NDS Backup Tool FTPd

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Jan 3, 2008
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NDS Backup Tool FTPd

Rudolph has updated his NDS Back-up Tool. It appears that this version may be FTP only. The English read me only states that not all is supported.

Thanks to Normmatt via IRC for the news!​

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2009
United States
Well this is a neat surprise. I gave it a try. I can connect to the FTP server on my DS, but if I do a directory listing in the root, it gives me an error. Reading through the translated readme, I got the idea to try to change directories to the "GameTitle_Gamecode_RomVer directory". So if I use cd with the "Rom Title" from the bottom of the screen and replace the spaces with underscores(for example, lower screen says "Rom Title : FUNGAME JSWE 00", I would use the command

and it will switch to that directory. Then I could do a directory listing, and get FUNGAME_JSWE_00.sav, .nds, or .txt. The .sav transfers quickly, as does the .txt which gives rom information similar to the lower DS screen. It aborted the .nds transfer shortly after I started.

I tried all of this using the DOS FTP command, it may work better with a GUI client. Oh, it also has the option to change roms. If you select that, it will ask you to remove the DS cart and insert a different one. So you can keep the FTP server up and switch games without having to power cycle the DS. Neat.

Here's the Japanese readme translated to English:

====== NDS Backup Tool FTPd V0.10 ======

To FTP server converting DS, at Wifi to connect, the SAVE data and ROM image of NDS ROM

It is the tool which is exchanged from the FTP client of PC side.

Because you can think that trouble such that the SAVE data of NDS ROM breaks occurs

At self responsibility please utilize.

< Introduction method >

Because “NDS_Backup_Tool_FTPd.nds”, it is DLDI correspondence, in combination with to [majikon] which is utilized the patch please do.

With default, it has become uninduced. Case you cannot use DLDI, please utilize that way.

In that case, because setting of network and the like reaches initial value, please adjust on environmental side.

Using the Wifi corresponding software in advance, WFC of DS (the connection with Wifi-AP) it sets.

Adjusting “NDS_Backup_Tool_FTPd.ini” to environment such as network with the editor, it corrects.

In the route of SD, “NDS_Backup_Tool_FTPd.nds” and “NDS_Backup_Tool_FTPd.ini” are copied.

?When there is no “NDS_Backup_Tool_FTPd.ini”, setting of network and the like reaches initial value.

Network (login user name) and the like setting is entered. ''' #! 'Letter of after the line is handled as comment.

?ServerPort 21

???FTPd (the FTP server) appoints system port number (initial value 21).

?FTPUser anonymous

???When FTPd (the FTP server) to login doing, appoints user name (initial value anonymous).

?FTPPassword any@anonymous

???When FTPd (the FTP server) to login doing, appoints the password (initial value any@anonymous).

???It is proper, but when user name " anonymous " is, value of the password is not checked.

?SaveFile 0

???When backing up SAVE of ROM, size of the SAV file is appointed. Size of the numerical value which it appoints

???The unit becomes KByte. When 0 is appointed, it reaches the size of SAVE of ROM, (as for initial value, 0).

???In case of R4/M3S 512, in case of DSLink please appoint 520.

< Usage >

“NDS_Backup_Tool_FTPd.nds” is started.

Following NDS ROM of Slot-1, to message, you set.

Starting the FTP client software from PC, FTPd (the FTP server) connecting, it operates.

?(Operation of DS side)

?: NDS ROM of Slot-1 is exchanged.

???? When NDS ROM is exchanged, logout it is done mandatorily from FTPd.

??? For the second time, redoing from login, (in case of the FTP client of automatic login,) please renew the indication of the picture.

?: Ending FTPd, it turns off the power of NDS.

?(The directory of FTPd)

??On FTPd side, you handle the contents of the card as description below as the hypothetical directory and the file.

???GameTitle_Gamecode_RomVer directory

????GameTitle_Gamecode.nds ?????ROM image

????GameTitle_Gamecode.sav ?????SAVE data

????GameTitle_Gamecode.txt ?????ROM information

?(Operation of FTP client)

?As for each file, it is possible to download on PC side.

?The “SAVE data” just it can utilize the fact that it can upload. When the extension, uploads the file of sav

??The SAVE data is written to NDS ROM, (actual file name is not checked).

?The “SAVE data” just it can utilize the deletion of the file. When the file of the SAVE data is deleted

??The SAVE data of NDS ROM is initialized.

< Note and the like >

Because recognition method after the exchanging the Slot-1 card has not been ascertained, you cannot use with DSi.

Wifi, we do not correspond to the stealth and concealment of ESS-ID in access point.

?In order to permit “ANY” connection, please set.

With FTPd, because detailed error check of contents and the like of the file is not possible, as for operation please go prudently.

Because the command of FTPd which is supported is meager, depending upon the FTP client software,

?Just, there are times when it cannot utilize (as for the test, FFFTP use).

When it cannot decide the SAVE type of ROM, “Unknown " it is indicated.

?Unknown is indicated, whether Akira differs the SAVE type which is indicated ROM and whatever degree where setting, is not recognized, ROM which

?When it is please communicate.

The SAVE type of ROM, “No Support " does not correspond to the SAVE type of ROM which is indicated formally.

?The operation for the “SAVE data” is possible, but operation is not altogether guaranteed.

Download of the data from DS is 30KByte/Sec at low speed. 256Mb (32MByte) 20 quantile it is required with ROM.

?Connecting the AC adapter, please work patiently.

ROM with the card, at one time there are times when you cannot recognize just (several degrees there are times when you can recognize by the fact that the removal pouring is done).

?Macronix1024Mb (128MByte) and the like, please use the day Telecom “recognition improvement adapter, or” adjust the terminal of the basis.

< Thanks >

devkitARM_r26 of devkitPro (“libnds 1.3.8” “libfat 1.0.5” “dswifi 0.3.10”) using, it draws up.

The structural encoding of ROM referred the reference of GBATEK


Japanese the font is the data of the dawn gothic 12dot which [ro] [sa] is open used.

It received the idea contest of the software, from NAYUTA.

< Past record >

V0.10 2009/11/14 it tries drawing up the “NDS Backup Tool series” in the base.

Furthermore ====== the importance you ask, ====================================================================

Limiting to the one for research experiment please use ROM image and the SAVE data, with the individual.

Please do not do behavior such as ROM image or sale transfer distribution of the SAVE data no matter what.

In addition, this tool is not something which promotes these irregularities.


by Rudolph (emperor)


New Member
Dec 26, 2009
Any one having a ftp client to recommend, I'm usually FileZilla but it uses multiple sessions and "NDS Backup Tool FTPd" doesnt support multiple sessions.
I need a ftp clientthat uses the same session to transfer files as it talks to the ftp on.


Nov 24, 2010
United States
I am trying to use this program to back up my NDS ROMs. I can connect without issue and I can backup the text files and the inf files. But when I try to back up the nds file, after a few seconds I get an error and it says the connection has been reset by the server. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.

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