I am looking for a Purple Shell replacement for my New Nintendo 3DS XL. I cannot seem to find one, and I'm wondering if anyone happens to sell them or where I can get them. Or even if there's a place where I can make custom requests of some sorts.
i should have specified that what i was looking for was a solid purple colored shell, I have seen the galaxy one before and i personally do not think it looks very nice.https://www.amazon.com/Replacement-Housing-Protective-Console-Galaxy/dp/B07RX4YXKD/ref=sr_1_65?adgrpid=1343603779856092&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ZwG56DltRwT6aO3AXywAqWUkHRKI7oJ19WfIzfj_tC_6OK_4ngs_ETF8JJIqp7FhLNspoyRdjZ4zzdhXWaXorg.bDgBzAJi3wMVMl7ZZ8gSD25OA7d6RApehqUrZSO39jk&dib_tag=se&hvadid=83975515038958&hvbmt=be&hvdev=t&hvlocphy=94983&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvtargid=kwd-83975594187895:loc-190&hydadcr=26614_11688753&keywords=3ds+xl+case+replacement&msclkid=f1e4f507b661152b5aca93798196c4cf&qid=1719548306&sr=8-65
No one makes custom shells atm so your best bet is to paint your own or get a “skin”I am looking for a Purple Shell replacement for my New Nintendo 3DS XL. I cannot seem to find one, and I'm wondering if anyone happens to sell them or where I can get them. Or even if there's a place where I can make custom requests of some sorts.