be reuploaded. A few more tutorials were added during my absence, but most are relatively the same as before. I’ve added changing the clock icon/date/time to the coloring tutorial. And, I’ve posted a few more images at the bottom including a micro/macro boot through the coldboot script and vertical xmb waves.

★ Recover All External Game Data Games After HDD Corruption Without Installation ★

Step 1: Connect your external hdd to the computer, extract the pkg(s), or ftp content from your internal hdd.

Step 2: Open cmd prompt: Shift+right click (open command window here)

Step 3: Within cmd prompt, type:

robocopy [source folder] [destination folder] PARAM.SFO /E

Note: This will copy the files you specified as well as all directories (file-wise or not) from the source folder to the destination folder. This is the bare minimum of what the system will think is a full game. Additionally, you can drag and drop the source/destination folders into the cmd prompt window (remember to place a space between them) instead of typing them out manually.

Step 4: Transfer the folders to dev_hdd0/game (fastest if using a direct connection).

Step 5: Proceed to the recovery menu and rebuild the database. Your games should then appear in xmb. You can then delete whatever game folders you wish from the internal hdd (if using game data tool) or copy over your "complete" games to the internal hdd (if not using game data tool) and override the files there (assuming your trying to do a batch install directly to the internal hdd).

Note: You only need the PARAM.SFO in order for the restore database function to assume it's a full game. This is due to the indexing file stored on the internal hdd recording only the SFO file information during installation. Using this method, I had managed to install about 2.5TB of data while only taking up a few Megabytes of space. Also, this works with mandatory installs, dlc, and games.

★ How To Alphabetize All XMB Content ★

Note: I thought I'd put this at the beginning of the tutorial to preface an issue you shouldn't have to deal with. I'd recommend backing up the original flash files. You can maximize the amount of available space within the flash (only 16MB if using a NOR console) which can cause flash files to become truncated; if this happens, you'll have to reinstall the fw. None of these files should brick your system if used improperly, but corrupted or improperly modified files can cause the system to restart upon hitting xmb, cause xmb not to load up, cause icons to vanish, or cause the system to restart when opening the quit game menu.

Step 1: Launch Multiman and enable flash access (near the bottom of the system tier).

Step 2: Extract the explore_plugin_full.rco from the following location:


and, extract the explore_view.txt from the following location:

dev_hdd0/home/0000000x (profile that you  want to change)/etc

Note: After you've obtained all files, disable flash access afterward to prevent rsod when turning off the system.

Step 4: Now, we'll start with the explore_view.txt first. Open explore_view.txt with notepad and find this line:


and, change that to:


This will change the time created sorting mechanic to alphabetical.

You can also download my explore_view.txt which is already modified:


The explore_view.txt is generic, so it will work on any cfw. There are variations within the rco and xml files of various cfw, such as the rebug toolbox location listed as an available pkg install location within the flash of rebug, but these steps will work on any cfw. Thus, I have not provided modified versions of those files.

Step 5: Now, in order to change the text within XMB, download rcomage:


and, notepad++


Step 6: Open rcomage. By default, it will be set to dump which is what we want. Click separate resource types into separate folders and decode vsmx scripts (nothing else should be ticked). Then, click browse next to RCO input and select your explore_plugin_full.rco. You can name the subsequent xml file to anything since it will only be used to recomple the rco.

Step 7: You should now have the file you just named alongside an Images and a Text folder. Open notepad++, click on the Text folder, and open the English file. From there, find the portion that says:

<Text name="msg_created_date_time_r">Creation Date </text>

and, change that to:

<Text name="msg_created_date_time_r">Alphabetical </text>

Step 8: Now, we will recompile the rco. Select xml input and choose the file that you had named before (the file outside of the folders). Then, select zlib as header compression and compile with RCO Output and name the file explore_plugin_full.rco.

Step 1: Grab the registory.xml from:


Step 2: Open the file with notepad++ or any other text editor, and find this string:

<Table key="sort_game">
<Pair key="time_created_descend"><String>sort=-Game:Common.stat.rating-Game:Common.timeCreated+Game:Common.titleForSort-Game:Game.category</String></Pair>
<Pair key="time_created_ascend"><String>sort=-Game:Common.stat.rating+Game:Common.timeCreated+Game:Common.titleForSort-Game:Game.category</String></Pair>

and, replace with:

<Table key="sort_game">
<Pair key="time_created_descend"><String>sort=-Game:Common.stat.rating-Game:Common.title+Game:Common.titleForSort-Game:Game.category</String></Pair>
<Pair key="time_created_ascend"><String>sort=-Game:Common.stat.rating+Game:Common.title+Game:Common.titleForSort-Game:Game.category</String></Pair>

Note: If you'd like to change the other sorting mechanics, always change the portion that says timeCreated. The + and - before GAME:Common (right before the location of change) indicates ascend or descend. As this denotes, it's backwards from the location within the explore_plugin_full.rco. Modify with caution as a typo could require a reinstallation of the fw considering you won't be able to change the sorting mechanic if nothing is displayed.

Step 3: If you have your explore_plugin_full.rco file (explained above in the explore_view.txt portion), replace this portion:

<Text name="msg_created_date_time_f">Creation Date </Text>
<Text name="msg_created_date_time_r">Creation Date </Text>


<Text name="msg_created_date_time_f">Alphabetical </Text>
<Text name="msg_created_date_time_r">Alphabetical </Text>

Note: I've highlighted the difference in maroon. As you can see, the sorting text is backwards from the way it's written within the registory.xml. You can either change the +/- positions in the registory.xml or change the up/down portion in the explore_plugin_full.rco. Don't do both. You can also replace the other sorting fields. The text is right below the portion I listed above within the registory.xml and explore_plugin_full.rco respectively.

Step 1: Extract the category_game.xml from the following location:


Step 2: Open the category_game.xml with any text editor and scroll down to:

View id="seg_gamedata"

within the long string, find (highlighted with red and yellow):

src="xcb://localhost/query?limit=2048&table=MMS_MEDIA_TYPE_HDD&sort=-Game:Common.timeCreated&cond=Ae+Game:Game.category GD+Oe+Game:Game.category 2D" />

and, replace that with:

src="xcb://localhost/query?limit=2048&table=MMS_MEDIA_TYPE_HDD&sort=+Game:Common.titleForSort&cond=Ae+Game:Game.category GD+Oe+Game:Game.category 2D" />

Note: The + and - before Game also designate ascend or descend respectively just like the registory.xml.

