OK, so I beat "The Last Story" in a day and a half in 20 hours playing on and off. In a nut shell the game was well done, fast paced in telling each of the 44 chapters, the visuals I think are some of the best on the Wii and shows what the system has to offer. One thing I like is how the game just throws in there and you have no idea what the heck's going on, The story has the same effect, it grabs a hold and never lets go and when its finally over, "Your breathing deeply from all the excitement and tension and blown away by just how much happen from chapter 1 to 44" than you let out a sigh of relief and sadness asking your self "Did Calista and Zael get married? and were where they going after the credits rolled?" the game definitely has some questions to answer for but all in does a great job sealing the deal and closing the story.It just goes to show that Hironobu Sakaguchi still has what it takes to make great stories, great game play and to package it all up in a nicely well balanced game.
The only minor complaints I would have are the constant frame lags that appear mainly in the castle and city. I do/ don't like the fact that for the most part you don't really need to upgrade your equipment most of if not everything I obtained in game was dropped by boss's and enemies in game, not once did I find my self using the upgrade stores, though I'm sure it would have helped I had no need for it, part of me thinks that maybe the game was to well balanced for its own good? The other neat thing I found myself enjoying was the visuals of all the in game gear when equipped, I mean put on Leather Armour or Heavy Armour and you see it in game and during any of the cut scenes, it's something you don't see to often in JRPG'S due to the amount of time it takes to program it in, I guess.
Well there it is my take on the game not to many spoilers but I for one would love to see him touch down on another Last Story game and continue the story of Zale and Calista, maybe see them finally get married and have kids and make Zael the Count of Lazulis Island/ Kingdom? who's with me? lol.
I "HIGHLY RECOMMENDED" This title and a must buy for wii owners when it comes shore side later this year!
The only minor complaints I would have are the constant frame lags that appear mainly in the castle and city. I do/ don't like the fact that for the most part you don't really need to upgrade your equipment most of if not everything I obtained in game was dropped by boss's and enemies in game, not once did I find my self using the upgrade stores, though I'm sure it would have helped I had no need for it, part of me thinks that maybe the game was to well balanced for its own good? The other neat thing I found myself enjoying was the visuals of all the in game gear when equipped, I mean put on Leather Armour or Heavy Armour and you see it in game and during any of the cut scenes, it's something you don't see to often in JRPG'S due to the amount of time it takes to program it in, I guess.
Well there it is my take on the game not to many spoilers but I for one would love to see him touch down on another Last Story game and continue the story of Zale and Calista, maybe see them finally get married and have kids and make Zael the Count of Lazulis Island/ Kingdom? who's with me? lol.
I "HIGHLY RECOMMENDED" This title and a must buy for wii owners when it comes shore side later this year!