ok I used lockpick_rcm.bin ( I am on 8.1.0) and I have my prod.keys and have renamed it keys.txt, do I have to “set it up” a certain why a right way it layout ??
I don't know what you're using it for, but you probably don't have to do more than rename it, depending on your use of it.ok I used lockpick_rcm.bin ( I am on 8.1.0) and I have my prod.keys and have renamed it keys.txt, do I have to “set it up” a certain why a right way it layout ??
Dude can i have a copy of them? i cant get them ANYWERE,i would apretiate a lot.ok I used lockpick_rcm.bin ( I am on 8.1.0) and I have my prod.keys and have renamed it keys.txt, do I have to “set it up” a certain why a right way it layout ??
Dude can i have a copy of them? i cant get them ANYWERE,i would apretiate a lot.
i cant play xenoblade and dragonball figtherz anymore in any way cuz of compatibility issues, the onlysolution isto use v7 or higher keys but i cant have them cuz im a sxos usser, the switchonly register custom xci games but not with all dlc and since this damn machine records data it doesnt let me play them EVENif i have all update and dlc installed apart, i have been looking for a fix for monts and cant find one, seems the problem is the keyswhat do you need it for ? I'll help you ... can't send that kind of file on this site.
i cant play xenoblade and dragonball figtherz anymore in any way cuz of compatibility issues, the onlysolution isto use v7 or higher keys but i cant have them cuz im a sxos usser, the switchonly register custom xci games but not with all dlc and since this damn machine records data it doesnt let me play them EVENif i have all update and dlc installed apart, i have been looking for a fix for monts and cant find one, seems the problem is the keys
I am not a SXOS user , but with ATMO you do not need a keys file to play.. I am pretty sure SXOS is the same. I am pretty sure you have some thing else going on. what firmware are you on ? and you do have the latest SXOS ?
Sound like you updated the games past the required firmware that you are using.
i cant play xenoblade and dragonball figtherz anymore in any way cuz of compatibility issues, the onlysolution isto use v7 or higher keys but i cant have them cuz im a sxos usser, the switchonly register custom xci games but not with all dlc and since this damn machine records data it doesnt let me play them EVENif i have all update and dlc installed apart, i have been looking for a fix for monts and cant find one, seems the problem is the keys
if that's the case... your saveganes atre a sperate file on your switch... go into system settings reove just the game data not the save data and then get a verified xci or nsp source of the xenoblade andreinstall it should just load your save data... yo could load edizon and make a backup of your save data then do 1st thing I said and remove all save and game content... then reinstall and restore save with edizonI have the latest update 8.01i think or 8.1 dont quite remember ialso habe sx os beta 2.7.1 i have zero idea on how to use atmosphere cuz i have auto rcm cuz i dont have the sxos usb thing or the jig,i use toplay it allthetime untiliused a cutom xci withall data on it, afther that all that stuff happend
i have auto rcm cuz i dont have the usb or jig,is safe to use the lockpick rcm? willit not turn of auto rcm?If you use lockpick_rcm correctly and overwrite your keys on firmware 8.1 you should get all keys even 8---------. read the prod.keys file and see if its complete by opening it with notepad. then make sure you have all correct espatches for your firmware.... as I think your issue is due tov that and as long as you trun lockpick_rcm latest release it will get almost all your needed "keys" that relevant. I played and installed both those titles np and also I am not sure if its still required but print your tsec keys using hekate ang your kfuse also. that's all I cn say for that and I wouldn't recommend it totally but you can google complete keys.txt file for 8.1 and pretty much get the same file......
ah yes i have tried that many many times, with way to diferent files, forsome reazon even if installed japanesevoiceis not detectedin any form or shape, its a really odd situationi have auto rcm cuz i dont have the usb or jig,is safe to use the lockpick rcm? willit not turn of auto rcm?
no it doesn't turn it off. you will still need a payload dumping method.... like rcm_gui or rcm loader sx loader dongles... if you can reach hb menu you can also install payload launcher from the app store and then browse to it on your sd card anjd run it from there but it doesn't turn off auto rcm…. and if I remember correctly the latest atmosphere has reset abilty kinda coldboot option meaning in some cases the system can even be reset and as long as auto rcm is 'on" it will perform complete rebootv sequence... 1 more thing make sure you read lockpick_rcm methoud instruction to perforn action correctly on the screen like press power or volume+ make sure you chpoose correctly.. it wont be bad it just wont give you the file you need
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if you hold vol- wheb rebooting into sx os firmware it will reload the sx os menue as well.... atmosphere using hekate not rcm_primary.bin is the opposite vol+ you may need to be quick in your situation witout a payload duping method but it can be done it the boot cycle... if keyed right... then if needed you can turnm rcm off on and enable disable emunand basicly access presystem options
the xci has to be updated to support new firmware... if you updated that's your issue.. wich is the main reason I stay away from "custom xci" look for dlc unlocker that may solve your problem not sure if available as not always but do not use the same custom xci with dlc unlocker
custom xci files are rare and in most cases not updated every time a new firmware is released. my experience with this I can give as an example is the patched youtube app it would break after almost if not all firmware revsions… wich is why I keep mine on the real nand and use emmunand for roms and hb but that's another story... you will probly have to find a new version of the custom xci file that states firmware compateblity because regular updates usualy cant be successfully applied to custom xci.... its most cases if xci not updated game wont work you need real files and updates and dlc unlockers… that's the best way to go.... if you reinstall the real version and it needs to be updated you can just choose to run without updating.... or look into a solution like hbgshop… but that's just 1 example... and it has mixed reviews. so if you go that route its on you..... wether it worked for me is mute.....How do i update the xci to suport new firmware? i also will stay away from customs from now on.