I am planning to purchase a New 3DS XL for my little brother, as his DS lite broke. However, some of his original DS games have also broken. Is there any flash carts available that would work with the New 3DS solely for original DS games?
Where is the best place to purchase an R4i Gold or SuperCard DSTWO?
Talking about the upcoming New 3DS XL.When you say NEW 3DS are you talking about the one that has yet to release in the US or the "OLD" 3DS that you can pick up in stores now
Talking about the upcoming New 3DS XL.
No DSTWO but good for the r4Modchipsdirect (now that RHS has been shut down).
Reports are both r4 and DSTWO work on N3DS but you are correct that is not based on US region.I have not seen any news on New 3DS and flash card support for the US models as there not out yet and may differ from other region releases. So I don't wanna feed you false info, If your looking to play 3DS games SKY3DS Will most likely be your best bet as its working on other region NEW 3DS's, For a card that plays DS games on the New 3DS I want to say Get DSTWO "BUT" I have not seen any hard evidence it works on it.
If anyone wants to correct me please do so.
Yeah I'm not looking for anything special. My brother doesn't do any hacking and whatnot.I'm using a R4i-SDHC RTS that still works fine on my 9.5 XL, and works on my 9.2 N3DS (which I won't be updating to 9.5, but I assume it should work)
It seems to be one of the less popular cards, so I'm guessing it completely fell off Nintendo's radar for cards to (attempt to) block out, so I'm feeling pretty good about future proofing. I had a SuperCard but I don't recommend it since it has a SoC which drains battery a bit faster than the standard cards, and chances are you don't need the extra functionality, and price, that it adds