Step 3: Now, reenter Multiman and reenable flash access. Transfer the files back to their original locations.

Note: Disable flash access afterward to prevent rsod when turning off the system. You're now done!

Here is a collection of files I compiled for rebug 4.46.1 Rex:


hope you all find this helpful. :)

Thanks to Anonymous for discovering alphabetical sorting for psn games with the explore_view.txt

Thanks to Shaitan for discovering alphabetical sorting for dlc/gamedata with the category_game.xml.

★ How To Change And Create Your Own Coldboot (Normal & Colored) ★

Step 1: Enter Multiman and enable flash access (near the bottom of the system tier).

Step 2: Go to this location:

Step 3: Now, simply replace the coldboot.raf, coldboot_stereo.ac3, and the coldboot_multi.ac3 with whichever coldboot you wish. You can create or download them. And, as with any flash files, it's recommended you backup the original.

Here's the one I was using (I am not responsible for creating this):

It's the Sega Logo. :)

Note: Disable flash access once you're done or you could receive rsod when you reboot the system.

Step 1: First, download my compiled files (includes original repack logo .dds, .gtf, and coldboot files, HxD for hex editing, simplyzip for decompressing, first characters file for adding in the extension, dds2gtf and gtf2dds to convert the visual files, xviD4psp to create the ac3's, audacity to edit the sound files, and fully-extracted coldboot content such edge, skel, and script files):

and, in order for photoshop to handle .dds files correctly, you'll need this plugin:

Place them in the plug-ins/file format folder within the photoshop directory.
Step 2: Install the applicable programs if they are not already.

Step 3: Now, obtain your coldboot.raf, coldboot_multi.ac3, and coldboot_stereo.ac3 from:


Note: Disable flash access once you're done or you could receive rsod when you reboot the system.

Step 4: Once the files are on your computer, open HxD, copy the first seven blocks (extension) of the coldboot.raf into a new hex file (will be useful later). Then, delete them:

5F 52 41 46 00 19 11 40

Step 5: Now, open up simplyzip, select externalprogs, zlib, decompress, and click on your coldboot.raf.

Step 6: For the image files, you can use the supplied .dds files or create your own. You'll need six files, 3 for high-definition (new_logo, new_logo_blur, and new_logo_footer) as well as 3 for standard definition (new_logo_sd, new_logo_sd_blur, and new_logo_sd_footer). The resolutions need to be 700x350 and 240x120 respectively. For the sake of clarity, I'll name each file: new_logo, new_logo_blur, and new_logo_footer, new_logo_sd, new_logo_sd_blur, and new_logo_sd_footer.

Step 7: Edit the visual files however you wish. Whenever you save, use these settings for the .dds:

8  L  8 bpp | luminance with grey scale selected in image options w/ generate mip maps selected as all.

Note: These save options are to guarantee that the image is in black and white as well as the appropriate size. Also, make sure the footer image and the top of the logo do not overlap. The easiest method to create all photos is to begin with a 700x350 canvas, create the image at the top, save as new_logo.dds with the aforementioned settings, now add blur (filter, blur, gaussian) and save as new_logo_blur.dds. Finally, create the footer however you wish and save as new_logo_footer.dds. Afterward, open each image and change the image size to 240x120 and save as new_logo_sd.dds, new_logo_sd_blur.dds, and new_logo_sd_footer.dds respectively.

Step 8: Now, with the supplied dds2gtf, drag and drop each .dds file into the program to produce a gtf counterpart.

Step 9: Once you've finished, open up your coldboot file in HxD, click on edit, select block, and finally type in the starting block and the ending block for each image. Once you've done that, drag and drop each gtf into HxD to open it up. Click on the gtf hex boxes and use Ctrl+A to select the entire hex series. Override the applicable hex series of the coldboot file with paste+write. Here are the hex offsets for each gtf file within the coldboot:

  Start  End

new_logo.gtf =  1A50  7874F
new_logo_footer.gtf =  78750  EF44F
new_logo_blur.gtf =  EF450  16614F
new_logo_sd.gtf =  166150  17404F
new_logo_sd_footer.gtf =  174050  181F4F
new_logo_sd_blur.gtf =  181F50  18FE4F

Note: Offsets are not case-sensitive, so you can search for them using lowercase letters as well.

Step 10: Once you've saved, open simply zip, and compress the coldboot. After that, add in the beginning 7 blocks (first char file if you didn't save the blocks yourself):

5F 52 41 46 00 19 11 40

Step 11: Remove the extension that simply zip created, and readd .raf - coldboot.raf

Step 1: Download the dynamic theme editor from here (contains repack coldboot raf and .dds):


Step 2: Open the dynamic theme editor, select Angel Senki, and choose step 2 (edit the DDS files), and open AS_chara01.gtf_1.dds.

Step 3: Alter both the rgb (colored) and the alpha channels (white) with the coldboot you wish.

Note: My suggestion is to change the file as you wish within the original photo then copy and ctrl+V (paste). With the alpha, I'd suggest copying that second, then filling it with white while it's highlighted. Ctrl+V (paste) will assure both the alpha and rgb are synchronous.

Step 4: Once you're finished, save with these settings:

DXT5  ARGB  8 bpp | interpolated alpha w/ generate MIP maps set at 2

Note: You should now have a file that's 500 kilobytes. :)

Step 5: Now, tick every box in step five except As_chara01.edge. Then, select start. Once it finishes, hit Enter.

Note: By editing additional .dds files along the coldboot script (explained in the normal coldboot tutorial), it's possible to create dynamic coldboots. Once you've completed the coldboot, make sure the coldboot is not too large once compressed or the file may truncate as it's being transferred to the flash resulting in corruption.

Step 6: Click step 3, and you'll find a file named Anim_1.jpg. Rename that file to coldboot.raf. That file will be your colored raf (easily determined with a hex editor due to the raf extension within the first few blocks).

Step 7: Now, enable multiman's flash access and transfer the file to:


Note: Disable flash access once you're done.

