Images talk for themselves:
What I have done? Simple:
I had a cosmo black 3DS since launch day, so I got my ambassador games and purchased many games before any hack was ever known. I didn't gave a fuck about the warnings about to update above 4.5 (FY Monster Hunter). I bought more and more games from the eShop, and keeping my console up to date because I lost my hopes for a newer exploit to surface... until Smealum and GW team warned about the 9.3 update. I stayed at 9.2 and when the exploits were released, I entered to the newly born 3DS scene.
Unfortunately, something happened to my 3DS main board: some very, very little circuits started to malfunction, and the Y, L and R buttons stopped to work. There was no repair for that problem, neither change the buttons nor cleaning them, they were still not working properly (They acted as being keep pressed, I kept trying to fix them but no luck, I even bought three more sets of buttons).
The only way left: Buy another 3DS (Bought a Red one). But everyone knows what that means... UPDATE TO 9.4, and my new 3DS (not n3DS, only new normal 3DS) came with 4.5 FE yay!!)
So I came up for something; instead of doing a system transfer, I called Nintendo, and told them that my Black 3DS was stolen, and I wanted to recover all my eShop purhases. They told me that it was possible, and asked for both 3DS serial numbers (old and new) among some questions about what tittles did I have in my acount, my e-mail and my NNID. They told me that my eShop purhases would be arried over to the new console within two days.
Two days after, my old Black 3DS refused to load any game, and when entering to the system settings>Data Management>software, it deleted everything, so obviously that meant that my eShop account got unlinked from there, so here comes the tricky part.
I installed a MT-Card emuNAND to the Red 3ds, so I cannot loose my 4.2 sysnand, and then updated the emuNAND to 9.4. Entered the eSHop and linked my existing NNID from the old console, and boom!! My mii appeared, and on the eShop, under the "Downloaded content" section all my game purchases where there!! Even the ambassador games. So I started to download everything to emuNand... I thought I was saved and feeling like a boss.
Recently I downloaded the game on the images and that happened, it's on Japanese, tough my console is US and the language settings are configured right.
And no, I'm not using any CFW, nor Gateway or any form of pirated games, it is LEGIT, I purchased it before on my first 3DS unit, and redownloaded on the new, the only thing I'm using at the moment is MTCard Emunand 9.5 Classic mode, and my sysNAND is on 4.2, USA console, both nands are linked.
cearp do you have any clue of what happened?, Language setting only? and if this can be exploited in any form?
What I have done? Simple:
I had a cosmo black 3DS since launch day, so I got my ambassador games and purchased many games before any hack was ever known. I didn't gave a fuck about the warnings about to update above 4.5 (FY Monster Hunter). I bought more and more games from the eShop, and keeping my console up to date because I lost my hopes for a newer exploit to surface... until Smealum and GW team warned about the 9.3 update. I stayed at 9.2 and when the exploits were released, I entered to the newly born 3DS scene.
Unfortunately, something happened to my 3DS main board: some very, very little circuits started to malfunction, and the Y, L and R buttons stopped to work. There was no repair for that problem, neither change the buttons nor cleaning them, they were still not working properly (They acted as being keep pressed, I kept trying to fix them but no luck, I even bought three more sets of buttons).
The only way left: Buy another 3DS (Bought a Red one). But everyone knows what that means... UPDATE TO 9.4, and my new 3DS (not n3DS, only new normal 3DS) came with 4.5 FE yay!!)
So I came up for something; instead of doing a system transfer, I called Nintendo, and told them that my Black 3DS was stolen, and I wanted to recover all my eShop purhases. They told me that it was possible, and asked for both 3DS serial numbers (old and new) among some questions about what tittles did I have in my acount, my e-mail and my NNID. They told me that my eShop purhases would be arried over to the new console within two days.
Two days after, my old Black 3DS refused to load any game, and when entering to the system settings>Data Management>software, it deleted everything, so obviously that meant that my eShop account got unlinked from there, so here comes the tricky part.
I installed a MT-Card emuNAND to the Red 3ds, so I cannot loose my 4.2 sysnand, and then updated the emuNAND to 9.4. Entered the eSHop and linked my existing NNID from the old console, and boom!! My mii appeared, and on the eShop, under the "Downloaded content" section all my game purchases where there!! Even the ambassador games. So I started to download everything to emuNand... I thought I was saved and feeling like a boss.
Recently I downloaded the game on the images and that happened, it's on Japanese, tough my console is US and the language settings are configured right.
And no, I'm not using any CFW, nor Gateway or any form of pirated games, it is LEGIT, I purchased it before on my first 3DS unit, and redownloaded on the new, the only thing I'm using at the moment is MTCard Emunand 9.5 Classic mode, and my sysNAND is on 4.2, USA console, both nands are linked.
cearp do you have any clue of what happened?, Language setting only? and if this can be exploited in any form?