Hacking Just updated softmod and getting stuck booting Kirby Epic Yarn


Active Member
Feb 26, 2007
United States

I have a WiiKey but when there were issues with anti-piracy protection on NSMB I was a bit lazy and used "pimpmywii" to get a softmod going so I could boot the game up. I've now updated the chip, and I also updated the softmod by following this guide, which is supposed to install a system menu which blocks updates
System Menu 4.1 v544## is installed, preventing N updates, restoring region free and bannerbomb

My syscheck comes up that I'm running System Menu 0.0U (is that correct for this?).

Games seem to work fine except Kirby Epic Yarn which locks up on a black screen (booting from WiiFlow, but I tried NeoGamma and CFGLoader as well with the same results).

Any help / advice is appreciated :yaywii:

sysCheck v2.0.1 by Double_A
...runs on IOS58 (rev 6176).
Region: NTSC-U
System Menu 0.0U (v54449)
Hollywood v0x11
Boot2 v4Found 109 titles.
Found 52 IOS on this console. 3 of them are stub.
IOS4 (rev 65280): Stub
IOS9 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS10 (rev 768): Stub
IOS11 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS12 (rev 526): No Patches
IOS13 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS14 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS15 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS16 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, Flash Access, NAND Access
IOS17 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS20 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS21 (rev 1039): No Patches
IOS22 (rev 1294): No Patches
IOS28 (rev 1807): No Patches
IOS30 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS31 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS33 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS34 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS35 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS36 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
IOS37 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS38 (rev 4124): No Patches
IOS41 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS43 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS45 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS46 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS48 (rev 4124): No Patches
IOS50 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS51 (rev 4864): Stub
IOS53 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS55 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS56 (rev 5662): No Patches
IOS57 (rev 5919): No Patches
IOS58 (rev 6176): No Patches
IOS60 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS61 (rev 5662): No Patches
IOS70 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS80 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS90 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS202 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS222 (rev 4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS223 (rev 4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS224 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS236 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
IOS245 (rev 21007): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS246 (rev 21007): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
IOS247 (rev 21007): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS248 (rev 21007): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS249 (rev 21007): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS250 (rev 21007): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS251 (rev 21007): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS254 (rev 65281): BootMii
BC v6
MIOS v65535Report generated on 2012/03/25.


Active Member
Feb 26, 2007
United States
prolly a bad rip of the game, try re-ripping it

I'm almost convinced of the same thing. I hear of a "002 fix" which can be enabled to help with this problem, but I'm pretty sure I read from a post on here that WiiFlow automatically applies that.


Certified Crash Test Dummy
Apr 2, 2011
The Twilight Zone
United States
PimpMyWii (aka BrickMyWii) was a bad choice, Softmod ANY Wii (you could have also used ModMii, both are excellent guides) was a good choice. The v0.0 is a result of the version of SysCheck you are using, there is nothing wrong. You actually have 4.1U (best version when it comes to brick protection/recovery and features).

Kirby's Epic Yarn has some AP. Try enabling Clear All Patches and see if that works. It could also be a video issue, so try changing Video to Disc Default.
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Active Member
Feb 26, 2007
United States
PimpMyWii (aka BrickMyWii) was a bad choice, Softmod ANY Wii (you could have also used ModMii, both are excellent guides) was a good choice. The v0.0 is a result of the version of SysCheck you are using, there is nothing wrong. You actually have 4.1U (best version when it comes to brick protection/recovery and features).

Kirby's Epic Yarn has some AP. Try enabling Clear All Patches and see if that works. It could also be a video issue, so try changing Video to Disc Default.

Thanks. I checked and none of the patches are enabled. Tried loading it in CFG Loader with the 002 fix enabled too (even though WiiFlow is supposed to do it automatically). I have a feeling it's the rip because all of my other games work fine. I'll bump if I'm still having problems.


Certified Crash Test Dummy
Apr 2, 2011
The Twilight Zone
United States
PimpMyWii (aka BrickMyWii) was a bad choice, Softmod ANY Wii (you could have also used ModMii, both are excellent guides) was a good choice. The v0.0 is a result of the version of SysCheck you are using, there is nothing wrong. You actually have 4.1U (best version when it comes to brick protection/recovery and features).

Kirby's Epic Yarn has some AP. Try enabling Clear All Patches and see if that works. It could also be a video issue, so try changing Video to Disc Default.

Thanks. I checked and none of the patches are enabled. Tried loading it in CFG Loader with the 002 fix enabled too (even though WiiFlow is supposed to do it automatically). I have a feeling it's the rip because all of my other games work fine. I'll bump if I'm still having problems.
I'm telling you to change "Clear Patches" from "Off" to "All"

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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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    @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after
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    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Or when your player dies, you can say in code, if enemy exists, do nothing, but if enemy does not exist, then create enemy at certain spot. (This would be a pain tho for lots of emeies)
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    Easiest, simple way would be just restart scene, but player would restart from beginning.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @BigOnYa, thx in advance