It's possible to manipulate the coldboot's configuration (VSMX) script which can be found at the bottom of the decompressed raf file as per above. You'll be able to manipulate the size, duration, fade-in/fade-out, location, etc. for your coldboot. This works for both colored and normal coldboots. :) For this example, I'll use the VSMX script from my original ps3repack logo coldboot, but you can use your own if you wish. Just search for VSMX, highlight the offsets, scroll down to the bottom of the decompressed coldboot, and copy the hex series into another hex file. I'd recommend saving that file as coldboot.jsx for clarity's sake. The .jsx extension is the encoded version of the script file while the .js extension is the decoded version of the script file. Alternatively, you can drop the decompressed coldboot into p3textractor.exe to extract the coldboot image(s) and configuration files. Just remove the _1.gim extension. You'll know which file is the script file, because it'll have the .jsx extension before _1.gim.
Step 1: Download my compiled files (contains decoded/encoded coldboot script, rcomage, and bat files). If using your own script file, drag the file into the same folder as these files. Delete my decoded/encoded script files beforehand, and rename your .jsx file (if it isn't already) to coldboot.jsx:


Step 2: In order to decode, hold down the shift key and click the right button on your mouse. Then, select "Open Command Window Here." Now, type this command:

rcomage.exe vsmxdec coldboot.jsx coldboot.js

Note: Each image file is separated by its own set of configuration settings, so you can manipulate any image however if you wish. I'd recommend notepad++ to open and manipulate the coldboot.js file.

Step 3: In order to reencode, save your selection and type this command:

rcomage.exe vsmxenc coldboot.js coldboot.jsx

Note: I've included a bat file for encode/decode which contains the command lines for each. Double-click each one if you want to decode/encode quickly. Just make sure the file names are coldboot.jsx or coldboot.js respectively. Also, if you receive an error in which a 0KB file is output, it's most likely due to unique characters being present in the script. This can happen with Asian characters, so take note of them if they exist in your script file.

Step 4: Open the coldboot (decompressed) file along with the coldboot.jsx (the one you just reencoded), and "GOTO" offset 18FE50 of the coldboot. Highlight the entire coldboot.js file, copy, and paste+write over the entire VSMX section of the coldboot file. Once you're finished, compress the file as you would normally (explained above).

There are only a few slight variations to make the coldboot full-screen, and there's no reason to use the script file for this method. The only real difference here is that you'll want to use either the Prince of Persia or Heavy Rain background file (1920x1080 is their image size): SOT_Theme_BackGround.gtf_1.dds (Prince of Persia) or bg.gtf_1.dds (Heavy Rain). The method (normal image and alpha) is the same as before. However, you'll want to use these save settings:

DXT5  ARGB 8 bpp | interpolated alpha w/ Generate MIP maps set at 1

Note: Also, you should whiteout all other image files in order to reduce the size of the coldboot unless you want the coldboot to be dynamic. You can do that by altering the script and the other image files. However, make sure the coldboot isn't too large or it'll be truncated when transferring to the flash.
The coldboot will also be centered and stationary. Now, the steps are the same as before.

If you wish to replace the original audio, coldboot_stereo.ac3 and coldboot_multi.ac3, you'll need XviD4PSP. This is very easy to use.

Step 1: Click open to select the audio you wish to convert to ac3. The program will store temp files on the drive that the source is located.

Note: Since only the audio will be recorded, you can use either an audio or a video source.

Step 2: Now, make sure you enable these settings:

Format: Audio
Filtering: Disabled
Color Correction: Disabled
Video Encoding: Disabled
Audio Encoding: A3C 640K Quality

Now, select start for wherever you wish to start recording followed by end for wherever you wish to stop. Once you're happy with the selection, click trim.

Note: A coldboot ac3 file cannot be more than 8-9 seconds long (before epilepsy screen on applicable fw's), so I'd suggest staying within the 6 second range.

Step 3: Now, simply click encode with the filename coldboot_stereo.ac3 followed by encoding a second time with filename coldboot_multi.ac3.

Note: If you wish to add audio effects (i.e. fade-in, fade_out, etc.), select mp3 as the audio encoding type. Now, open the sound file with audacity and add your effects. You may need to install lame to encode the modified files as MP3. Audacity will detect whether or not you have lame installed and offer to take you to the download page if it isn't. Once you're finished, open the mp3 with XviD4PSP and perform the above steps to encode the mp3 into the appropriate files.

Step 4: Once everything is the way you'd like, transfer the coldboot.raf, coldboot_multi.ac3, and coldboot_stereo.ac3 to:


You're done!

Note: Disable flash access once you're done or you could receive rsod when you reboot the system.

Step 1: Download gtf2dds from here:


Note: Any other tools mentioned are available within my other tutorials.

Step 2: Drop the coldboot.raf into a hex editor and remove the first 7 blockd:

5F 52 41 46 00 19 11 40

Step 3: Open simplyzip, external progs, zlib, decompress, and select your coldboot.raf.

Step 4: Now, drop the unpacked coldboot into p3textractor.

Note: You'll have six (3 hd; 3 sd) files if using the method above or one if using the colored coldboot method below.

Step 5: Remove the _1.gim at the end of each file.

Step 6: Now, simply drop the file(s) into gtf2dds so that you can view it/them in photoshop.

Note: If you're looking to check audio, it's as simple as transferring the audio files from your flash to your pc and using XviD4PSP.

You're done!

Thanks to eustolio for discovering how to hex edit the coldboot.raf.

★ How To Use Update Debug ★

Step 1: First, we need to enable Update Debug; install rebug toolbox in order to set the qa flag token (debug menu type = qa).

Step 2: Scroll to system settings/network settings. Don't open network settings; instead, hold these buttons down which will make debug settings appear beneath network settings:

L2 + L1 + R1 + R2 + L3 + D-pad Down

Step 3: Enable update debug in the debug settings tier.

Step 4: Enter mm and open the mmos file manager.

Step 5: On the root of your hard drive (dev_hdd0), create a folder named updater.


Step 6: Within the updater folder, create folders 01, 02, 03, etc depending on how many update files you have or dump all update pups into a folder named 01.

Note: Use the former method if you want your update pups in a specific order.

