Hardware Nintendo Switch has paid online services similar to Xbox Live and Playstation

Do you like the idea of a paid Nintendo online service?

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Dec 28, 2016
The switch is going to be weaker or just as powerful as Xbox one and ps4. No wonder its that cheap. They're also doing the Wii thing with it again no one's going to play arms or 123 switch.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
its only a problem if they put Pokemon on this thing and can developers make is so certain games like pokemon will have free online. The game sucks with out it after you complete post game and story all there is to do is breed teams for online play only offline things to do that are useful is battletree.
i mean, I know everyone plays differently, but most people I only go online for trading. and many dont
Diablo 3 has no add-ons, unless you mean the Reaper of Souls expansion, those who don't buy it can continue playing the non-expanded version for the same price and still remain on-line at all times. And you're saying Blizzard is cross-financed, yet you think a company like Nintendo is not ? U wot m8 ? The company that sells it's own consoles with potato specs for 300$ ?

It's been 3 years since auction house was shut down, and they released tons of free content and patches in that time, completely free of charge. Nintendo is also getting money for letting people develop for their platform, a company like Microsoft takes around 30% cut from their proft, I'm too lazy to look for Nintendo fees but probably around the same.

What are you even talking about ? "Ok guys here's a new console with brand new graphics, but guess what ?We doubled the game prices". No company would ever do it to itself, especially Nintendo who is always 10 years behind every console in terms of graphics.

And I was mostly complaining about 12Switch which looks like it's been in development for 1 month and it costs the same as BOTW which has been worked on for 6 years.

jesus, you have to take what i write in context to the person I quote, you know?
i didn't say nintendo didn't use money they earned to finance their servers up till now, of course they did, else they wouldn't have had any servers. but the person I quoted used diablo as an example of 'theres online stuff and its not a paid subscribtion' when that company wasn't only among the very first to build up a big online server infrastructure but also has its server network financed like 20 times over through wow monthly fees, money they can use to keep their servers up and doing shit like preventing people from hacking offlline.

yes, i mentioned the auction house shutting down, doesn't change that of course, initially it was a way to earn extra.

game prices have not doubled. its more like 10 bucks more per generation. but higher resolution graphics mean higher price to develop games. which means prices rise. its been like that on the playstation, its been like that on the xbox and its been like that on nintendo consoles (appart from gamecube and original wii where release prices were pretty similar).

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The switch is going to be weaker or just as powerful as Xbox one and ps4. No wonder its that cheap. They're also doing the Wii thing with it again no one's going to play arms or 123 switch.

the wii thing? wasn't that the one thing that worked so well before?


The Temp's official fox whisperer
Apr 29, 2011
Dr. Wahwee's castle
United States
To be fair to Nintendo, the UK price is a fair conversion from the NA price.

$299 in the US is without sales tax.

$299 = £245 + 20% = £294.

The fact that's it's £280 after VAT, means it's pre-vat price is £233 or $283.

UK price is a fair conversion. Cheaper than the US price before vat is added. It's not Nintendo's fault that the UK has 20% VAT to add on, while NA has much lower and in some cases no sales tax.

Can criticise for a lot of things, but I don't think the UK price is unfair.

Whether it's too expensive compared to other consoles is another matter, but the conversion from the NA price is fair.

The accessories on the other hand....are a bit too exorbitant, 70 for a controller, what is this, an N64 game from the 90s?

Deleted member 373057

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2015
I don't find myself playing many games nowadays anyway. Like, at all. I'm more interested in learning how the Switch works. Nonetheless, if Nintendo is going to charge a fee for online services, they'd better improve their servers first (and get rid of Friend Codes, we need usernames!)

Deleted member 373057

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2015
We've had Usernames since the Wii U.
We did? Never got a Wii U, so assumed FCs, mb.

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Microsoft can suck my ass

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oh, and pc loser race

I don't see what's wrong with PC gaming. Most AAA games that are on the Xbox or PS4 are on Steam, from what I've seen. You get to customize your PC to your liking if you build one (though not the OS if Windows LOL). The only downside I see is price.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2017
Who cares
United States
We did? Never got a Wii U, so assumed FCs, mb.

