Helloo, well I’m pretty much here because I need help hacking my Wii. Somebody did it before for me, and a few things happened and now cfg usb loader isn’t loading my games. So you’ll probably see me around the Wii hacking threads.
I have no idea on how to do anything, and honestly I’m kind of desperate (idk why I just haven’t played wii in a long while) and I need lots of information so if it’s too complicated to respond through here, I’m able to exchange phone numbersUse Syschek first. This will give you a txt file with all the modifications that has been done to your console.
(I wasn’t implying anything about getting laid tho, I honestly just need help)And I'm available to get laid... but things doesn't work that easy.
It may be easier for you to understand by talking in real time.
Just ask away, and nice people will always try to help you.
Syschek is a homebrew app that can be loaded through the Homebrew Channel.
I assume that you have the Homebrew Channel already installed on your Wii, no?
Jeez... you're just 16 years old...(I wasn’t implying anything about getting laid tho, I honestly just need help)
Yes, I have the homebrew channel
Don’t worry, I know I can be a little slow sometimes. Where do i get syschek? I can’t just pull it out of my butt, and I don’t know how to download itJeez... you're just 16 years old...
You must be new to sarcasm too.
If you have the Homebrew Channel, and you can't figure out why you can't load games using CFG USB Loader, use SYSCHEK TO CHECK IF THERE'S MISSINC cIOS OR IOS FROM YOUR SYSTEM
Am I being clear now?
PS: Also, don't get offended as that's not the intention.
Don’t worry, I know I can be a little slow sometimes. Where do i get syschek? I can’t just pull it out of my butt, and I don’t know how to download it
Lol ok, let me go do thatOkay. Just don't take things too personal. I know you're new to all of this.
Look, there's this rule here on GBATemp that says that we can't share links that leads to piracy behaviour or something along those lines.
But, what I can tell you, is that you can use Google and type:
"Wii Syschek Download" I mean... I'm not forcing you to type it... you know? I'm just telling you what you could type on Google...
Then... you could downoad the latest version of Syschek... and un-zip it... and it'll give you a folder called "apps" and that folder can be pasted on the root of your SD and then you have to put the SD on your Wii, and load Homebrew Channel, and Syschek will appear on your Homebrew Channel... and only then you can use Syschek.
Or so I've been told.