Hacking Need experienced installer in Berkshire UK area


New Member
Jan 5, 2008
Hi there. I was pointed in the direction of this forum from another site in the hope that someone could help me out.

Basically I tried to install a WiiKey, and lifted one of the pads in the process. Unfortunately instead of stopping, I tried to solder that wire right to the chip leg. It didn't work - my Wii wouldn't read any discs.

I removed the WiiKey to try and at least get discs to read again, but it still won't (the drive doesn't even spin) so I fear I may have a short on the chips legs from left over solder or something.

Anyway, if there are any installers who think they can help me get my Wii working again now (getting the chip fitted is a secondary priority here), then please get in touch...

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2007

When you first intall a wiikey the wii will not read anything anyway even original disks, so theres a chance it was working in the first place, you just needed to put the 1.9 firmware on it.

Now you have unsoldered the chip it should now work again, however you say that the disk will not spin. Just curious but will the drive take and eject disks? was the disk still in the drive when you were unsoldering the chip? You should get i magnification tool and just look over the parts you soldered making sure nothing is crossed by solder.

The wiii will turn on and look perfectly ok even if the drive is not attached so you should take the wii apart again and ensure the ribbon cable and the white cable block are in correctly. Then place the drive on its edge (dont waste time putting it back together) place it to the side of the wii turn, it on (whilst its connected to the TV) you will be safe just don't go touching all the insides, go through the motions of trying to start the game to see if it was nothing more than the cables. If that works get the chip back on and then install the firmware. (which will no doubt be a another problem with the config disks)


New Member
Jan 5, 2008

When you first intall a wiikey the wii will not read anything anyway even original disks, so theres a chance it was working in the first place, you just needed to put the 1.9 firmware on it.

Now you have unsoldered the chip it should now work again, however you say that the disk will not spin. Just curious but will the drive take and eject disks? was the disk still in the drive when you were unsoldering the chip? You should get i magnification tool and just look over the parts you soldered making sure nothing is crossed by solder.

The wiii will turn on and look perfectly ok even if the drive is not attached so you should take the wii apart again and ensure the ribbon cable and the white cable block are in correctly. Then place the drive on its edge (dont waste time putting it back together) place it to the side of the wii turn, it on (whilst its connected to the TV) you will be safe just don't go touching all the insides, go through the motions of trying to start the game to see if it was nothing more than the cables. If that works get the chip back on and then install the firmware. (which will no doubt be a another problem with the config disks)

The drive takes and ejects discs fine and I've tried more than once to reconnect the drive cables. I think i may have a short at the chip legs but its really difficult to see even with magnification - need a pro to fix for me (I wouldn't be able to put the wiikey on myself now anyway as all the pads are gone!


Active Member
Jun 15, 2007
Yep its difficult to see you need a Good inspection eyepiece.
With one of those it will separate a blurred mess into a perfectly clear chip with legs more than enough to check and clean it up.
Only £4.75+PP

I would take a look for you but you cant trust someone you have never met + I'm in Nottingham. You could try
It's £55.00+pp though
Don't know if thats the going rate or what.

I would get the lens first, try ebay if £4.75 is too much. I will see if I can find any info on this specific problem.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2005
United States
When you first intall a wiikey the wii will not read anything anyway even original disks, so theres a chance it was working in the first place, you just needed to put the 1.9 firmware on it.

how do you propose he gets the firmware on the wiikey then if it won't read anything when he first installs it.

god damn the irony in that sentence and quit playing around, dude... you're not a professional installer and you've messed up don't even bother trying to fix it yourself you'll only risk making it worse (which from the sounds of it is pretty bad as it is

the only suggestion i'll make is to make sure you have the cables in correctly before you take it to a professional as i dont want to see you paying for something so simple as cables
if the cables are in correctly and its still no booting games then i suggest just putting it down and finding an installer, which i understand is the point of this thread but with reecarno suggesting things to fix it yourself i couldn't help but try to stop that... you'll only risk your wii after a while (if its still usable in the end that is)


Active Member
Jun 15, 2007
I’m not playing around as you put it; I’m trying to help the guy which is more than you are. All you have suggested is that he checks his cables and/or takes it to a professional which is exactly what I already did with a link. All you have done is made things worse by suggesting I don’t know what I’m doing and that he will make things worse because he’s not competent enough; real confidence boost there Hogmeister.

My first post was short but to the point there was no reason to explain in great length why no disk will work in it until the firmware is installed. Yes the sentence was a little bizarre since you need to put a disk in to flash the firmware in the first place. I see from your post that on Nov 1st 2007 you state “I have never updated my Wiikey before. How do I do it? I read somewhere that with the Wii 3.0 firmware Wiikey can no longer be updated with a DVD, true?”

So at some time you will have encountered the problem with the el Torito format? I quote from wiikey site “Nintendo has released firmware 3.0 via online updates. It will NOT brick or disable Wiikey; however, base and config discs will not load 'natively', neither will any other GC disc with El Torito standard header format.” This was a new install, had you ever done one (which you haven’t) you would know that to get the firmware on a wii console with firmware 3.0+ there’s 2 ways, use GCOS or Hex edit the 1.2 config disk burn a copy and then burn a copy non edited and disk swap.

