Gaming Nintendo Confirms Wii U Has Flopped, Slashes Sales Forecast By ~70%

Ray Lewis

Dec 30, 2012
United States
I've defended Nintendo in the past. I personally love my Wii U and my son does as well. Off TV mode is great. The wife and I enjoy Mario 3D World and I liked Wind Waker. I did not finish it on GC because of annoyances. Mario Kart 8 delayed two months?! The numbers released by Nintendo themselves. The Wii was lightning in a bottle but as Foxi4 and others have pointed out, the Wii U is not going to catch that same lightning. Marketing sucks, library is limited although I liked some games I tried out, the eshop is not horrible (to me), there are some controller options, etc.

Once numbers go south (simple economics) and games get delayed, those are signs that point to death. I see no advertising on adult stations at all (maybe ONE at launch), and they were carpet bombing children's channels before Christmas. Pointing out the differences from the Wii and pushing Mario 3d World. Most people tend to take a first look and if they pass they rarely come back for a second look. Call it shallow but it is what seems to occur (my own obvervation). Initial marketing sucked, and anyone debating this is blind and or stupid...or possible ignorant to put it more "nicely." Nintendo apparently burned 3rd parties with their relationships (what bigger ones have said) and their machine is not fit for multi plats anyway. If the Wii U was on part with the other "next gen" systems that computers dwarf now then it may have had more of a shot.

Do they cut support for the Wii U and cut the ties they have? Do they dump more money on it? Do they count on a Mario Kart 8 and/or Donkey Kong to be a magic bullet? Zelda? Metroid? I see the vision with the gamepad BUT a majority seem to believe it is not enough to sell a system. Launch sucked, and games were not ready. Maybe Nintendo could try one more time. Hit AFTER Sony and MS and come in on part or even ahead. Get the bigger devs to come in (IF they can at this point). BUT, if they try to do this now they burn those who have stuck with Nintendo and will go the way of Sega. The Wii U is dead barring devine intervention and Nintendo is dead for HOME consoles. Portable systems still offer games other platforms do not have (see "Vita" and argue this point, or mobile devices that pretty much have the same games, multi plats).

Grim times indeed for a company that has made video game systems over the course of my life thus far. Sad, truly sad....

Edit: I traded an rgh slim 360 for Wii U. Half it's $300 price. Mario 3d World and Wind Waker were Christmas gifts. $50 Best Buy gift card won in Christmas "white elephant" game is awaiting Mario Kart 8. Zelda is getting no updates (going to be cancelled?). I doubt I will buy Donkey Kong. Wife bought a second Wii Mote for Mario Galaxy 1/2. I feel bad for others who invested more.


I miss the Wii remotes
Jun 19, 2011
WiiU flop: It's not a Marketing failure. The console brought nothing new people wanted. So the soft buyers are taking a pass.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
United States
Don't be silly now. Earliest we see a wii u successor is 2016.

Nintendo is not going to cancel any games.

The wii u very well could be the worst performing Home Nintendo console, even so it it will still have had the games people bought it for and it Nintendo will still release a successor.

Arguing the success of past Nintendo consoles is irrelevant when the current one is flopping.

And the N64 and GameCube were just bad consumes with mediocre libraries, face it.
Maybe, I never had an N64 or gamecube but I sure regret missing out on some of the great exclusive games they had. The N64 controller is initially what kept me away, thank goodness sony added analog sticks too.

I had to go back and play many of those on the wii. Can't say I am ever much compelled to go back and play ps1, ps2, or Xbox games.

The wii u so far has had more good games than I have been able to play so I'm happy with it.
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Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Maybe, I never had an N64 or gamecube but I sure regret missing out on some of the great exclusive games they had. The N64 controller is initially what kept me away, thank goodness sony added analog sticks too.

I had to go back and play many of those on the wii. Can't say I am ever much compelled to go back and play ps1, ps2, or Xbox games.

