Norris' guide to Wii u emulation on gamepad

I've seen a lot of these big guides that list how to play every game from each system but a lot of them miss out on some things which might be useful (links to forwarders, how to play rom hacks, links to guides) so here I'm going to try and make something to help out all those who want to use there Wii u to the fullest I'm going to be going over only Nintendo consoles but I might edit this post to add other console's



NES: the nes is the first Nintendo system which means there are many ways to emulate it my personal recommendation is to use the RetroArch crazy Mac set up which provides all NES roms this does however require you to have a decent sized SD card recommend is 128gb another another method you can use it vc Injection this one is the one I would not recommend due to how long it takes to inject just one rom and there's a title limit on the Wii u home menu but it does bring conveince due to the fact you can just open it straight from the home screen another method is to use the Wii NES emulator called FCE ULTRA GX and create a forwarded using tecnommoons wiivc injector to open it from the home screen and with gamepad support the last method I know of is liteNESU a nes emulator on the Wii u side to my knowledge I don't know of any forwarders for it all of these methods work with NES rom hacks besides the vc Injection

Links too all methods listed

Retroarch/crazymac setup

Vc Injection method

Wii FCE ULTRA GX method

to my knowledge no guides have been made so I'll make my own and provides links to threads and whatnot

Your gonna want the FCE ULTRA GX dol file n the apps folder not the Wii u homebrew instead vwii apps folder (the folder on root) then you want to use tecnommoons wiivc injector to create the forwarder and install it with wup installer GX when you open the app you need to have cfw enabled open the app and close it then shut off the Wii u and take the SD card out of the Wii u now plug it into your PC and drop your Roms on it


Wiibrew link to FCE ULTRA GX

Link to tecnommoons wiivc Injector

Link to liteNESU (not recommended)



In my opinion the best way to play SNES games is through retroarch crazy Mac setup which has all the SNES roms with cheats/rom hacks support another way is through vc Injection the same as NES roms also convenient because of gamepad and on the homescreen but is tedious the last method I know of is through the vwii emulator Snes 9x GX which is the best option if you don't like retroarch this option also has gamepad support and can be loaded from the homescreen with cfw ofc

Links to all methods listed

Retroarch/crazymac setup

Vc Injection method

For the vwii emulator once again there is not a guide as I know of so I will be explaining what to do and links some resources first download SNES 9X GX and put in the Wii homebrew apps folder then open tecnonmoons wiivc injector and create a forwarder then put the wup file created on the install folder on your SD card load up cfw and install through wup installer GX 2 now open it up make sure you have cfw enabled before you open the app then close it and turn off the Wii u take the SD out once the Wii u is powered off then drop the roms on the sd card

Link to SNES 9X GX Wii Brew page

Link to tecnonmoons wiivc injector

Since the way you emulate these are so similar I'ma just list them all as one so first of we ofc have the usual retroarch/crazymac once again my recommend set up but there are other ways another option is on the Wii u homebrew side for once but only emualtes Gameboy games not gba/gbc if you really want to use this also it doesn't have sound (I don't recommend it) open the homebrew app store and install gacubeboy and And do the usual open it close it turn off the Wii u and add your Roms the much better option to this is a gbc emulator known as Gbinne once again no gba support but does support gbc but my personal recommendation for gba/gbc/gb besides retroarch would be vba GX a vwii side emualtor meaning that it supports booting from homescreen and gba/gbc/gb a solid pic if you don't like retroarch the last method know of and one I really don't recommend is the vc Injection method due to how tedious it is and lack of customization but it does support all gba/gbc/gb games and is right on the homescreen all of these methods besides injection support rom hacks

Vc Injection method

Gbinne method

Once again the wiivc homebrew method there isn't a guide for if you have been reading this you should have got the gist by now download VBA GX and put it on your Wii homebrew apps folder then make a forwarder with tecnonmoons vc injector install with cfw on and with wup installer gx2 then make sure cfw is still on open and close the app shut down the Wii u and take out the SD card and add your Roms