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I don't see what's wrong with PC gaming. Most AAA games that are on the Xbox or PS4 are on Steam, from what I've seen. You get to customize your PC to your liking if you build one (though not the OS if Windows LOL). The only downside I see is price.
yeah, the price sucks. i do have a fast pc, but nintendo is my favorite gaming system. I also like Steam for games like FNAF ( not undertale)


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
United States
The difference between steam and things like Nintendo's possible service *I do not know if this will happen or not* is steam has game advertisments all over the place. I'm sure a good chunk of those games pay for the advertisement. (Again. I can easily be wrong about that)


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
this has little to do with nintendo allowing retailers to set the price in the eu and everything to do with the fact that retailers have the right to do so. fair competition and all. while the us has a law forcing the suggested retail price to be almost binding (though of course, there's all that stuff with lower priced special deals) they usually do get within 10€ of us price after conversion and (after tax).

as for paid service, it remains the truth, people have complained about nintendo servers being laggy ever since the wii got online functionality and the only real way to fix this is money and limiting server access.
and yeah, i bet ppl will have so much fun playing splatoon and mario kart on their ps4 pro.

no one forces you to pay for online all the time. no one forces you to play online on three consoles at the same time. no one forces you to have three consoles

Did I say retailers don't have the right to set the price? No I didn't, I only said that because Nintendo didn't set a retail price in Europe they made it possible for the retailers to abuse the fact that they can set the price, while costumers won't benefit from it.They can do this for example by asking €600 for the Nintendo switch & sure they can do that after Nintendo had announced the price, but then people would have been more aware that price isn't a honest/ realistic price in their country. Now people will not only feel ripped off like paying over $300/€350 for the Nswitch without a game, but after they find out that in other countries people pay €200-€285 @max., meaning it would've been better if they would've imported the system themselves including the taxes & shipping, instead of being played around by with their local retailers of whom some even don't know the value of the system. Who do you think will lose money? It's not only the retailers that mess up the pricing & sale rates then, but Nintendo won't get much sales either in Europe nor will they get a realistic image of the demands/market in Europe as people will import from where it's affordable for them.Possible result Nintendo thinks that people in Europe are not interested in buying the system at all & as result they'll skip bringing over some things. That's the whole point I tried to make.That's how important an simple announcement can be.

I didn't say that anyone forces me to pay for online all the time or online on 3 devices at the same time. I only meant to say that it isn't a smart move for Nintendo to make, because their position isn't equal to MS/Sony, who not only already have a huge amount of other developers, investors & customers on their side already. I personally am not really interested in Nintendo's 1st party games like Mario etc. I care more for the 3rd party devs, so even if I like the system I feel very reluctant to buy it unless some of my favourite game studio etc. make a game for it.

Do you think it's smart for a company that's trying to appeal to people that already own multiple consoles, handhelds or play on pc, mobile etc. without having much succes already in the past (for example with the wiiU) to add an extra paid service for online play while they didn't have that before for their other systems? People getting a ps4 pro/xbox 1 instead of a switch won't do it only, because they think the price is expensive they also do it because they know the other system have a huge online playerbase unlike with Nintendo where most people casually play online for 1 or 2 games & the sub will be for only 1 device whereas with the other companies it covers multiple devices/handhelds. The amount they'd be online wouldn't be justified compared with playing online on the other systems where they know can choose a monthly sub. With Nintendo we don't even know if that'll be the case.

So again you're right yes no one forces me to have an additional game device to play on, so in this case it'll be Nintendo that wants me to buy their system that ends up without getting money from me & many others. In my case upgrading to a ps4 pro/ getting that xbox 1I skipped on instead of getting a Nswitch is 100xmore appealing, since in my country the price of of the Nswitch is more expensive than or as expensive as an X1/PS4 Pro & stay with my older devices will be definitely more cheaper instead of buying the Nswitch at launch. What you can get then is a failure at the launch of new device for Nintendo again, as result some game companies like Gamefreaks who decided to wait & see how the launch might decide to not invest it/make a main Pokémon game for it!I think it's arrogant/wrong of them to think they can keep pushing those for me & many others insane prices & get away with it every time. Some people are tired & sick of that. My money is very valuable I need to spent it wisely or I'll lose a lot & they won't help me then would they if I lost my home etc. I can't support them financially the they want me to support them & wouldn't support them even if I had the money with, not with their current attitude/approach. Do they even get that? They are not MS/Sony & they're trying to copy them almost to the letter with the pay online service while it doesn't suit their style.