The wii u so far has had more good games than I have been able to play so I'm happy with it.

No offense but you must have a low standard of gaming then.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2013
United States
President of Nintendo : We are now sure that we can solve the technical problem of displaying Virtual Console software from Nintendo DS on the GamePad.

The dual-screen Nintendo DS, one of which is a touch screen, has a very strong software lineup, and so we plan to add the Virtual Console titles from Nintendo DS software to the future Virtual Console lineup for Wii U.P

DS games coming for Wii U Gamepad. Would you buy a Wii U for That reason?


Stop Poking the Moogle!
Aug 28, 2008
United States
Gotta say that really sucks, but as I've been saying to my customers at work, the Wii U may end up being a flop but its going to be the next Gamecube or N64 bet on it! Also its Nintendo they will pull rabbit out of there ass over and over again, hell their 3DS just broke ever single game consoles sales in history.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2013
United States
Gotta say that really sucks, but as I've been saying to my customers at work, the Wii U may end up being a flop but its going to be the next Gamecube or N64 bet on it! Also its Nintendo they will pull rabbit out of there ass over and over again, hell their 3DS just broke ever single game consoles sales in history.
Well no. N64 was a rvolution when it came in graphical advancement. Wii and Wii U has been more directed at being Frontend Systems for retro arcade games and play games in a unique way, not a graphical powerhorse as N64 was .


I miss the Wii remotes
Jun 19, 2011
DS games coming for Wii U Gamepad. Would you buy a Wii U for That reason?
Desperate move.
I'd buy a 3DS to play DS games.
This won't help move Wii U units.

Cutting sales targets by 70% wasn't enough.

They missed their already revised targets for hardware and software sales. They predicted 2.8M Wii U consoles sold with 19M software units. The actual figures were 2.41M Wii Us sold with 15.96 software units.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
United States
Because you feel no want to play a huge number of games from their competitors at the time.

What? At what time? I play Nintendo games exclusively?

I guess my statement is not entirely accurate, I have put many PS1 classics on my PSP, bought a PS1 and installed a mod chip mainly for the convenience of playing Ape escape because emulation was PIA to set up analog controls (I had given my original FMV skipping little bugger away when I got PS2), installed free mcboot on my PS2 and started playing those GOW games. I pirated all that stuff though while I pay Nintendo for their titles on VC. I also went for a BC PS3 model so I could play PS2 games on it, but I have gone and bought a couple of the remastered collection games (Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sega Genesis collection)

But overall I have spent far more time playing the Nintendo classics, but perhaps thats mainly because I didn't have N64 or Gamecube back in those days.

But really you are just flaming fanboy trying to put down Nintendo by passing judgement on other peoples taste in games. Criticizing someone for liking Nintendo games in a Wii U section seems a bit childish and immature dude. Grow up.


Mar 11, 2012
Huntersville, NC
United States
I've argued my point before I'll go ahead and argue it again.
I always feel like I'm one of the few wii u owners that will actually own up and say "Uh yea... This little thing sucks big time."
I've had my Wii U since launch day.
On launch, I bought NSMBU, BLOPS2, Zombi U, and Got nintendo land with the system. That's 2 first party games, 2 third party.
In that time, I beat New super rehash in a week, played Zombi U for about a week, And didn't even touch Blops or Nintendo Land.
Since then, I have Played 2 other games on the system.
Sonic Lost world, which was a decent game, and the Wind Waker HD, a port.
Now let's think about that for a sec.
When did those games come out? Around September and October right? Both first parties? And I played the titles I got on launch right around launch which means I went, oh Hmm...
About NINE MONTHS WITH NOTHING TO PLAY ON IT. Nine freaking months of just having a brick sitting in my gameroom getting no action whatsoever.
You know where it is now? Back to being a brick in the gameroom. Why? Probably because again, No Games to play whatsoever.
Sure I could Play 3D Rehash as well, ok go ahead and throw that one at me.
Then what? Am I supposed to wait until May for Mario Kart 8 to come out? I'm supposed to just play My Wii u whenever it's ok for Nintendo to actually give me a game to play? Yeah no.
First party isn't going to save the Wii U this time, not by a long shot.
See the problem here is not only the fact that It has next to no library of games.
It's the fact that even if I did want to play their games, what replay value do I have? Most of their games are focused on Local Multiplayer because Nintendo is too Pigheaded to Bother making good online.
I own an Xbox One as well. On it I have about the same amount of games. But the difference in the games I have in Xbox One vs Wii U, is that my Xbox one titles stay fresh by having a constant multiplayer experience to keep things alive. Something Nintendo seriously needs to work on if they want to stay in the game.