Step 7: Within each of those folders, drop a ps3updat.pup file. However, instead of using the ps3updat.pup name, you can name the update file to anything (i.e. REBUG REX 4.46.1), and the .pup extension isn't required.

Step 8: In order to upgrade/downgrade, go over to system update within xmb, and update via system storage. You will be presented with a list of all update files that are on your hard drive along with whatever names you had previously selected for them. I hope you all find this useful. :)

★ How To Transfer PSX/PS2 Saves to the PS3 ★

Step 1: Open an ftp connection or manually enter:


Step 2: Within this directory, you'll see VM1 and VM2 extensions or ps1 and ps2 memory cards respectively. Transfer the VM1 and VM2 (if you want to inject PS2 saves) cards to your pc.

Step 3: Now, rename VM1 to MCR

Step 4: Open memory card rex:


Step 5: Click open to select the memory card then click import to inject the saves into the memory card.

Step 6: Once your finished, click save, rename the extension back to VM1, and transfer the memory card to its original location.

Step 7: Now, the files will not appear right away. Boot any ps1/psn game then exit. The saves should now be available.

This is basically the same process as the psx saves except you'll be using VM2 and mymc (the same app used for ps2 classics' save transfer):


Remember to enter and exit a ps2 game for your saves to appear. I don't believe a ps2 classic will work as it uses a different file format and is located in a different section. Also, mm utilizes its own saves for ps1 within the PSXISO folder on the root of your internal or external drive. Grab that vm1 (same file name as the bin/cue just different extension) and follow the above instructions to import/export between the ps1, ps2, or disc games on the ps3. If your having issues with a memory card (i.e. corrupted with no slots appearing in memory card rex), try this: export the save from the original memory card (i.e. within the PSXISO folder), grab the VM1 from dev_hdd0/savedata/vmc. Then, change its extension to mcr, open memory card rex, import your original save, transfer the memory card to the game location with the file name being the same as the bin/cue files for that particular game, and finally change the extension back to VM1.

I hope you all find this helpful. :)

★ How To Change And Create Your Own Gameboot ★

Step 1: Enter Multiman and enable flash access (near the bottom of the system tier).

Step 2: Go to this location:


Step 3: Now, simply replace the custom_render_plugin.rco. You can create or download this file. And, as with any flash file, it's recommended you backup the original with .bk or something similar.

Here's the one I use (I did not create this gameboot; it's only for testing purposes):

It's the Playstation 3 name. :)

Note: Disable flash access once you're done or you could receive rsod when you reboot the system.

Step 1: Download these files I made (these are from rebug 4.46 rex):

and rcomage:


Note: The files above are both the extracted and compiled versions of an iso gameboot I created. Or, you can use your own gameboot file, custom_render_plugin.rco in:


Step 2: Extract the custom_render_plugin.rco with rcomage. Leave the default options ticked.

Step 3: Once that's complete, open up tex_ps3logo.png (in the images folder) with photoshop or some other photo-editing software.

Step 4: If using photoshop (I'll assume as such), click the rectangular marquee tool (2nd from the top in the vertical tool box), and scroll over the white box and hit clear (under edit, clear) to remove all text. Now, you can either imbed graphics or text within the box. However, make sure neither images nor text branch outside of the box or they won't appear. Since the background will be black, I wouldn't recommend using black text or images. Any other color plus transparency seems to work best. Once finished, click save or ctrl+S, and you're done.

Note: You can change the position of the gameboot, its size, and even its depth with the accompanying xml file (the one you named).

Step 5: Recompile the rco with the compile button of rco mage with the header compression set at zlib.

Step 6: Enable dev_blind in MM, and transfer the compiled rco to:


Note: Disable flash access once you're done or you could receive rsod when you reboot the system.

Now, exit out of multiman and open up any app to see if the gameboot displays. Enjoy!

Step 1: Grab the game_ext_plugin.sprx. (in the vsh/module folder of the internal flash)

Step 2: Decrypt with scetool using this command line:

scetool -d game_ext_plugin.sprx game_ext_plugin.prx

Step 3: Edit the hex by way of this:

FW 3.00 - 4.50
find the byte sequence:  38 80 00 00 7B E3 00 20
replace with:            38 80 00 00 38 60 00 02

FW 4.53+
find the byte sequence:  2F 89 00 00 7B C3 00 20
replace with:            2F 89 00 00 38 60 00 02

Step 4: Then, use this code sequence:

scetool –verbose --template game_ext_plugin.sprx --sce-type=SELF --skip-sections=FALSE --compress-data=TRUE --encrypt game_ext_plugin.prx game_ext_plugin.sprx

If you want to add your own gameboot, the conversion code is as follows:

gimconv.exe tex_ps3logo.png -o tex_ps3logo.gim --format_style psp --format_endian big --image_format dxt5

I've found the location of the gameboot sound files (the same location as the custom_render_plugin.rco except it's not within the rco itself) by looking in the sprx files associated with the rco. They are gameboot_multi.ac3 and gameboot_stereo.ac3 which are available in sub 2.80, but sony removed them entirely above that. Place these files here:



Thanks to mysis for determining the hex for this mod. :)

★ How To Build A Custom XMB Wave

Step 1: Download this rar file (contains simplyzip, HxD, notepad++, all of my .DDS files, Wave Settings, proc_iridescent.tga, fre~.tga, the first characters of the 4.46 hex, and a 0’d out positioning red and white wave with added length, spacing, and speed along with a decompressed lines files for easy modification). Install all applicable files if you do not have them. Also, you might want to install Photoshop as well.


Step 2: Enable flash access in Multiman, and grab your lines.qrc file from:


Note: Disable flash access once you're done or you could receive rsod when you reboot the system.

Step 3: Open up HxD and drag-and-drop or open up the lines.qrc file directly, copy the first 7 blocks (00-07) of offset 00000000 into a blank hex file. Save this file as first char since it'll be needed later. Now, delete those first 7 blocks in the lines.qrc file.

Note: The header appears to be different between 3.41, 3.55, and 4.46 (the one that's in my pack). However, whether you're on Rogero or Rebug, it won't matter. As long as you're on the same fw version (i.e. 4.46), they'll be interchangeable. Supposedly, there's a difference between pal and ntsc lines.qrc, but after doing a comparison, I've not found any difference personally. Perhaps, there was a difference in sub 4.xx fw, but there's no difference between pal and ntsc in 4.46.