Sure there's need for improvement, but to me they seem very lost & unreliable already. They could've appealed to a lot more & be an example that they can work things out instead of restorting to pay for online play. Offering a pay to play online won't be warranty the lag issue's will be fixed at all. It'll only warranty Nintendo gets your money & that you might get a good/bad service for it. Once they have your money they're the ones that decide where to spent it on as it's their money from then on. That's the truth & goes for everyone.
Last edited by Angely,


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2012
People are quick to point out how its okay when microsoft/sony does it, but when nintendo do it people lose their mind? this is the same nintendo that wouldn't let you share your NNID on separate 3ds's to not buy the same titles over again and the arguement against this that the 3ds is a portable console is a dumb one too, because sony has been allowing you to sign in on multiple psp's/ps vita's to share your game library, there is a sense of disappointment because lets be honest nintendo has never gotten online for their consoles correct in the past ever, the outdated Friendcode system still exists, that should tell you enough how much nintendo have progressed in terms of online services, the wii u never got a voice chat service except for in-game chat only which was bullshit, what nintendo lack is a appeal for online gaming with their consoles and with this paid service BS its gonna take another hit+the fact that you can't hold onto monthly games people need to step off the hypetrain and look at this realistically, 360$ for a console with a game+paid service which I assume will be priced same as the competitors so thats another 50$, in that money(or less) you are getting a proper home console(ps4) with a huge backlog of games that are worth playing+an online service that is worth the money, this is gonna be a another 3ds by the looks of it they will have to make a price cut or make major value bundles for the console or it'll be a sinking ship for awhile.
Last edited by Treeko,


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2012
lol it wasn't okay that Sony and Microsoft did it in the first place
But now people are losing their minds because they will have to pay 60$ to play online on Nintendo and another 60$ if they have a PS4
Which makes a "gaming" fee of 120$ per year and for that money you could buy much better stuff
Imagine what you could buy for 120$
wait its 50$ yearly for Ps+ and you get to keep your monthly games+most of my friends are on it+party chat+a better friend searching system+a huge backlog of games worth the money and time, only thing the switch has is LOZ which I could probably play on a second hand wii u for 120-150$ by the time the switch drops.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
Did I say retailers don't have the right to set the price? No I didn't, I only said that because Nintendo didn't set a retail price in Europe they made it possible for the retailers to abuse the fact that they can set the price, while costumers won't benefit from it.They can do this for example by asking €600 for the Nintendo switch & sure they can do that after Nintendo had announced the price, but then people would have been more aware that price isn't a honest/ realistic price in their country. Now people will not only feel ripped off like paying over $300/€330 for the switch after they find out that in other countries people pay €200-€285 @max meaning it would've been better if they would've imported the system themselves including the taxes & shipping, instead of being played around by with their local retailers of whom some even don't know the value of the system. Who do you think will lose money it's not only the retailers that mess up the pricing sale rates then, but Nintendo won't get much sales either in Europe nor will they get a realistic image of the demands/market in Europe as people will import from where it's affordable for them.Possible result Nintendo thinks that people in Europe are not interested in buying at all & as result they'll skip some things. That's the whole point I tried to make.

but they don't pay 200-285€. but about 285€. before taxes. after taxes, we're pretty much even. prices are set once stuff is in stores, not by whatever amazon puts in as a placeholder.
and they can't set a retail price, they can't. they give the retailers a suggested retail price of course, like with everything else, but retailer has the final say. i'm not sure what you're trying to say anymore, but people have been complaining about europe paying more for decades, and for decades ignored that us prices are always before taxes and how importing is truly more expensive. pretty much australia is the only one getting shafted.

a 10-20€ price difference compared to the us is not going to be the nail in the switchs koffin. what is going to be is people announcing the switch is dead long before its in stores and people expecting a 200$ portable xbox one with 10 hours mobile play time.
writing and youtubing big long whiny rants about feeling betrayed.

