So I bought my first Wii U recently from a guy online and it arrived today, and on the surface it seemed like a vanilla console. Only games on it were 3D World and Nintendo Land, which both came with the console bundle. No CFW. No Homebrew Channel. No booting message. Clean vWii as well, seemingly never used. But then I noticed an SD card inserted, and when I checked, there were homebrew launcher and loadiine folders inside wiiu/apps, and a bunch of game folders inside wiiu/games (one of them with a "Dumped4UByCybernauts.txt" file in it) that aren't installed to the console, or at least not accessible via the home menu. Saves for each of those games as well. Is it possible that the console's hacked? The original owner has a NNID-linked profile that I can't access cause he forgot the password. Could the games and CFW be installed only on his account or something? I'm a bit of a noob to Wii U in general so bare with me, haha. Thank you!
Last edited by gabingus,