Link to tecnonmoons Wii vc injector

Link to VBA GX

Finally we're onto the big boy stuff now tw this is about to be epic there are only 2 methods for N64 emulatuion on the Wii u gamepad the first one that I use and recommend is N64 vc Injection onto the homescreen as the compality is very high and I haven't find a game that won't run this method does not support rom hacks as fair as I'm aware this method is using the UWUVCI Injection tool my personal favorite the second method is through the Wii emulator not64 which supports rom hacks

Vc Injection method
Because of how easy this is I'll just explain it here grab your N64 rom you want to use and open UWUVCI Injection tool download the base and follow the steps it prompts when asking for the title key look it up I can't give it here after following the steps it says inject it and id recommend to just save it to your desktop make sure it's in the wup format then put it on the install folder on your Wii u sd card then put the sd card into the Wii u open cfw and open wup installer GX 2 install to USB or nand and now you can open the game from the home menu but cfw must be enabled

Not 64 method
This method is too complicated to explain here so I'ma just link a video that does just that this method does support rom hacks and the gamepad

Ok now we're in the big boy zone tighten your seat belts cause this is gonna be a tough one there is only one way to play GameCube games on the gamepad and it's through injection the method is way to long to explain here so I'll just link a video (to my knowledge rom hacks do not work if you want rom hacks I don't believe you can use a Gamepad

here we go with the Wii my favorite out of all the Nintendo consoles there is only one way to play Wii games on the gamepad also please note you can only play Wii games on gamepad if the game can be played with just a pro controller games such as Wii sports super Mario Galaxy etc. Will not work on gamepad this method also uses Wii vc Injection (who would of guessed) you can either use UWUVCI or tecnonmoons wiivc injector I personally use UWUVCI but there is not a guide for it tho there is a guide for tecnonmoons method

Tecnonmoons wiivc injector method

For the UWUVCI your going to need to know how UWUVCI works already because there isn't a guide and I'm too lazy to make one d: if you want to use this method watch this video about it

Thank you so much for reading If there are any questions reply and I will edit this post and hopefully help you out I'll be adding Sega consoles soon!!!! <3


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2021
United States
Gonna make a YouTube video based on this probably gonna be really long so don't expect it to come out in a bit also I'll add Sega consoles in that video!!!!
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Nov 19, 2020
United States
I've seen a lot of these big guides that list how to play every game from each system but a lot of them miss out on some things which might be useful (links to forwarders, how to play rom hacks, links to guides) so here I'm going to try and make something to help out all those who want to use there Wii u to the fullest I'm going to be going over only Nintendo consoles but I might edit this post to add other console's



NES: the nes is the first Nintendo system which means there are many ways to emulate it my personal recommendation is to use the RetroArch crazy Mac set up which provides all NES roms this does however require you to have a decent sized SD card recommend is 128gb another another method you can use it vc Injection this one is the one I would not recommend due to how long it takes to inject just one rom and there's a title limit on the Wii u home menu but it does bring conveince due to the fact you can just open it straight from the home screen another method is to use the Wii NES emulator called FCE ULTRA GX and create a forwarded using tecnommoons wiivc injector to open it from the home screen and with gamepad support the last method I know of is liteNESU a nes emulator on the Wii u side to my knowledge I don't know of any forwarders for it all of these methods work with NES rom hacks besides the vc Injection

Links too all methods listed

Retroarch/crazymac setup

Vc Injection method

Wii FCE ULTRA GX method

to my knowledge no guides have been made so I'll make my own and provides links to threads and whatnot

Your gonna want the FCE ULTRA GX dol file n the apps folder not the Wii u homebrew instead vwii apps folder (the folder on root) then you want to use tecnommoons wiivc injector to create the forwarder and install it with wup installer GX when you open the app you need to have cfw enabled open the app and close it then shut off the Wii u and take the SD card out of the Wii u now plug it into your PC and drop your Roms on it


