Made a big decision to make the move out of my parents house. Come to think of it, it wasn't really hard. I had already contemplated, and a few days after being approached by my friend to make the move with him, I leaped. After I made the decision, it has started to sink in. It feels scary to be doing this. Then again, I have always thought that diving headfirst into life is the best way to learn. My mom seems to think I can live well on my own fairly easy, but I fear they don't think I'll cope well with it. We'll see, because after all I still have a few friends, and my girlfriend there for moral support.
I need to talk to my girlfriend about the fact that as a guy I have certain wants/needs. Now, my friends all have the wrong idea about sex. This is just my opinion, however I will not be going about it the same way. I want to make sure that I only do this in a way that won't make her feel pressured, or obligated in any way. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable about being around me because I want sex. In fact I hope she doesn't see this before I get the finer details about how this is gonna go down (no pun intended).
The most depressing part of my life at the moment is the fact that my schooling isn't going as great as I wanted it to. I have no excuse for the way it has gone. I do know, and advise anyone who has just gotten out of high school to at least take a final summer off before you go to college if you can. Not only will you go back to the grind refreshed, but you won't feel like it is just the same experience. I went straight from High school, to a community college. It isn't difficult... unless your job isn't compromising enough on your hours. I have been more stressed in the last two months then I have ever been in my entire life. I think I may also be having health problems because of it. Gonna have to go see the doctor for a check up. Hopefully I don't have what my aspiring doctor friend thinks I have... colon cancer. Oh joy...
Also I love my new Sig. Gotta love the flash tags.
I need to talk to my girlfriend about the fact that as a guy I have certain wants/needs. Now, my friends all have the wrong idea about sex. This is just my opinion, however I will not be going about it the same way. I want to make sure that I only do this in a way that won't make her feel pressured, or obligated in any way. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable about being around me because I want sex. In fact I hope she doesn't see this before I get the finer details about how this is gonna go down (no pun intended).
The most depressing part of my life at the moment is the fact that my schooling isn't going as great as I wanted it to. I have no excuse for the way it has gone. I do know, and advise anyone who has just gotten out of high school to at least take a final summer off before you go to college if you can. Not only will you go back to the grind refreshed, but you won't feel like it is just the same experience. I went straight from High school, to a community college. It isn't difficult... unless your job isn't compromising enough on your hours. I have been more stressed in the last two months then I have ever been in my entire life. I think I may also be having health problems because of it. Gonna have to go see the doctor for a check up. Hopefully I don't have what my aspiring doctor friend thinks I have... colon cancer. Oh joy...
Also I love my new Sig. Gotta love the flash tags.