When dumping firmwares backups and such for A9LH install, I may have named some of the files wrong according to the guide (I installed a9lh from the old guide, not the current one- also- I do not need any help finishing the install to clarify, I have it done- just the backups I have were named wrong due to not understanding the nand naming controls on the 3ds)
Is there a way to read nand/firmware files before flashing them? Or is it possible to have a pc program that can read these files and tell you what version is on there, what games or .cias, etc.?
If there isn't something like that, it would be somewhat useful to have it.
Is there a way to read nand/firmware files before flashing them? Or is it possible to have a pc program that can read these files and tell you what version is on there, what games or .cias, etc.?
If there isn't something like that, it would be somewhat useful to have it.