im a noob so you dont need to to tell me or make stupid comments, genuine help only please, i say this as yesterday i posted about this prob & most people who replyd didnt give any answers they just commented how thick i am, well i know that allready so you dont have to post & tell me, anyway my problem is i put loads of wads on my sd card which i was told was or would be crucial for upcoming games, i have a winja v1 installed & hbc & tph, so after rebooting my wii it started acting as tho id had 3.4 fw ie as soon as a backup was loaded in it crashed, my fw was & i asume still is 3.2, so i opened wad manager 3 & removed all the wads that id just installed which also included ios30 which iv found out is the system menu, so now my wii doesnt show nothing but still turns on but wont connect to remote or show on screen, iv got a savemii but no joy with that, could someone please help, would a autoboot twighlight princess work with the savemii & ifso could someone please explain how i make it autoboot, or if anyone has a alternative fix it would be much appreciated thank you