Gaming I'm disappointed with the Switch

Are you Satisfied with the Switch?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
Hello fellow tempers, I thought about my Nintendo Switch today and wanted to talk with you about it.

It's been almost 3 years now since the consoles Release and this are my main critique points:

- Still no new Mario Kart entry. Too lazy to add maybe a Cup or dlcs?
- Still no new Mario Bros entry.
I'm a friend of Ports, but don't tell me they have not enough time to make some fresh maps for new Super Mario Bros Deluxe HD Wii U... Just lazy as fuck Nintendo... Just hire some people from the fanmade games community... It's not like a Zelda where you have to think about a story... For me unacceptable.

Where the fuck is Wind Walker HD and TP HD?
If you port something then the good shit.
- Quality, Bending Switch, Joycon Drift, Scratching Docks (I experienced all of this except the drift)
- No Virtual Console
I don't accept this garbage of games that Nintendo shits out every 2 Months.
And where the fuck are the other consoles, give us atleast N64 and some people probably want some Megadrive too...
- Charging us 2€ every Month for taking a shit on our face.
- Switch Sport anyone?
- A proper Mario Party and not this extremely random tiny board random stars and golden pipe bullshit. The minigames are fine tho.
- No game Invite System or any kind of Social Platform.
- 3 years in, and the only themes we got are Black or White
- How long will we have to wait for another Wario Ware.

As you can see there's in my opinion atleast a ton of things that just bugg me about the Switch that probably won't be solved until it's EOL. At least the majority I guess.
There's only about 2 years and 10 days left (approximately) until we will probably see a new Console.

But there's also much I like about it:
- Labo (Nintendo just being Nintendo and I love it)
- Ring fit adventure, pretty cool.
- Smash Ultimate
- The huge 3rd Party Support is just georgus... Playing Celeste, Isaac or Rocket League on the Switch is a blessing. Witcher, Overwatch etc..
- Zelda BOTW
- MM2 is pretty sick.
- Coop "Virtual Console"
- Portability
- New Metroid (please let it be good)
- Easily Hackable (unpatched units)

I kinda lost all hope for it, maybe the next console gets better... I really don't know what N is doing with all this revenue they get from such a good selling system.
I might have forgotten about some positive and negative things but that's what I was thinking.

Don't forget this is my opinion and it doesn't have to be the same as yours, so there's no need to try and change my mind.

I'm interested in what you think about?
Do you share my view or maybe not at all?
Let's discuss!
> no virtual console
What is retroarch?


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
I mean, it delivered what it set out to do. The disappointing things for me are:

1. Library is good but it's kind of meh due to multiple Wii U ports (I feel all the good games would come out near the EOL)
2. Only a few new good IPs on this console
3. Lack of Wii/GC VC
4. Bad controller design (Too small/not comfy + drift issue + weak range (almost as bad as Wii U's tablet))
5. Weak battery
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2016
LOL This thread is hilarious, i don't even think the OP truly believes that, and is only feeling momentary bitterness that's entirely subjective to their general view on the switch, which does happen occasionally even when the reality of something is moving in a positive way ... It's not difficult to understand your current disappointment when taking your personal perspective in account. You're not satisfied that your wishes weren't granted in the order and timing you'd want them to be. Though try spinning the chessboard around. and re-evaluating.

Realistically, the switch is doing fantastically. Its library is in a constant state of influx, it's getting cross-console ports-galore, that you can find at anytime on hbg or on the NinShop , so there is no shortage on a vast collection to play through and to boot we are diligently moving the switchhax scene forward in-line with the FW releases. Which in-turn is keeping things fresh for the console. Alot more than can be said for the poor dead horse that is the PS4 right now. (R.I.P. Hen)
There is so much flexibility with this console, its not even funny. Even it's emulation arsenal is making steady progress through libretro's efforts. While yeah, It isn't perfect. Naturally, nothing ever is. Though in retrospect to the plethora of pros the console wields, the cons just don't hold a whole lot of weight. Even when taken from a completely objective standpoint and just comparing it's advances in all these fields in comparison to past gen-consoles that 'truly' failed by definition. The Switch has legs to stand on in a debate. Plain and simple.

You're entitled to your opinion, of course. Though you're largely wrong, in your reasoning for 'why' the switch is 'failing'.
Pessimism happens though, so it's all good. You do you. Eventually maybe you'll come to enjoy the switch and all its freedom, with the rest of us. ^_^
Even if I don't wanna admit it, you're 100% right.
This was actually more of a momentary feeling.
I don't see things as harsh anymore as I maybe did in that moment, more of a rant in this moment of time when things aren't as I think they should be.

I like your post, it makes sence reading it, and you take a very calm and objective aproach to my opinion. Nice.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
United States
lol complaining about no virtual console and wanting more ports. Just go and play virtual console on a wii or a wii u. I am for one tired of ports of games from Nintendo consoles that not even 5 years old. No Mario game? ever heard of Mario Odyssey ? Nintendo aint EA/UBI soft. it takes them a while to put out a new Mario/zelda/metroid.
Ports from other platforms are welcome but remakes of games not even old is just there to make a quick buck. The noobs buy them because they probably dont even have the original. To much play and toss mentality.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
United States
Eh, it's okay. My only gripe is how easy the screen scratches, and the battery is god awful. Mine is hacked, so I don't mind the remaster and ports, because they cost me fuck all, lol.