Step 4: Now, open up simplyzip, click external progs, zlib unpack, decompress, and select your lines.qrc file.

Step 5: Open up HxD again (if it isn't already) and drag-and-drop the lines (no extension) file.

Step 6: You'll have to override hex offsets in order to change the background color, wave settings, or prog_iridescent.tga. Here are the offsets (best if using edit, select starting block, select ending block, ctrl+A to select all of the.dds, wave settings, etc. hex then copy and paste-write to copy over each hex series quickly and easily):

BACKGROUND COLORS "Original" (Changes Every Month)
Start End Start End
rgb-01.dds = 13250 15D6F night-01.dds = 337D0 362EF
rgb-02.dds = 15D70 1888F night-02.dds = 362F0 38E0F
rgb-03.dds = 18890 1B3AF night-03.dds = 38E10 3B92F
rgb-04.dds = 1B3B0 1DECF night-04.dds = 3B930 3E44F
rgb-05.dds = 1DED0 209EF night-05.dds = 3E450 40F6F
rgb-06.dds = 209F0 2350F night-06.dds = 40F70 43A8F
rgb-07.dds = 23510 2602F night-07.dds = 43A90 465AF
rgb-08.dds = 26030 28B4F night-08.dds = 465B0 490CF
rgb-09.dds = 28B50 2B66F night-09.dds = 490D0 4BBEF
rgb-10.dds = 2B670 2E18F night-10.dds = 4BBF0 4E70F
rgb-11.dds = 2E190 30CAF night-11.dds = 4E710 5122F
rgb-12.dds = 30CB0 337CF night-12.dds = 51230 53D4F


Start End Start End

Wave Settings = 39F0 E15F noise.tga = E160 1137F
fre~0.tga = 11590 11BBF
fre~1.tga = 11BC0 121EF
fre~2.tga = 121F0 12A1F
fre~.tga = 12A20 1324F
proc_iridescent.tga = 6A790 7A7BF

Note: The colors chosen above are the actual colors of each corresponding background. Also, offsets are not case-sensitive, so you can search for them using lowercase letters as well.

Step 7: The .DDS files are the background of xmb with rgb being for themes while night is for the standard, no-theme xmb; each subsequent number follows a month (notice how the color of xmb changes with each month? these are the files responsible for that).

Note: The wave will change color as it passes through colored portions of the background. The proc_iridescent.tga can manipulate the wave colors, but it's not needed if you want to use simple colors. I've modified my lines.qrc with glowball1's original. However, there's a slight difference that I've noticed. The second line of the header is different, so I've injected the 4.46 header over glowball1's. Also, if you save the file in Photoshop as the last few hexes are zeroed out, so just type 00's at the bottom of the file to complete the offset. The proc_iridescent.tga within my pack has already had this done. :)

Step 8: Now, what we want to do is extract the .dds files or use the ones I've provided. You can extract these files by going to each offset and copying the entire hex series until you get to the next .dds file (designated by DDS at the beginning of the right-hand bar or the offsets I've given above. Also, night-12.dds will stop at the subsequent ELF file or offset 53D5F). Now, open up a new file and paste the .dds hex series. Save the file like they are above and load them in Photoshop. If you don't already have the necessary plugin, download this:

Place them in the plug-ins/file format folder within the photoshop directory.

Note: Make sure you download the one for your Photoshop version or you'll receive an error upon loading the .dds. Also, the ones I've provided are black only. I find that black produces a much more vibrant look to the wave itself.

Step 9: After you've extracted and manipulated the .dds and proc_iridescent.tga (if you choose to), open each .dds and the tga in HxD. Press Ctrl+A and copy the hex series of each file. Proceed to your lines file and select paste-write to write over the original hex values for each file. You'll know if you've done this correctly, because the files' will write over the original hexes without overlapping the next .dds or .elf file(s).

Note: Here are the save settings for the .dds files:

8:8:8:8 ARGB (32-bit) w/ generate mip maps and the number 5 in the drop box

and, the save settings for the targa (tga) are:

32 bits/pixel

I'd only advise manipulating the proc_iridescent.tga for added wave-coloring. The noise.tga is responsible for the particles that appear on xmb. However, this can be turned off via an option within the xmb itself. I believe the fre~.tga files are responsible for the aging of the backgrounds. If you've noticed, the backgrounds become darker depending on the time of day. They're separated into red, green, and blue with many variations of each color. Anyway, there's no need to modify these files either.

Note: If your save settings are incorrect, the hexes will not match as the .dds files with either be too long or too short. This is likely modifiable, but using these save settings are the safest and easiest method.

Step 10: Now, we're going to manipulate the Wave Settings (color or shape; for this tutorial, I'll only be doing color for now) with notepad++, so open notepad++ and select your Wave Settings. What we want to manipulate is:

3 RED:float:

3 GREEN:float:
3 BLUE:float:
4 RED:float:
4 GREEN:float:
4 BLUE:float:

Note: The 3 series is for the left hand portion of the wave while the 4 series is for the right hand portion.

Step 11: Copy over each portion including the subsequent number all the way to the hundredths place. Now, press CTRL+H to replace the content with your own values (percentage of red, green, and blue).


Find what: 3 RED:float:2.88
Replace with: 3 RED:float:1.80

Go here to determine the percentages:


Now, as an example, we'll use the color Thistle from that page with RGB percentages: 71%, 31%, 61% or RGB respectively.

Note: Since 3.0 represents 100% in the Wave Settings, we'll multiply the percentage by 3 and place the decimal before the tenths place like this:

R: 71*3 = 213 = 2.13

G: 31*3 = 0.93
B: 61*3 = 183 = 1.83

Also, you can go to this website. If you've found a particular color you like in an image somewhere, open the image in photoshop, nab the color code, transfer it over to the box on that website, and press enter. the rgb that's displayed is using the 300 scale, so use the rgb in the same manner as if you had already multiplied the percentage by 300 (i.e. 217 = 2.17; 89 = 0.89).


