Hacking Make 4.3 Wii a virgin again?


New Member
Feb 11, 2015
United States
Hi there everybody,
I want to apologize in advance if this question has been asked before - I searched high and low across google to find something that could maybe assist me with this, but to no avail.

Basically, as the title of the thread implies, I want to make my 4.3U Wii back into a clean, mod-free state - or back into a virgin. I didn't really want to hack it initially, but when I sent in my Wii to get repairs, I was unfortunately unable to retrieve some of my old virtual console games that I had bought for it, so I modded it so I could install some VC wads of the games I lost.

I did this about 1.5 years ago, so I don't remember what I installed. I'm thinking it was probably just the Homebrew Channel, and the WAD manager (or whatever app you need to install VC wads). The method I used to install it was the letter-bomb method (at least I think that's what it's called) where the installation is sent done through receiving a letter on the Wii Message Board.

Anyway, I won't go into detail, but I would really like to make my Wii a virgin again - that is not have any trace of mods or anything. I know I'll lose the virtual console WADs I installed, but it's worth it at this point. If there's any simple way to do this, through formatting, updating the system, etc, I would be immensely appreciative to anyone who could help me. I should say I no longer have the capability to access to the apps homebrew channel(I'm still able to open it, just not do anything), as the SD card I used to install it originally is long gone, and I no longer have a method in which I could write mods to a new SD card. So, if there is a way to restore my Wii back to it's factory state via some other method, that'd be great to know!

Again, thanks so much in advance to any help I receive.


New Member
Feb 11, 2015
United States
Hey guys, sorry to bump/double post, but I just wanted to post an update. I've since been able to access the homebrew channel again, and I installed the AnyTitle Deleter app. I deleted a few of the VC games that I injected through WADs, but I wanted to know if there's anything else I could do with the app to bring the system back to it's virgin state. Since opening the Homebrew Channel again, I was able to all the mods I had originally installed on the console, which I will list here

Homebrew Channel & BootMii
WAD Manager (Which I used to inject VC games long ago)
NandCleaner (Never launched, so never used it)
AnyTitleDeleter (Used to wipe off some of the pirated VC games)

I've never installed any major modifications like Preloader, and I'm not entirely sure if I did anything with BootMii (can't really remember, all I know is that it had installed when I originally did the Letterbomb method) so I'm hoping there's still a way to scrub the system squeaky clean of all mods simply and completely, and I hope the fact that I was able to run the Homebrew channel again helps this.

Again, sorry for the double post, and thanks so much in advance for help!

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