I hate the limited memory of the DS.
The psp version will have more classes, unique/rare gear found in multiplayer and alot of player customizability.
We get a wider range of different enemies, and a robot side kick.
If every player I play with has the same gear I am gonna be disappointed.
PSP-70 class/race possibilities
DS-9 Class/race abilities
DS has 60 side quests
PSP 150 ide quests.
PSP has six uge boss battles that we won't get.
"The DS game, for instance, has a robot sidekick you can customize. The PSP version has more robust character customization. Other differences include very different storylines, implementations of how the Arts system works, and viewpoints in battle. In addition, multiplayer is implemented in very different fashions. On the PSP, you can find rare, exclusive gear while exploring dungeons. In summary, if you wanted to buy both games, you can get a unique experience from each one. "
I am gonna buy a psp ( not just for this, but for certain games/emulation reasons)