You'll plug these numbers into their corresponding sections of red, green, and blue with 3 being the left side of the wave and 4 being the right side of the wave. In other words, you can have two different colors simultaneously or just use the same color across the
entire wave.

Note: Remember to copy the entire section, 3 RED:float:2.88 for example, and select replace all. The reason for this is that it will only change all that fall into these parameters. If you do not copy the 3 RED:float: portion as well as the numbers up to the hundredths place, you could replace the wrong sections.

Step 12: Now, once you've modified the Wave Settings file, open up the Wave Settings file in HxD and copy the entire portion then go to the applicable offset of your lines file and replace that hex series ending with: 834.............. or offset E15F. Again, you'll know that it has worked properly as the Wave Settings won't overwrite any other portion.

The settings below the coloring affect the wave's shape. You can manipulate it anyway you'd like. Here are the primary settings (make sure to replace characters, not add or subtract them or the offsets won't match); rule of thumb is 0 is the lowest possible setting with 9 being the highest, so there will be no hex issues if you utilize that format:

LENGTH - the higher the value, the longer the wave
SPACING - the lower the value, the longer the wave
THINNESS - the higher the value the thicker the wave
BRIGHTNESS - the higher the value, the brighter the wave
TIMESTEP - the higher the value, the faster the wave
X, Y, Z wave positioning on screen with 0 being center; -9 being far left; 9 being far right

Step 13: Once you've saved your lines file, open up simplyzip, select externalprogs, click Zlib, and compress your lines file. This will result in lines.zlp. Open up that file in HxD, and write insert the first 7 blocks of the header again (first char file). Save and change the extension to .qrc.

Step 14: Now, transfer that file back to its applicable location in the flash:


Note: Disable flash access once you're done or you could receive rsod when you reboot the system.

Note: Exit Multiman to see if has worked. If the system freezes (i.e. softbrick), reinstall the fw in the recovery menu. Corruption of this file will not result in a permanent brick, so there's no need to worry about that. Also, don't worry if the qrc u've made is smaller than the original file. Since the file is compressed, a series of black .dds files will be significantly smaller than a series of .dds files that are all unique colors.

Thanks to Glowball1 of ps3hax for discovering this awesome mod.

★ How To Create An Edat Package ★

Step 1: Download my compiled files and drop them into a folder on your desktop:


Step 2: Open make_edat_pkg.txt with notepad:

echo ContentID = EP0001-NPEB00149_00-TMNTRESHELLED002>package.conf
echo Klicensee = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000>>package.conf
echo DRMType = Local>>package.conf
echo ContentType = License>>package.conf
echo PackageVersion = 01.00>>package.conf
make_package_npdrm.exe package.conf NPEB00149

Step 3: For the above entries in teal, enter the content ID of the content and the title id of the game respectively.

Step 4: Now, change the .txt extension to .bat and double-click it. A package with an edat and PS3LOGO.DAT will be created. Simply install the pkg afterward.

Note: You do not even need an edat in order to create one with a generic free license. The above is used for creating an edat from scratch as there's no actual data inside of the edat itself. Whenever an edat is used merely as a license file, the data inside is usually a raw image. If you'd like to create an edat of an image or any file, you can use TrueAncestor in order to generate one.

This is very easy to do.

Step 1: Extract the rar below anywhere on your pc/laptop:


Step 2: Make sure nothing is selected. Hold down shift and right-click on the mouse. Now, select Open Command Window Here.

Step 3: In the CMD window, type:

MakeUnlockC00PKG.exe -o (desired package name with .pkg extension and without the parenthesis) content id

Note: You can determine the content id by opening the PARAM.SFO.

Step 4: Click enter and you're done. Just install on your ps3 as normal.

Note: The C00 Edat will be installed to the profile that's signed in at the time. Also, you may have to disable your anti-virus application, because it may see MakeUnlockC00PKG.exe as a false positive. Reenable once finished. Enjoy!

The above is not what you'd find in a typical pkg that contains only an edat. Those are generally theme packages. Creating one is a relatively easy process.

Step 1: Open up the package.conf file and copy the following (I'll be using the above example):

ContentID = EP0001-NPEB00149_00-TMNTRESHELLED002
Klicensee = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ContentType = Theme
PackageVersion = 01.00
Note: The Content ID will need to match the accompanying rap in order for the theme to be decrypted. However, the content ID is irrelevant if you've fixed the theme package to accept a free klicense.

Step 2: Now, drop the theme edat/p3t into two separate folders like the example below:


Note: The CONTENTS portion must be a part of the second folder or make_package_npdrm will fail to create the theme package.

Step 3: Open a cmd window (mouse right-click + shift with nothing selected) within the folder with your package.conf and make_package_npdrm.exe files and type the following:

make_package_npdrm.exe package.conf [drag-and-drop the TMNTRESHELLED folder's location without the brackets] [drag-and-drop the TMNTRESHELLEDCONTENTS folder's location without the brackets

Step 4: Press Enter. You've now successfully created a theme package. :)

Normally, a package, unless it's a theme package, contains an SFO. The SFO information is stored in a metadata indexer located here:


The purpose of installs is to aid in loading information stored on the hard drive. Instead of the system loading every file (what the xbox 360 does), the system only needs to load the metadata indexer to know what's stored on the hard drive. That file is usually around 10MBs or so. Anyway, there's a method to install a file anywhere you'd like using an override command
like this (using the above example):

ContentID = EP0001-NPEB00149_00-TMNTRESHELLED002
Klicensee = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ContentType = Theme
PackageVersion = 01.00
ForcedInstallTo = TMNT

The Content Type is the base folder of where the contents of the package will install; the ForcedInstallTo is the location from within the base folder where the contents of the package will install. The ForcedInstallTo location will override the folder name used when generating the package.

Note: To install anywhere (not just the base location), add ../ followed by the location you wish to install to (i.e. ../tmp/). The .. indicates that you're going up a directory. If you have the ContentType = as either gamedata, game, or gameexec, you'll go up one directory to the dev_hdd0 root where you can then install anywhere. Each ../ indicates going up one directory, so multiple uses of it will redirect the package install location. Be warned that this will create a blank space on the xmb due to no PARAM.SFO being installed. The install is recorded in the metadata indexer, but it has no parameters through the PARAM.SFO; thus, no information is recorded aside from its location.