I didn't say that anyone forces me to pay for online all the time or online on 3 devices at the same time. I only meant to say that it isn't a smart move for Nintendo to make because their position isn't equal to MS/Sony who have not only already have a huge amount of other developers, investors & customers on their side already. I personally am not really interested in Nintendo's 1st party games like Mario etc. I care more for the 3rd party devs so even if I like the system I feel very reluctant to buy it unless some of my favourite game studio etc. make a game for it.

but it is a smart move because it will make them money that they can put into their online platform, one thing people have been nagging on about for a good 10 years now.
if you literally don't care about nintendos 1st party games, a nintendo console would always be the worst option for you. even under different circumstances. i'm not sure why you would ever consider getting a nintendo console at all. get a steam machine.

Do you think it's smart for a company that's trying to appeal to people that already own multiple consoles, handhelds or play on pc, mobile etc. without having much succes already in the past to add an extra paid service for online play while they didn't have that before for their other systems? People getting a ps4 pro/xbox 1 instead of a switch won't do it only, because they think the price is expensive they also do it because they know the other system have a huge online playerbase unlike with Nintendo where most people casually play online for 1 or 2 games & the sub will be for only 1 device whereas with the other companies it covers multiple devices/handhelds. The amount they'd be online wouldn't be justified compared with playing online on the other systems where they know can choose a monthly sub. With Nintendo we don't even know if that'll be the case.

do you really want to argue that sonys monthly online fee is a better deal because it includes the vita?
people got used to paying for online on the ps3 and 360, they'll get used to it here. the ones who pay will reap the rewards for that step, just as they did on the xbox and ps3. if 'they never had that before' is an argument, they can never have it and microsoft and sony shouldn't have ever gotten it either.
also you're getting half a year of free trail if you get it early. at 8$ a month, thats 40$ already.

dedicated servers for consoles aren't cheap and frankly, its a miracle they didn't go that way three years ago already.

So again you're right yes no one forces me to have an additional game device to play on, so in this case it'll be Nintendo that wants me to buy their system that ends up without getting money from me & many others. In my case upgrading to a ps4 pro/ getting that xbox 1I skipped on instead of getting a Nswitch is 100xmore appealing, since in my country the price of of the Nswitch is more expensive than or as expensive as an X1/PS4 Pro & stay with my older devices will be definitely more cheaper instead of buying the Nswitch at launch. What you can get then is a failure at the launch of new device for Nintendo again, as result some game companies like Gamefreaks who decided to wait & see how the launch might decide to not invest it/make a main Pokémon game for it!I think it's arrogant/wrong of them to think they can keep pushing those for me & many others insane prices & get away with it every time. Some people are tired & sick of that. My money is very valuable I need to spent it wisely or I'll lose a lot & they won't help me then would they if I lose my home etc. I can't support them financially the they want me to support them. Do they even get that? They are not MS/Sony & they're trying to copy them almost to the letter with the pay online service while it doesn't suit their style. Sure there's need for inprovement, but to me they seem very lost & unreliable already. They could've appealed to a lot more & be an example that they can work things out instead of restorting to pay for online play. Offering a pay to play online won't be warranty the lag issue's will be fixed at all. It'll only warranty Nintendo gets your money & that you might get a good/bad service for it. Once they have your money they're the ones that decide where to spent it on as it's their money from then on. That's the truth & goes for everyone.

no, in your case, you literally have no reason to get a switch because you'd be 10 times safer betting on the upgraded one or 4 for the games you seemingly want. (or better yet, a pc).
going by your arguments, unless nintendo literally paid you to get a switch, anything else would be a better deal.

there wont be a main pokemon game on the switch and its not exactly gamefreaks decision where they release their games, since nintendo is a mayor shareholder and there's probably contracts forbidding a pokemon game to ever be on a sony or microsoft console.

and the prices aren't insane, jesus mothefucking christ. you know what insane was? ps3 at launch. and then lowering the price until they lost like a hundred bucks per sale, something they could only ever do because sony is a giant corp with more than just consoles to hold them afloat. they somehow managed to survive multiple years with billions of netlosses. thats nothing nintendo could allow themselves to do. people have been flipping out when, after like three decades of no losses they finally lost some money.

the wii cost 250 at launch. this is 50$ more than the wii. (and if you take the free online period for cash value, its basically 10$ more than the wii at launch)

if you believe it isn't at least highly likely that part of their new online fee is being used to finance and expand their online infrastructure, then i really can't help you. they certainly won't be able to significantly improve online without extra money to invest in it.