Oh, and the small text in some games just out right annoys the hell out of me.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2014
United States
All of the criticisms that OP mentioned are valid but the one that spoke to me personally is the existence of absolutely terrible hardware flaws, so I'm going to tell everyone about my experience with those. There are far more hardware flaws that I've personally experienced than mentioned by OP. These are sorted in order of importance imo, most important at the top and least important at the bottom. Keep in mind that I hardly ever use my switch, so these problems are not from heavy use or any kind of abuse at all. I have never once dropped or done anything harsh to my switch, and I only play once every few months. Back in 2017, I used to play a few times a week, but nowhere near the amount of hours I got from any other console (including PS3, Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS, all of which never experienced reliability issues except for the DS from a drop of water).

I can't reliably play my switch online. Upon booting the console, it takes up to 2 minutes of sitting on the home menu to connect to the internet if I decide to let it sit and wait. About half the time when it doesn't connect after 2 minutes, I have to manually go into the settings and connect, and it usually connects immediately. This is not a problem with my network. I've tried it on many different networks of varying speeds and connection qualities and it's all the same. One instance where this was extremely annoying was when @McWhiters9511 came to my house and we couldn't even play Mario Maker because neither of our switches could connect at the same time. We tried for about 20 minutes on 4 different networks (each of my house routers and each of our phones as a mobile hotspot). We could not manage to get both of our switches connected at the same time for a long enough period of time to complete one multiplayer match of Mario Maker. We got into only one match in those 20 minutes and it lagged terribly and we DC'd within 30 seconds. This single-handedly has stopped me from getting into any switch games because I prefer online gaming heavily over single-player gaming.

I experience serious joycon drift to the point where I can't even use my joycons to navigate the home menu anymore because it will always think I'm pressing up and therefore always scroll up to my user profile. So I have to touch the screen to navigate. If the switch is docked and I'm using the joycons, I have to undock it and select the game I want and then re-dock it. Many games are unplayable with these joycons because of it. I'm not going to go out and buy new joycons because of a hardware flaw that shouldn't exist.

My micro SD card is a top-of-the-line SanDisk Ultra Plus 128GB. I bought this brand new when I bought the switch and I'm sure it is functioning correctly. For no apparent reason, my switch will say the SD card has been removed and it will close whatever game I'm playing. This happens frequently enough to the point where I thought there is no way in hell Nintendo would release such a broken product. So, I tried 2 other high quality SD cards over the next few months (this was in late 2017) and they all get the same problem. It's clearly a problem relating to the switch and not my SD cards, so I went back to the original and obviously the same problem persists to this day.

My switch has bent from heat back in 2017 after only about 50 hours of playtime. This hasn't really affected me that much, but it just speaks to their cheap and low quality hardware. Most people would be mad, but since I've experienced much worse with this console itself, I really don't care that much.

The dock has scratched my screen. When I originally got the console, I always kept a Kleenex between the dock and the screen to try and stop it from happening, but I stopped when my switch bent and I no longer cared about keeping it pristine. Within months it has scratched and it's only been docked and undocked maybe 20 times. I'm also very careful with it.

My kickstand doesn't stay against the body of the switch when it's on. If I'm holding the console flat with the screen up, the kickstand will open up and there's no way to keep it closed other than with tape or something. Very cheap plastic.

The switch is by far the lowest quality piece of shit tech that I have ever laid my hands on except for a few pairs of $1 Chinese earbuds from eBay and a fake Chinese USB drive I bought several years ago. Seriously, I'm not kidding or exaggerating. I never thought Nintendo could make a console with such bad hardware. All of these flaws combined have made it so where I don't even have any interest in touching or hacking my switch because I know at least one of these many flaws will affect me every time I try to play a game.
Last edited by DarkFlare69,
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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2016
United States
All of the criticisms that OP mentioned are valid but the one that spoke to me personally is the existence of absolutely terrible hardware flaws, so I'm going to tell everyone about my experience with those. There are far more hardware flaws that I've personally experienced than mentioned by OP. These are sorted in order of importance imo, most important at the top and least important at the bottom. Keep in mind that I hardly ever use my switch, so these problems are not from heavy use or any kind of abuse at all. I have never once dropped or done anything harsh to my switch, and I only play once every few months. Back in 2017, I used to play a few times a week, but nowhere near the amount of hours I got from any other console (including PS3, Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS, all of which never experienced reliability issues except for the DS from a drop of water).

