Activision on the Wii is mostly either downgraded ports of good 360/PS3 games but even worse or shovelware that Zoo Games/DSI Games would be proud of, this looks a cut above most games. Ok GH5 is actually very good but...ssshhh you didn't see me write that.
Last month or so they announced "Jurassic: The Hunted" with very little fanfare and everyone pretty much assumed that even the "HD" versions would be awful so hope for the Wii version was pretty low, lower than even Quantum of Solace (which is actually a bad Wii game that some people like). Anyway here is footage of the Wii version of this Turok wannabe and while its hardly at the high end of FPS goodness that PC and none Wii console owners get, at least it looks better than Far Cry Wii & QoS. I would go as far as say that it looks better than Conduit (though to me that didn't look that great anyway) but then thats not saying much at all.
Pretty sure most comments will be "blah blah N64 blah blah Dreamcast, blah blah Conduit was teh hawtness" mostly by people who have never seen a Dreamcast or N64 title but whatever. I'm still not expecting much from this title but at least the people porting the game has put some effort in there albeit in a game that looks like another generic FPS on whatever console its on.
The game is out this in the US today.
Last month or so they announced "Jurassic: The Hunted" with very little fanfare and everyone pretty much assumed that even the "HD" versions would be awful so hope for the Wii version was pretty low, lower than even Quantum of Solace (which is actually a bad Wii game that some people like). Anyway here is footage of the Wii version of this Turok wannabe and while its hardly at the high end of FPS goodness that PC and none Wii console owners get, at least it looks better than Far Cry Wii & QoS. I would go as far as say that it looks better than Conduit (though to me that didn't look that great anyway) but then thats not saying much at all.
Pretty sure most comments will be "blah blah N64 blah blah Dreamcast, blah blah Conduit was teh hawtness" mostly by people who have never seen a Dreamcast or N64 title but whatever. I'm still not expecting much from this title but at least the people porting the game has put some effort in there albeit in a game that looks like another generic FPS on whatever console its on.
The game is out this in the US today.