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wait its 50$ yearly for Ps+ and you get to keep your monthly games+most of my friends are on it+party chat+a better friend searching system+a huge backlog of games worth the money and time, only thing the switch has is LOZ which I could probably play on a second hand wii u for 120-150$ by the time the switch drops.
yeah, remember that first day they had ps+ and it was all that already?

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Nope. It's 60$ (Sony raised the price)
Party chat is available on the PS4 without ps plus
Better friend searching system? Dafuq?
Ps plus games? You gotta be kidding me.. and btw you can't even play them as soon as your membership expires

i guess he's refering to the friendcode system. a system put in place to keep children just a little bit harder to end up on a molesters friendlist. we don't yet know how that will work on the switch though.
also, don't forget all those months ps+ gives you games you already had and can find for like 5$ on amazon and that barely sell in retail anymore so its no loss to them. not saying it isn't a nice system, specially when you get a system used and cheap after 4 years, but people are really comparing apples and carpentry here.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
lol it wasn't okay that Sony and Microsoft did it in the first place
But now people are losing their minds because they will have to pay 60$ to play online on Nintendo and another 60$ if they have a PS4
Which makes a "gaming" fee of 120$ per year and for that money you could buy much better stuff
Imagine what you could buy for 120$
That not even all some gamers also play p2p games & some also use those popular streaming services on top of it are making it more expensive. Then there's if you go to Nintendo Pokébank, if you use it you're stuck to only paying it for 1 year even if you don't need it for 1 full year to it's still €5 per year if you don't renew after 1 year for whatever reason you're at risk of losing Pokémon you have stored on there if you couldn't remove them within an unknown to even Nintendo's site timelimit & ah let's not forget you also can't use the Transporter without a sub on Pokébank. Then there's also all those optional DLC's on every platform yeah & so the madness continue's to go on & on...


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
That not even all some gamers also play p2p games & some also use those popular streaming services on top of it are making it more expensive. Then there's if you go to Nintendo Pokébank, if you use it you're stuck to only paying it for 1 year even if you don't need it for 1 full year to it's still €5 per year if you don't renew after 1 year for whatever reason you're at risk of losing Pokémon you have stored on there if you couldn't remove them within an unknown to even Nintendo's site timelimit & ah let's not forget you also can't use the Transporter without a sub on Pokébank. Then there's also all those optional DLC's on every platform yeah & so the madness continue's to go on & on...

all games are kinda p2p. and most people probably spend less money per hour in those games than on a console game. i mean, i certainly never spend more than 10 bucks on any android game, p2p or not. the 0.001% extreme cases and children that spend like several thousand dollars, they're a problem though. but they clearly wouldn't take normal gaming as an option.
as for pokebank, you do have a very clear deadline as in until your subscription runs out. their pokemon probably disappear as soon as the server needs that space, meaning they could stay there for a year or 4 minutes. don't use peoples stupidity as an argument here. personally, i believe the 5 bucks for pokebank is still better than spending multiple days doing transfer minigames as in the olden times even if you could only use it for 5 days (because who really uses it as a permanent storage? and who of the people who do don't renew their subscription and get reasonable use out of it)


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
all games are kinda p2p. and most people probably spend less money per hour in those games than on a console game. i mean, i certainly never spend more than 10 bucks on any android game, p2p or not. the 0.001% extreme cases and children that spend like several thousand dollars, they're a problem though. but they clearly wouldn't take normal gaming as an option.
as for pokebank, you do have a very clear deadline as in until your subscription runs out. their pokemon probably disappear as soon as the server needs that space, meaning they could stay there for a year or 4 minutes. don't use peoples stupidity as an argument here. personally, i believe the 5 bucks for pokebank is still better than spending multiple days doing transfer minigames as in the olden times even if you could only use it for 5 days (because who really uses it as a permanent storage? and who of the people who do don't renew their subscription and get reasonable use out of it)

My bad I actually meant subscription based games, where you already pay for the game/expansions, with Sony I know there's no need to get PS+ to play those games online. Idk about Nintendo, but I think with MS same as Sony I hope Nintendo same policy when it comes to subscription based games.

