i tired to do that tutorial https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutoria...server-loadiine-homebrew-launcher-etc.424948/ but i stuck at step 2. WiiU is not see my sd cards i tired many diffrent cards but nothing happening when i put them to wiiu. I tired also fromat them SDFormatter but i got the same. WiiU see my sd cards only if put them to usb stick converter then i connect usb to wiiu.
Wtf going on guys ?
i tired to do that tutorial https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutoria...server-loadiine-homebrew-launcher-etc.424948/ but i stuck at step 2. WiiU is not see my sd cards i tired many diffrent cards but nothing happening when i put them to wiiu. I tired also fromat them SDFormatter but i got the same. WiiU see my sd cards only if put them to usb stick converter then i connect usb to wiiu.
Wtf going on guys ?