Ray Lewis

Dec 30, 2012
United States
What? At what time? I play Nintendo games exclusively?

I guess my statement is not entirely accurate, I have put many PS1 classics on my PSP, bought a PS1 and installed a mod chip mainly for the convenience of playing Ape escape because emulation was PIA to set up analog controls (I had given my original FMV skipping little bugger away when I got PS2), installed free mcboot on my PS2 and started playing those GOW games. I pirated all that stuff though while I pay Nintendo for their titles on VC. I also went for a BC PS3 model so I could play PS2 games on it, but I have gone and bought a couple of the remastered collection games (Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sega Genesis collection)

But overall I have spent far more time playing the Nintendo classics, but perhaps thats mainly because I didn't have N64 or Gamecube back in those days.

But really you are just flaming fanboy trying to put down Nintendo by passing judgement on other peoples taste in games. Criticizing someone for liking Nintendo games in a Wii U section seems a bit childish and immature dude. Grow up.
A guy I work with LOVES "Meat Boy" but I've never tried it. People have their own tastes in games. Nintendo games have a soul and when I have tried other systems I get "Fighting games like Mortal Kombat 30, FPS verion 10 of this or 25 of that with sharper graphics that are prettier cookies off the cookie cutting machine, sports games that I've played before that look 'prettier' and maybe added a new trick or two." Metroid, Zelda, SOME Mario games...those get my attention. Some prefer to sit in a park and play chess because it stimulates them and is never "obsolete." Everyone has their own tastes. N64 was one of my favorite systems. If anyone wants to mock games like the Communist who only brings BS, then so be it.

I did go with a Wii AND a 360. I went with the 360 as I did not want to buy games that are rehashes and the exclusives did not appeal to me aside from Halo and Gears of War. People like to act all "morally righteous." I buy Nintendo games and pirated 360 and PSP games when I had those systems. The 360 slim RGH was one of THE best systems I've ever owned. Hmmmmm, over 30 games on a USB hard drive. Trainers also. I only wanted to blow shit up and play some NBA 2K. Well, lol, I let others buy me Wii U games and am picky (Mario Kart 8 will be bought, and a good Zelda/Metroid game if they are released). $150 Wii U and two free games so far.

Even if it fails, my son loves games like Mario 3d and to play on the gamepad. The gamepad is not shit like people make it out to be. It adds to games like Windwaker, DRAMATICALLY making a different from the GC version. If the Wii U were to be hacked (never going to happen) then I'd probably pirate everything except Zelda/Metroid/some Mario. That is THE purpose of hacking a system even though people say "I want homebrew." Those who can hack it will not, and those who want to simply do not have the ability to do so. Still, I could not be happier with any Nintendo home console I've owned. Metroid Prime games were AMAZING and really still look awesome when I try them on vWii. All the negatives are stupid. If I can just get that Zelda/Mario Kart/Metroid then I've had a great experience with the Wii U. I try other games but to ME, they are crap. Shit wrapped in bacon with a polish on it.

