Monster Hunter World Set To Release On January 26 & 3rd Beta Info

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2018

Many fans of the Monster Hunter series will be familiar with their new up and coming instalment to the series; "Monster Hunter World". The 3rd beta was announced today which hyped up many players, but also left a lot of players disappointed as for the 3rd time in a row the open beta was a PS4 exclusive, but hey, at least it introduces some new content unlike open beta 2.

Luckily for these disappointed players, this beta kicks off only a few days before the release of the game, so they wont have to wait too long for their xbone and PC versions (PC comes in Fall). For anyone interested in downloading the beta, it starts at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET on January 18 and ends on January 21 at the same time. You will need access to Playstation Plus beforehand though, so keep that in mind.

In the 3rd beta players will be able to venture through 3 locations; the Great Jagras, Anjanath, and Barroth. Players will also (finally) get to brawl with the games poster girl monster, the Nergigante. The full release is said to bring back several other Elder Dragons, as well as the introduction of some new ones, which you can see here.

The first free "major" DLC pack is set to come out some time in spring and adds a new monster.

The full release of this game is set to launch on January 26 for both PS4 and xbone, with a PC version coming in Fall as stated before. Capcom have also announced a limited edition Monster Hunter PS4 Controller and Starter Packs, sadly these will only be available to the folks in Japan.

:arrow: Source: 1

PS: I hope I have sort of redeemed myself with this.:blush:
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