Wiibrew link to FCE ULTRA GX

Link to tecnommoons wiivc Injector

Link to liteNESU (not recommended)



In my opinion the best way to play SNES games is through retroarch crazy Mac setup which has all the SNES roms with cheats/rom hacks support another way is through vc Injection the same as NES roms also convenient because of gamepad and on the homescreen but is tedious the last method I know of is through the vwii emulator Snes 9x GX which is the best option if you don't like retroarch this option also has gamepad support and can be loaded from the homescreen with cfw ofc

Links to all methods listed

Retroarch/crazymac setup

Vc Injection method

For the vwii emulator once again there is not a guide as I know of so I will be explaining what to do and links some resources first download SNES 9X GX and put in the Wii homebrew apps folder then open tecnonmoons wiivc injector and create a forwarder then put the wup file created on the install folder on your SD card load up cfw and install through wup installer GX 2 now open it up make sure you have cfw enabled before you open the app then close it and turn off the Wii u take the SD out once the Wii u is powered off then drop the roms on the sd card

Link to SNES 9X GX Wii Brew page

Link to tecnonmoons wiivc injector

Since the way you emulate these are so similar I'ma just list them all as one so first of we ofc have the usual retroarch/crazymac once again my recommend set up but there are other ways another option is on the Wii u homebrew side for once but only emualtes Gameboy games not gba/gbc if you really want to use this also it doesn't have sound (I don't recommend it) open the homebrew app store and install gacubeboy and And do the usual open it close it turn off the Wii u and add your Roms the much better option to this is a gbc emulator known as Gbinne once again no gba support but does support gbc but my personal recommendation for gba/gbc/gb besides retroarch would be vba GX a vwii side emualtor meaning that it supports booting from homescreen and gba/gbc/gb a solid pic if you don't like retroarch the last method know of and one I really don't recommend is the vc Injection method due to how tedious it is and lack of customization but it does support all gba/gbc/gb games and is right on the homescreen all of these methods besides injection support rom hacks

Vc Injection method

Gbinne method

Once again the wiivc homebrew method there isn't a guide for if you have been reading this you should have got the gist by now download VBA GX and put it on your Wii homebrew apps folder then make a forwarder with tecnonmoons vc injector install with cfw on and with wup installer gx2 then make sure cfw is still on open and close the app shut down the Wii u and take out the SD card and add your Roms

Link to tecnonmoons Wii vc injector

Link to VBA GX

Finally we're onto the big boy stuff now tw this is about to be epic there are only 2 methods for N64 emulatuion on the Wii u gamepad the first one that I use and recommend is N64 vc Injection onto the homescreen as the compality is very high and I haven't find a game that won't run this method does not support rom hacks as fair as I'm aware this method is using the UWUVCI Injection tool my personal favorite the second method is through the Wii emulator not64 which supports rom hacks

Vc Injection method
Because of how easy this is I'll just explain it here grab your N64 rom you want to use and open UWUVCI Injection tool download the base and follow the steps it prompts when asking for the title key look it up I can't give it here after following the steps it says inject it and id recommend to just save it to your desktop make sure it's in the wup format then put it on the install folder on your Wii u sd card then put the sd card into the Wii u open cfw and open wup installer GX 2 install to USB or nand and now you can open the game from the home menu but cfw must be enabled

Not 64 method
This method is too complicated to explain here so I'ma just link a video that does just that this method does support rom hacks and the gamepad

Ok now we're in the big boy zone tighten your seat belts cause this is gonna be a tough one there is only one way to play GameCube games on the gamepad and it's through injection the method is way to long to explain here so I'll just link a video (to my knowledge rom hacks do not work if you want rom hacks I don't believe you can use a Gamepad

here we go with the Wii my favorite out of all the Nintendo consoles there is only one way to play Wii games on the gamepad also please note you can only play Wii games on gamepad if the game can be played with just a pro controller games such as Wii sports super Mario Galaxy etc. Will not work on gamepad this method also uses Wii vc Injection (who would of guessed) you can either use UWUVCI or tecnonmoons wiivc injector I personally use UWUVCI but there is not a guide for it tho there is a guide for tecnonmoons method