EDIT: people criticize Mario but they are all different. Mario 64, Mario World 3d, NSMBW and also U at the end of that, Mario Galaxy; they all brought a TOTALLY different approach. Zelda games are usually varied enough with the puzzles and challenges being changed. Compare Windwaker to any other Zelda game, or Twighlight Princess with the wolf to Ocarina of Time. It is not "NBA 2K 30, prettier graphics, same story and game play except a few new dunks." This is simply my view. Nintendo does recycle the same characters but even from mobile to consoles the games are different.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2007
President Satoru Iwata , who's taking a 50% percent pay cut , is under pressure to find a new HIT Product. This is what he said ..:)

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
A guy I work with LOVES "Meat Boy" but I've never tried it. People have their own tastes in games. Nintendo games have a soul and when I have tried other systems I get "Fighting games like Mortal Kombat 30, FPS verion 10 of this or 25 of that with sharper graphics that are prettier cookies off the cookie cutting machine, sports games that I've played before that look 'prettier' and maybe added a new trick or two." Metroid, Zelda, SOME Mario games...those get my attention. Some prefer to sit in a park and play chess because it stimulates them and is never "obsolete." Everyone has their own tastes. N64 was one of my favorite systems. If anyone wants to mock games like the Communist who only brings BS, then so be it.

I did go with a Wii AND a 360. I went with the 360 as I did not want to buy games that are rehashes and the exclusives did not appeal to me aside from Halo and Gears of War. People like to act all "morally righteous." I buy Nintendo games and pirated 360 and PSP games when I had those systems. The 360 slim RGH was one of THE best systems I've ever owned. Hmmmmm, over 30 games on a USB hard drive. Trainers also. I only wanted to blow shit up and play some NBA 2K. Well, lol, I let others buy me Wii U games and am picky (Mario Kart 8 will be bought, and a good Zelda/Metroid game if they are released). $150 Wii U and two free games so far.

Even if it fails, my son loves games like Mario 3d and to play on the gamepad. The gamepad is not shit like people make it out to be. It adds to games like Windwaker, DRAMATICALLY making a different from the GC version. If the Wii U were to be hacked (never going to happen) then I'd probably pirate everything except Zelda/Metroid/some Mario. That is THE purpose of hacking a system even though people say "I want homebrew." Those who can hack it will not, and those who want to simply do not have the ability to do so. Still, I could not be happier with any Nintendo home console I've owned. Metroid Prime games were AMAZING and really still look awesome when I try them on vWii. All the negatives are stupid. If I can just get that Zelda/Mario Kart/Metroid then I've had a great experience with the Wii U. I try other games but to ME, they are crap. Shit wrapped in bacon with a polish on it.

EDIT: people criticize Mario but they are all different. Mario 64, Mario World 3d, NSMBW and also U at the end of that, Mario Galaxy; they all brought a TOTALLY different approach. Zelda games are usually varied enough with the puzzles and challenges being changed. Compare Windwaker to any other Zelda game, or Twighlight Princess with the wolf to Ocarina of Time. It is not "NBA 2K 30, prettier graphics, same story and game play except a few new dunks." This is simply my view. Nintendo does recycle the same characters but even from mobile to consoles the games are different.

The fact you think fighting games are all like Mortal Kombat and all FPS games are the same but say that Mario is "different" shows a clear delusional bias and lack of understanding of games mechanics.


Mar 11, 2012
Huntersville, NC
United States
I fucking hate the "ALL FPS GAMES R SAME TING, FAK DEM" argument.
Have you ever Played Borderlands? Bioshock? Spec Ops The line? Amnesia the Dark Descent? Talk to me when you've played those fantastic FPS's and when you stop generalizing every FPS as a WWII/COD shooter.

And are you seriously trying to tell me I can't get good Platforming or any other experiences on other Platforms besides Nintendo ones? Have you Never played an Indie game in your life? Have you never Picked up Little Big planet on PS, or Played Splosion Man or Battle Block theatre on Xbox? That's your failure as a gamer too not open your eyes and see there's more to the gaming world then your precious Nintendo Games.

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