★ How To Know Whether A Package Is Corrupted ★

Step 1: Download these files I've compiled and store them all in a single folder on your desktop:


Step 2: Open EP0001-NPEB00149_00-TMNTRESHELLED002.pkg with any hex editor (I personally use HxD for everything) and scroll down to the bottom two lines:

35 5F C9 EF 78 16 F9 DB 99 B6 78 3A F4 D1 59 90
30 A2 2F 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

The sha1 is everything up 'til the continuous 00 blocks (padding).

Step 3: Delete those two lines and save (a backup will be created, so you won't have to use save as.

Step 4: Open up command prompt (shift+right click and open command window here) and type:

fciv -sha1 EP0001-NPEB00149_00-TMNTRESHELLED002.pkg

The sha1 will be displayed, and as you can see, it'll match the last two lines of the complete pkg. This is what the system uses to determine package integrity. Of course, there are other ways in which package corruption may occur, but this is by far the most common.

★ How To Open The System Information Menu ★

Step 1: Go to System Settings/System Information on the xmb.

]Step 2: Hold Down :but L1 + R1 + directional pad left:+ square: for a few seconds.

Step 3: Now, release the buttons and immediately press start.
Note: The :but start: button must remain pressed for the menu to remain unless you press :dir left: once. The only real advantage to this menu is that you can definitively determine the console type you are using: kiosk, shop, cex, dex, etc.

★ How To Remove Content/Change Category Names In XMB ★

Step 1: Download the files I've compiled (rcomage, notepad++, explore_plugin_full.rco, and category_game.xml). You only need rcomage and notepad++ (if you don't already have a sufficient text editor), but the other two files (from 4.46 rex) are my examples with explore_plugin_full.rco listing the game tier as PS3ISO Content and category_game.xml having had the ps vita section removed (who needs it anyway? :P)


Step 2: Now, enable flash access in multiman and proceed to these two locations:


to grab the explore_plugin_full.rco.



to grab any category xml file. For the example, I'll be using category_game.xml to remove the ps vita application utility.

Note: Disable flash access once you're done or you could receive rsod when you reboot the system.

Step 3: Open category_game.xml with notepad++ or any text editor and delete these lines:


    <View id="seg_psp2appdata">
            <Table key="psp2appdata">
                <Pair key="icon_rsc"><String>tex_album_icon</String></Pair>
                <Pair key="icon_notation"><String>WNT_XmbItemAlbum</String></Pair>
                <Pair key="title_rsc"><String>msg_vita_application_utility</String></Pair>
                <Pair key="str_noitem"><String>msg_error_no_content</String></Pair>         
                <Pair key="action"><String>exec_psp2appdata</String></Pair>
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpsp2appdata" key="psp2appdata"  attr="psp2appdata"/>
    <View id="seg_psp2appdata_vita">
            <Table key="psp2appdata_vita">
                <Pair key="title_rsc"><String>msg_applications_vita</String></Pair>
                 <Pair key="type"><String>vita</String></Pair>
            <Item class="type:x-xmb/xmlpsp2appdata-cont" key="psp2appdata_vita" attr="psp2appdata_vita" />
    <View id="seg_psp2appdata_psp">
            <Table key="psp2appdata_psp">
                <Pair key="title_rsc"><String>msg_applications_psp_other</String></Pair>
                <Pair key="type"><String>psp</String></Pair>
            <Item class="type:x-xmb/xmlpsp2appdata-cont" key="psp2appdata_psp" attr="psp2appdata_psp" />
    <View id="seg_psp2appdata_ps1">
            <Table key="psp2appdata_ps1">
                <Pair key="title_rsc"><String>msg_applications_ps1</String></Pair>
                <Pair key="type"><String>ps1</String></Pair>
            <Item class="type:x-xmb/xmlpsp2appdata-cont" key="psp2appdata_ps1" attr="psp2appdata_ps1" />
    <View id="seg_psp2appdata_psm">
            <Table key="psp2appdata_psm">
                <Pair key="title_rsc"><String>msg_applications_psm</String></Pair>
                <Pair key="type"><String>psm</String></Pair>
        <Item class="type:x-xmb/xmlpsp2appdata-cont" key="psp2appdata_psm" attr="psp2appdata_psm" />

Note: The ps vita is referred to as both the ps vita as well as psp2 as per the first portion.

Step 4: Save and open rcomage. Tick these two options: Separate resource types into separate folders and decode VSMX Scripts. Now, click Dump (you can name the xml anything you wish).

Step 5: Now, open the Text/English folder. At the top of the file will be a list of tier categories. Change them to whatever you'd like.

Step 6: Recompile the rco with the same rco name, explore_plugin_full.rco, and click zlib as header compression.

Step 7: Transfer the files back to their original locations on your system.

Note: As always, remember to disable flash access afterward.
You're done!

Note: With the category_game.xml, you can also alter the package install location. Near the bottom of the file, you'll find the install paths as well as their deletion paths (if on rebug). og (rebug) refers to the root install path, usb install location refers to the packages' folder (rebug) or the root (rogero, et al) on the usb (hdd as well if on rogero et. al), and hdd install location refers to the packages' folder on the internal hdd (if on rebug, rebug toolbox is also supplementary to the hdd install path even though it's contained within the flash). Just replace one of the existing install paths, and you'll be fine. Remember to do the same for the deletion path if on rebug. :) Here's a comparison between Rogero 4.46.1 and Rebug 4.46 Rex:

    <View id="seg_packages">
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_host" src="host://localhost/q?path=/app_home/&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_bdvd" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_bdvd&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_ms"  src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_ms&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb0" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb000&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb1" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb001&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb2" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb002&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb3" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb003&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb4" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb004&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb5" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb005&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb6" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb006&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb7" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb007&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_hdd0" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_hdd0/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package"/>

Note: The yellow above indicates the root or the packages folder on the internal hdd as you can see at the bottom of the list. This should be applicable to other non-dex fw as well.