Tecnonmoons wiivc injector method

For the UWUVCI your going to need to know how UWUVCI works already because there isn't a guide and I'm too lazy to make one d: if you want to use this method watch this video about it

Thank you so much for reading If there are any questions reply and I will edit this post and hopefully help you out I'll be adding Sega consoles soon!!!! <3

I've seen a lot of these big guides that list how to play every game from each system but a lot of them miss out on some things which might be useful (links to forwarders, how to play rom hacks, links to guides) so here I'm going to try and make something to help out all those who want to use there Wii u to the fullest I'm going to be going over only Nintendo consoles but I might edit this post to add other console's



NES: the nes is the first Nintendo system which means there are many ways to emulate it my personal recommendation is to use the RetroArch crazy Mac set up which provides all NES roms this does however require you to have a decent sized SD card recommend is 128gb another another method you can use it vc Injection this one is the one I would not recommend due to how long it takes to inject just one rom and there's a title limit on the Wii u home menu but it does bring conveince due to the fact you can just open it straight from the home screen another method is to use the Wii NES emulator called FCE ULTRA GX and create a forwarded using tecnommoons wiivc injector to open it from the home screen and with gamepad support the last method I know of is liteNESU a nes emulator on the Wii u side to my knowledge I don't know of any forwarders for it all of these methods work with NES rom hacks besides the vc Injection

Links too all methods listed

Retroarch/crazymac setup

Vc Injection method

Wii FCE ULTRA GX method

to my knowledge no guides have been made so I'll make my own and provides links to threads and whatnot

Your gonna want the FCE ULTRA GX dol file n the apps folder not the Wii u homebrew instead vwii apps folder (the folder on root) then you want to use tecnommoons wiivc injector to create the forwarder and install it with wup installer GX when you open the app you need to have cfw enabled open the app and close it then shut off the Wii u and take the SD card out of the Wii u now plug it into your PC and drop your Roms on it


Wiibrew link to FCE ULTRA GX

Link to tecnommoons wiivc Injector

Link to liteNESU (not recommended)



In my opinion the best way to play SNES games is through retroarch crazy Mac setup which has all the SNES roms with cheats/rom hacks support another way is through vc Injection the same as NES roms also convenient because of gamepad and on the homescreen but is tedious the last method I know of is through the vwii emulator Snes 9x GX which is the best option if you don't like retroarch this option also has gamepad support and can be loaded from the homescreen with cfw ofc

Links to all methods listed

Retroarch/crazymac setup

Vc Injection method

For the vwii emulator once again there is not a guide as I know of so I will be explaining what to do and links some resources first download SNES 9X GX and put in the Wii homebrew apps folder then open tecnonmoons wiivc injector and create a forwarder then put the wup file created on the install folder on your SD card load up cfw and install through wup installer GX 2 now open it up make sure you have cfw enabled before you open the app then close it and turn off the Wii u take the SD out once the Wii u is powered off then drop the roms on the sd card

Link to SNES 9X GX Wii Brew page

Link to tecnonmoons wiivc injector

Since the way you emulate these are so similar I'ma just list them all as one so first of we ofc have the usual retroarch/crazymac once again my recommend set up but there are other ways another option is on the Wii u homebrew side for once but only emualtes Gameboy games not gba/gbc if you really want to use this also it doesn't have sound (I don't recommend it) open the homebrew app store and install gacubeboy and And do the usual open it close it turn off the Wii u and add your Roms the much better option to this is a gbc emulator known as Gbinne once again no gba support but does support gbc but my personal recommendation for gba/gbc/gb besides retroarch would be vba GX a vwii side emualtor meaning that it supports booting from homescreen and gba/gbc/gb a solid pic if you don't like retroarch the last method know of and one I really don't recommend is the vc Injection method due to how tedious it is and lack of customization but it does support all gba/gbc/gb games and is right on the homescreen all of these methods besides injection support rom hacks