My point is that we have no way of saying with any degree of certainty weather or not Zeroid had installed the chip correctly, and since the wiikey will not read disks until the firmware is on his first assumptions that it didn't work could have been wrong. Now he’s taken the chip out and the wires off he could have done the damage to the drive then.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2005
United States
I see from your post that on Nov 1st 2007 you state “I have never updated my Wiikey before. How do I do it? I read somewhere that with the Wii 3.0 firmware Wiikey can no longer be updated with a DVD, true?”

I quote from wiikey site “Nintendo has released firmware 3.0 via online updates. It will NOT brick or disable Wiikey; however, base and config discs will not load 'natively', neither will any other GC disc with El Torito standard header format.” This was a new install, had you ever done one (which you haven’t) you would know that to get the firmware on a wii console with firmware 3.0+ there’s 2 ways, use GCOS or Hex edit the 1.2 config disk burn a copy and then burn a copy non edited and disk swap.

My point is that we have no way of saying with any degree of certainty weather or not Zeroid had installed the chip correctly, and since the wiikey will not read disks until the firmware is on his first assumptions that it didn't work could have been wrong. Now he’s taken the chip out and the wires off he could have done the damage to the drive then.

right so A) i never made that post, and if i did.. i was drunk or fucking smokin rock at the time. (mainly because i updated my wiikey when my wii was only firmware 2.2U anyway)

B) i've installed a number of wiikeys on a number of different firmware'd wiis and never once had ap roblem reading the update disc, maybe its just pure dumb luck but even on the 3.0 ones i haven't had trouble.

C) you said it yourself, he may have caused damage to the drive and it currently ISN'T reading the discs, why in the high hell would he want to risk doing any more damage to it than it currently has? you're suggesting he buys a magnifying lens for nothing more than to look at it and inevitably take it to a professional installer like he intends to anyway.

my point is this, you can give him suggestions but dont tell him to open it back up and play with solder when it got him to where he's at now, which is looking for an installer. chances are he's either messed it up beyond his ability to repair (obviously) or he's just incapable of soldering. now i'm not knocking him but these soldering joints aren't exactly a walk in the park for a new person to soldering, and anyone experienced would have known if they could or could not handle it and they would have the proper tools already to know if he's got any solder splatter and caused a short anywhere. theres a point when every person needs to draw the line and realize when they've passed their abilities and wii modding seems to have gotten the best of most everyone. i'm only trying to save this guy the possible trouble of having to buy a whole new wii drive or wii itself if he opens it up and takes a look and thinks "hey, i got solder all over this joint let me try my skill at removing it even though i wasn't careful enough the first time i soldered my wiikey in there and probably can't do this without damaging more stuff".

YES i am suggesting someone stops doing what i consider a hobby for HIS sake, if he's got money to blow and wants to buy a new drive or wii and then get it modded professionally in the end then so be it have at the thing with a torch for all i care but if he's like 90% of the people that mod consoles they're pretty well limited on their cash supply as it is and its best left to the people who install chips for a living

EDIT: lawl i'm an ass sometimes. sorry if'n i'm bothering you but i dont like the thought of someone suggesting another person who already is in a bad situation potentially make it worse. thats all

another edit: just to rub things in even further, the wii WILL read wii discs, original's especially, with the wiikey installed properly and functioning on a 3.0 wii it just will not read gamecube (backup)discs without a patch/hex edit on the iso.

i should have walked away from this post from the very get go...either way, zero, do what you want but i'm suggesting you find the nearest modchip installer and have them do it for you. you'll be 100% more satisfied (that is if they're able to fix whatever happened) than tearing it apart and doing it yourself only to possibly make things worse. i don't know if you guys have a craigslist type site for the UK over there or if you guys have modchips shops all around but definately look for a professional (the reason for the post, i understand but yeah do yourself a favor and don't ruin your wii any further they're too fun
) with a good reputation. best suggestion i can offer


New Member
Jan 5, 2008
OK thanks for all the replies, didn't want to cause any arguments.

I had basically already come to the conclusion that I've taken this way farther than I should have. I done plenty of soldering in my time, but this was on a much smaller scale than I'm used to and I wasn't aware about how easily the pads can lift and that just lack of research on my part. Even if I could see where the problems lies with the magnifier, I don't have the necessary tools or skills to correct it.

Unfortunately I haven't found an installer in my local area (my original reason for posting here) but I do have a couple of options for sending it off, so thats what I'm gonna do. OK it will cost me more than DIY, but hopefully less than a new Wii and thats all I care about now.


Nov 4, 2006
England land
My point is that we have no way of saying with any degree of certainty weather or not Zeroid had installed the chip correctly, and since the wiikey will not read disks until the firmware is on his first assumptions that it didn't work could have been wrong. Now he’s taken the chip out and the wires off he could have done the damage to the drive then.

You're completely wrong
Once the Wiikey is installed, it starts patching right away.

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