I can't reliably play my switch online. Upon booting the console, it takes up to 2 minutes of sitting on the home menu to connect to the internet if I decide to let it sit and wait. About half the time when it doesn't connect after 2 minutes, I have to manually go into the settings and connect, and it usually connects immediately. This is not a problem with my network. I've tried it on many different networks of varying speeds and connection qualities and it's all the same. One instance where this was extremely annoying was when @McWhiters9511 came to my house and we couldn't even play Mario Maker because neither of our switches could connect at the same time. We tried for about 20 minutes on 4 different networks (each of my house routers and each of our phones as a mobile hotspot). We could not manage to get both of our switches connected at the same time for a long enough period of time to complete one multiplayer match of Mario Maker. We got into only one match in those 20 minutes and it lagged terribly and we DC'd within 30 seconds. This single-handedly has stopped me from getting into any switch games because I prefer online gaming heavily over single-player gaming.

I experience serious joycon drift to the point where I can't even use my joycons to navigate the home menu anymore because it will always think I'm pressing up and therefore always scroll up to my user profile. So I have to touch the screen to navigate. If the switch is docked and I'm using the joycons, I have to undock it and select the game I want and then re-dock it. Many games are unplayable with these joycons because of it. I'm not going to go out and buy new joycons because of a hardware flaw that shouldn't exist.

My micro SD card is a top-of-the-line SanDisk Ultra Plus 128GB. I bought this brand new when I bought the switch and I'm sure it is functioning correctly. For no apparent reason, my switch will say the SD card has been removed and it will close whatever game I'm playing. This happens frequently enough to the point where I thought there is no way in hell Nintendo would release such a broken product. So, I tried 2 other high quality SD cards over the next few months (this was in late 2017) and they all get the same problem. It's clearly a problem relating to the switch and not my SD cards, so I went back to the original and obviously the same problem persists to this day.

My switch has bent from heat back in 2017 after only about 50 hours of playtime. This hasn't really affected me that much, but it just speaks to their cheap and low quality hardware. Most people would be mad, but since I've experienced much worse with this console itself, I really don't care that much.

The dock has scratched my screen. When I originally got the console, I always kept a Kleenex between the dock and the screen to try and stop it from happening, but I stopped when my switch bent and I no longer cared about keeping it pristine. Within months it has scratched and it's only been docked and undocked maybe 20 times. I'm also very careful with it.

My kickstand doesn't stay against the body of the switch when it's on. If I'm holding the console flat with the screen up, the kickstand will open up and there's no way to keep it closed other than with tape or something. Very cheap plastic.

The switch is by far the lowest quality piece of shit tech that I have ever laid my hands on except for a few pairs of $1 Chinese earbuds from eBay and a fake Chinese USB drive I bought several years ago. Seriously, I'm not kidding or exaggerating. I never thought Nintendo could make a console with such bad hardware. All of these flaws combined have made it so where I don't even have any interest in touching or hacking my switch because I know at least one of these many flaws will affect me every time I try to play a game.
I can attest to this. At least with launch consoles, the hardware is far from pleasurable to use. The switch lite i have found is better in some ways such as heat and fan noise and stability feeling, but the wifi chip is still complete garbage no matter what kind of connection i have
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Mar 16, 2020
United States
I haven't ran into any real problem using my Switch since it first came out. Maybe I am just lucky but it has been one of the best consoles in my opinion and if it evolves to something even greater then that'll be exciting to see.

But ultimately there's a few subjective things folks will see differently. However, I will have to say that some of the work that went into the Switch Homebrew scene is very impressive and it is great to see all this hard work. I see loads of potential that can be done. 2020 has been an interesting year so far (minus a few things) but I just know that the Switch will likely have some interesting surprises down the road. For all those who work on tools and even this site, thanks for all your work! It is much appreciated and perhaps one day I can give back in an important way.

Also Animal Crossing inching ever so closer makes it ever more so the hype for me! My life might cease to exist for a few weeks. xD

Deleted member 514389

GBA Connoisseur
Dec 24, 2019
the toolshed
If it wasn't for boredom d.t. having to stay at home I would've never taken the plunge.
At least hacking is kind of fun.

Aside From MMZ/ZX and AC:NH nothing much for now...
It's battery life sucks however. Wish I could replace its measly accu...

Maybe it has a somewhat promising future...

All in all the DS and GBA still have Ninty's best library...

> no virtual console
What is retroarch?

Ah, you mean that program that corrupts your microSD beyond salvation when you "update" assets and databases.
Great tool. Really.
Last edited by Deleted member 514389,


Dec 2, 2007
United States
The big draw here is being able to take slightly cut down versions of games on the go. Since the Wii, it feels like Nintendo has taken a unique angle at the gaming industry. This time its console games on the go. So if that doesn't appeal to you, you won't really care about the Switch.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
The big draw here is being able to take slightly cut down versions of games on the go. Since the Wii, it feels like Nintendo has taken a unique angle at the gaming industry. This time its console games on the go. So if that doesn't appeal to you, you won't really care about the Switch.
But I liked the PSP though, and a massive part of the appeal of the GBA and DS was the ability to play 16 bit and later ports.

That said it is less console games, and more modern console games. In that case that would help explain the lack of interest if I also couple it with devs no longer doing particularly interesting things like the GBA and DS saw.
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