I'm not sure if this news can fit in this section, but here's what I found a website.
Source: http://www.mcvuk.com/news/36390/Iwata-Pira...-endless-battle
QUOTE said:Nintendo boss says publisher will pursue technical and legal measures to crack down on software theft
With the PS3 remaining the only current generation console to remain unhacked, platform holder Nintendo – whose DS and Wii remain two of piracy’s largest victims – has admitted that the battle against software piracy “is endless”.
“I recognize there is more software piracy, playing downloaded software data without purchase, than some years ago, on many of the current platforms including Nintendo DS,” boss Satoru Iwata stated.
“As for the piracy itself, it is said to be hard to precisely figure out the total impact as it is done underground. But I think I can declare that software piracy impacts all video game platforms today.”
Iwata went on to detail he ways in which Nintendo is attempting to fight the battle.
“As for specific measures, we have two ways – technological and legal measures,” Iwata explained.
“They tend to become a cat-and-mouse chase. As the piracy itself is underground, someone somewhere finds out the solution to evade our measures. When we shut one hole of the mice, they have dug a new one somewhere else.
“We have acknowledged that this is an endless battle, and we believe the best measure is to keep fighting it technologically and legally.
"As for the details of specific measures, I'll refrain from disclosing them here, as this conversation will be public online and the pirates will be able to find. I will however promise to keep acting legally and technologically, with patience.”
Source: http://www.mcvuk.com/news/36390/Iwata-Pira...-endless-battle