there's a specific program that lets you explore the contents of a disc and extract a folder or certain file and it puts it on your sdcard/USB. The reason i'm not just using one of the normal ones is because my disc is slightly scratched (i got it when i was young) and it loads slowly so if i use any other program it gives up before the disc successfully mounts (also I want to use my USB which to my amazing luck isn't very compatible with most programs) . the program at the time had a dos-like interface but the developer was planning to add a sea background. i need this because i forgot to make a backup of my SMG2 StageData and ObjectData and edited it like an idiot. for some reason that program is the only one that works. has anyone else seen a program like this?
EDIT: RESOLVED sorry i found the files sitting in an unnamed folder on my pc!
EDIT: RESOLVED sorry i found the files sitting in an unnamed folder on my pc!
Last edited by Virtual-Wii-noob,