    <View id="seg_install_files_og_path">
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_host" src="host://localhost/q?path=/app_home/&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_bdvd" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_bdvd&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_ms"  src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_ms&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb0" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb000&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb1" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb001&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb2" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb002&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb3" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb003&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb4" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb004&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb5" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb005&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb6" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb006&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb7" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb007&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />

    <View id="seg_delete_files_og_path">
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_host" src="host://localhost/q?path=/app_home/&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_bdvd" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_bdvd&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_ms"  src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_ms&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb0" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb000&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb1" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb001&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb2" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb002&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb3" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb003&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb4" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb004&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb5" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb005&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb6" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb006&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb7" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb007&suffix=.pkg" />

    <View id="seg_install_usb_path">
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_host" src="host://localhost/q?path=/app_home/packages/&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_bdvd" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_bdvd/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_ms"  src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_ms/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb0" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb000/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb1" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb001/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb2" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb002/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb3" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb003/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb4" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb004/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb5" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb005/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb6" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb006/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb7" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb007/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package" />

    <View id="seg_delete_usb_path">
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_host" src="host://localhost/q?path=/app_home/packages/&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_bdvd" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_bdvd/packages&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_ms"  src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_ms/packages&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb0" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb000/packages&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb1" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb001/packages&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb2" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb002/packages&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb3" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb003/packages&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb4" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb004/packages&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb5" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb005/packages&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb6" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb006/packages&suffix=.pkg" />
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_usb7" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_usb007/packages&suffix=.pkg" />

    <View id="seg_install_files_hdd0_path">
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_flash" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_flash/rebug/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package"/>
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/xmlpackagefolder" key="host_provider_hdd0" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_hdd0/packages&suffix=.pkg&subclass=x-host/package"/>

    <View id="seg_delete_files_hdd0_path">
            <Query class="type:x-xmb/folder-pixmap" key="host_provider_hdd0" attr="host_provider_hdd0" src="host://localhost/q?path=/dev_hdd0/packages&suffix=.pkg"/>

How To Remove Entire Tiers/Categories - This is fairly easy, so I'll keep it short. You need the xmb_plugin_normal.rco and the xmb_ingame.rco. Grab each from your dev_blind.

Then, extract with rco mage. After that, go into the main xml file, and delete the tiers you don't want from Object Tree/Page name/XMenu name/XMList name. After that's done, scroll to XMenu - menus: "0xa." Now, change that to reflect how many tiers you want. "0xa" = 10; "0x5" = 5. It's that simple.

Thanks to Sandungas for telling me how to remove entire tiers

★ How To Avoid PSN Requirement For Netlix, Amazon, and Hulu ★

Normally, in order to access any of several video services, you must be signed into PSN. However, this requirement can be avoided if PSN is down or assumed down. If you block, all PSN servers, you can successfully use your favorite video service without the fear of being banned.

Simply, block these connections in your router settings:


These are only US connections. If you live in a different region, you'll need to examine your connection history or use a proxy to determine the appropriate addresses.

Thanks to blazedhobo for the heads up on this trick.

★ How To Use Scetool GUI ★

Step 1: Double-click Scetool GUI and browse to your encrypted file (i.e. EBOOT.BIN as per this example).

Step 2: Once you've loaded your encrypted file, select decrypt.

]Note: This will add the extension .ELF to the EBOOT.BIN (.ELF is the decrypted version of a .SELF file).

Step 3: Select 'enable encryption', browse to the EBOOT.BIN.ELF file, choose the appropriate selections in the left sidebar, and click encrypt.

Note: If you're unsure which files to select, choose 'show file info' for the encrypted file (i.e. EBOOT.BIN, not EBOOT.BIN.ELF) The notable portions are the self-type, the fw version, auth-ID, and application version. For self-type, this can either be application (retail) or npdrm (package). fw version is obvious. auth-ID is the type of file (i.e. update), so it's more specific than self-type, and this is largely what the categories within xmb use to differentiate one file type from another. Application version is self-explanatory (i.e. 1.00, or update 1.01, etc.). Some retail applications are not 1.00 even though they may be the first version to be released. If you are using a package EBOOT.BIN, you'll need to insert the title ID. Also, if you wish the system to reflect this change, you must repackage the sfo and install or the sfo and the encrypted EBOOT.BIN will not match as per the fw version. The sfo itself is what tells the system which key to use to decrypt the EBOOT.BIN upon boot-up. Failure to change both will cause an error. Also, this must be done for retail games as well. It's the same process aside from the installation portion.

Step 4: You'll now have EBOOT.BIN.ELF.SELF. Remove the .ELF.SELF portion from the file name and test the file.

Note: .ELF = Decrypted; .SELF = Encrypted. The EBOOT.BIN is a .SELF file despite the missing extension. Scetool GUI added these extensions since you’ve decrypted the file, then encrypted it again.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damage you may cause to your ps3. Just follow the instructions, and you’ll be fine! :)
Last edited by godreborn,


Welcome to the Machine
Oct 10, 2009
United States
here are the .dds files since they're harder to find on the nvidia site. place them in the plug-ins/file formats folder:

Last edited by godreborn,


Welcome to the Machine
Oct 10, 2009
United States
I'm going to try editing my ps3 tutorials by deleting some of the unnecessary ones or ones that I don't like, hopefully consolidating them into one op. temp has a limit of 100,000 characters per post, which is why they're split in half. I may be able to get them all into one op, but I'm not sure. I'm proud of my new, ps4 tutorials. they're based on my own experiences (just like my ps3 ones).


Welcome to the Machine
Oct 10, 2009
United States
looks like most of my links are dead yet they still exist on mediafire. I don't know how that even happened, but it's too difficult for me to maintain the links at this present time. it's not so much keeping them up, but finding where each one goes in a 100,000 character post. I made the link names difficult to discern just to avoid them being taken down. I think I originally used safelinking (is that even still up!?).

anyway, almost everything, except maybe g2d, is easy to find with a quick google search. if you can't find something, I'll post a link, but first I need to remove my templates. I'm no longer associated with the site they were made for, and it brings back bad memories and faux friends who cared more about a stupid website than our friendship. you don't need them anyway as they were just examples. I've also removed my coldboots to another site, since I'm no longer associated with them either. temp is the only site that I'm on currently. as of now, it may be better if I just answer help questions rather than write tutorials from here on out, because I don't have control of the tutorials once posted.

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