Vc Injection method

Gbinne method

Once again the wiivc homebrew method there isn't a guide for if you have been reading this you should have got the gist by now download VBA GX and put it on your Wii homebrew apps folder then make a forwarder with tecnonmoons vc injector install with cfw on and with wup installer gx2 then make sure cfw is still on open and close the app shut down the Wii u and take out the SD card and add your Roms

Link to tecnonmoons Wii vc injector

Link to VBA GX

Finally we're onto the big boy stuff now tw this is about to be epic there are only 2 methods for N64 emulatuion on the Wii u gamepad the first one that I use and recommend is N64 vc Injection onto the homescreen as the compality is very high and I haven't find a game that won't run this method does not support rom hacks as fair as I'm aware this method is using the UWUVCI Injection tool my personal favorite the second method is through the Wii emulator not64 which supports rom hacks

Vc Injection method
Because of how easy this is I'll just explain it here grab your N64 rom you want to use and open UWUVCI Injection tool download the base and follow the steps it prompts when asking for the title key look it up I can't give it here after following the steps it says inject it and id recommend to just save it to your desktop make sure it's in the wup format then put it on the install folder on your Wii u sd card then put the sd card into the Wii u open cfw and open wup installer GX 2 install to USB or nand and now you can open the game from the home menu but cfw must be enabled

Not 64 method
This method is too complicated to explain here so I'ma just link a video that does just that this method does support rom hacks and the gamepad

Ok now we're in the big boy zone tighten your seat belts cause this is gonna be a tough one there is only one way to play GameCube games on the gamepad and it's through injection the method is way to long to explain here so I'll just link a video (to my knowledge rom hacks do not work if you want rom hacks I don't believe you can use a Gamepad

here we go with the Wii my favorite out of all the Nintendo consoles there is only one way to play Wii games on the gamepad also please note you can only play Wii games on gamepad if the game can be played with just a pro controller games such as Wii sports super Mario Galaxy etc. Will not work on gamepad this method also uses Wii vc Injection (who would of guessed) you can either use UWUVCI or tecnonmoons wiivc injector I personally use UWUVCI but there is not a guide for it tho there is a guide for tecnonmoons method

Tecnonmoons wiivc injector method

For the UWUVCI your going to need to know how UWUVCI works already because there isn't a guide and I'm too lazy to make one d: if you want to use this method watch this video about it

Thank you so much for reading If there are any questions reply and I will edit this post and hopefully help you out I'll be adding Sega consoles soon!!!! <3

i enjoy this


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2020
First, thanks for all your effort, i readed all and it's very good. However:

I consider n64 VC injection not good, it has a lot of game that doesn't work, so it's not the best way to play, i say just "a way".

You missed nintendo DS, this nintendo handheld can be very well played on Wii U.

In the case of gamecube you said ther is only 1 way to play with the gamepad, and thats throught VC injection and hackroms doesn't work, this is not true, first, you can play with the gamepad using a nintendont forwarder with gamepad support, and second, of course you can play hackroms with VC injecting, this is a video of me playing luigi's mansion first person.

I really appreciate your effort on making this guide, it's really nice, i just wanted to know my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2021
United States
First, thanks for all your effort, i readed all and it's very good. However:

I consider n64 VC injection not good, it has a lot of game that doesn't work, so it's not the best way to play, i say just "a way".

You missed nintendo DS, this nintendo handheld can be very well played on Wii U.

In the case of gamecube you said ther is only 1 way to play with the gamepad, and thats throught VC injection and hackroms doesn't work, this is not true, first, you can play with the gamepad using a nintendont forwarder with gamepad support, and second, of course you can play hackroms with VC injecting, this is a video of me playing luigi's mansion first person.

I really appreciate your effort on making this guide, it's really nice, i just wanted to know my opinion.

Yeah I made this quite a bit ago some of the info is incorrect I might correct it but too lazy rn d:

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