It's not always stupidity that makes people unable to withdraw Pokémon in time.What in case of a broken system or temporarily health limitation, no acces to internet etc. things they can't control that prevents them from doing so? You don't get my point not only do you pay for those 5 min. You're forced pay for 1 year regardless if you want or don't want to use it for 1 year. so for some people it means €5 for 1 day or less. Do you get that's not ok to some? It's a natter of principle.They're forced to pay to use an online service if they want to transfer Pokémon from an older gen in the older games you could play that mini game or whatever, it was still free & no online needed. Do you get that people can be/feel forced in such a case to get a subscription they don't need to pay for if you devide the subscription price? There's no daily-monthly subscrition in case of Pokébank. Unlike with others if you cancel you can still get a refund for the month's you didn't use it's different per company.

I'm not saying Pokébank is a bad service overall I am saying it's unnecessary to let people pay for something they won't be using often. That I don't store Pokémon permanently doesn't mean that it's ok to let me pay for it as if I'm storing them permanently if I want to let's say only transfer Pokémon.

I also didn't reply about the earlier post you quoted me about the Nswitch price not being insane so here you go.

About the online paid services. It's not that I don't/believe or think they wouldn't spent that money into improving the servers. It's more that I'm fully aware that they can decide to do whatever they want after they have that money.That's just the reality. Same as with the ds/wii wifi they just shut it down with no offer/solution of a paid service for people that'd gladly pay for it, they're not being forced to invest into those services/offer for years they can quit whenever they want & I probably won't get the money I paid in such a case then. That goes for every subscription service.I wanted to point that out as that can be a deciding factor for some people to not buy the system.

It's not that I dislike Nintendo or the Nswitch it's that I have to watch my wallet & don't give those people/companies money so they can waste it/abuse the trust they have gained. I already saw how they dealt/are currently dealing with their internet services & yes I'm worried to as to where they're heading.

I know exclusive games like Pokémon are tied to contracts etc. The question is how long Gamefreak & other companies will take it until they decide that contract won't benefit them any longer.Contracts can also be broken, eventhough it can be costly.Nowdays more gamers are aware, so if say Gamefreak wants to get out of the contracts they have with Nintendo for Pokémon on Nintendo devices. You can sure bet they'll get support from their fanbase to make that possible especially if those fans are tired & sick with Nintendo!

I didn't get ps3 at launch either. Lmao, yeah that launch price was also insanity. Have you looked at the accessories too? Those prices are insane/very high for a family that would need extra controllers for some games then, you can actually buy a 2ds/3ds (xl) if you buy them all of those accessories together! I find wii(U)/ps4/xbox1 etc. accessories already a bit overpriced, but the Nswitch tops them all.

So there's a lot at stake here for Nintendo, Game Studio's etc. as their investors weren't happy about the Nswitch's prices either. If investors, shareholder etc. find that price too high already & same goes for other people that were interested, that's a bad sign for Nintendo if they continue with these prices.

I'm not trying to defend any company/services here, just trying to point out some legit concerns & thoughts a lot of gamers might have now. I like gaming & yeah it's no fun if some of the companies etc. I have supported in the past years & like to continue support would disappear, because they can't get a realistic picture of where they currently stand/won't adjust properly to their current position.
Last edited by Angely,

Deleted User

Microsoft can suck my ass

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

oh, and pc loser race
Doesn't bring up any points why Microsoft is bad and/or why PC gaming sucks.
doesn't get it at all.jpg

Deleted User

Those games will appeal to the same casul gamers that were attracted to the wii, and I'm very interested on those two games too
As I've stated a few times before, I'm also pretty interested in them both. I like playing a mixture of both casual and more difficult games.
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