So, this started some time after I changed from SX OS to Atmosphere to be able to play in version 13 and up.
Whenever I get a new mail in my mailbox, 299 copies of that mail get delivered, all of them lacking a background image, so it's just floating text on a transparent background. If an item was sent in with the letter, 299 copies of the item will be delivered as well, but they won't go into my inventory once taken. When I leave my mailbox, all the 299 copies get deleted.
This bug has made it impossible for me to get stuff from the Point Redeeming Machine or other sources, as only the last mail sent to my mailbox will make it in and create copies. I already formatted the SD Card, replaced the NSP, updated the game, and the bug persists.
This is the link to my save file, if it helps. Thanks for reading guys, and I hope we can find a solution.
Whenever I get a new mail in my mailbox, 299 copies of that mail get delivered, all of them lacking a background image, so it's just floating text on a transparent background. If an item was sent in with the letter, 299 copies of the item will be delivered as well, but they won't go into my inventory once taken. When I leave my mailbox, all the 299 copies get deleted.
This bug has made it impossible for me to get stuff from the Point Redeeming Machine or other sources, as only the last mail sent to my mailbox will make it in and create copies. I already formatted the SD Card, replaced the NSP, updated the game, and the bug persists.
This is the link to my save file, if it helps. Thanks for reading guys, and I hope we can find a solution.