My file of Plants vs. Zombies for the DS seems to be a little corrupted?


Jun 20, 2023
United States
I recently started playing this game again after at least a decade. This file is left over from then. It has a complete adventure mode and most of the minigames unlocked.
However, playing through adventure mode again, some of the UI elements are missing from the minigame stages! Like, for the wall-nut bowling level, the conveyer belt graphic was missing, and during whack-a-zombie, there was no mallet or POW! After quitting to menu and restarting, the missing graphics were back. After receiving a message from the zombies at the end of the 9th level, the button for the main menu was missing its text (it still worked), and the second time, both buttons were missing entirely. Also, between adventure mode levels, there is no option for me to quit to main menu, so I'm forced to start the next stage and then quit, but that might just be normal for replaying adventure mode.
It was particularly bad yesterday, when after the whack-a-zombie level, the images on my seed packets were messed up? Some of them were fine and showed the plants, but about half of them had messed up textures, like the game was trying to call the plant images from the wrong spot. I quit the level and restarted it, and then they were fine. Later, playing 'column like you see em' minigame, I glanced at the top screen and saw a huge graphic sliding down the left side and then disappear. It vanished too quickly for me to see what it was, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be there.
Even weirder, the other file on the same cartridge, which I started a new game on, seems just fine, no visual glitches at all.
All the glitches so far seem to be only visual; the game still functions normally with the missing graphics. But I'm concerned it might get worse, or might be permenently corrupting something in the code. So is this normal for a file after adventure mode, or should I delete this file before it makes things worse?
(I feel like this could easily veer into creepypasta territory, since I don't remember creating this file eehee.)

Edit: I got some pictures.

In the vasebreaker level, this happened after breaking the first vase. The other vases still gave normal plants and zombies, but my hatchet was missing. I restarted the level and it went back to normal.

This was the very next level. The buttons still work, since I accidentally hit the button for Crazy Dave's shop. After backing out, everything was normal again.
Last edited by KittyLee,


Jun 20, 2023
United States
The glitches no longer seem to be entirely visual. I've had several instances of zombies stopping in place, continuing to do the walking animation, but not moving until killed. It first happened in an I, Zombie level. It seems to happen a lot with dancing zombies, right before they call up a bunch of backup dancers. Also, today, I had a couple times when the game played the sound of a zombie dropping a diamond or a plant, but nothing showed up on screen. I happened to tap the right spot once and heard the "you got a plant!" sound and saw stars, but no text.
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huh, it seems like the game called the sprite for the cob cannon instead of the correct sprite, but with the palette of the correct plant, and then covered them with water.
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My aquatic zen garden plants never ask for music or bug spray.
Last edited by KittyLee,

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    @Psionic Roshambo, Yea those were the good old days of wrestling, late 80, early 90's
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    Thank you for your contribution it's been a great help and I'll never forget that
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    I don't vape
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    Yea me niether, its bad for you. I just made that up to conversate.
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    I don't conversate because I'm better than everyone else
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    Ok, well back to your p mcholmes porn then, enjoy.
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    I'm too good for that I get the real deal scrub
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    When only ultra porn will do, Golden Girls has 200 years of combined experience!
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    They call me the bone crusher for a reason
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    *bone muncher
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    Be a man and shove it in there daddy
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    That's your bedroom wall
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    Nuh I got life size posters of him on my bedroom walls
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