YoshiInAVoid you wanted it, you got it.
- Set up a VirtualBox VM with Windows 7.
- Go into the CTR_DevEnvironment folder and ONLY install omake.
- Go here and install this thing WITH Eclipse.
- -Now comes the part which explains why we are using a VM-
- Open up Eclipse for DS-5
- Click on Help -> ARM License Manager... -> Add license -> Generate a 30day evalution(see, that's why!) -> Do what it asks you to do. -> Set Select the toolkit you intend to use: to ARM DS-5 blah blah -> Now select diagnostics and find your license folder. -> write it down, you will need it later.
- Now create a environmental variable called CTRSDK_ROOT which will be in my case C:\Users\Atlantic\nintendosux\ctrsdk\CTR_SDK
- Now add the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\DS-5\sw\ARMCompiler5.05u1\bin or if you're on a 32bit system C:\Program Files\DS-5\sw\ARMCompiler5.05u1\bin to your PATH.
- Restart CMD if you have it open.
- Now the weird part:
- Go to C:\Program Files\arm\licenses or create any of those folders if they don't exist(folders regardless of OS) and copy all .lic files from your ARM DS-5 License folder to the folders created earlier and rename one of them(hopefully you have only one) to license.dat (extension HAS TO BE .dat)
- Now type in armcc in cmd to check if everything works. If you get a (license)error than try setting up from Click on help... part. Also to be sure try using omake command.
- Now make a folder on your desktop, documents, somewhere where you will find it called compilebins(or something, doesn't matter) and COPY not
MOVE, but COPY all stuff from C:\Program Files\DS-5\sw\ARMCompiler5.05u1\bin there. - Why? You will find out.
- Now COPY to your clipboard all your .exe files from compilebins folder.
- PASTE those .exe files here CTR_SDK-4_2_7-SampleDemos-20130806-en\SampleDemos\news\news_test
- Why? You have to do this for all examples there(some are broken, watch out!) When you get en error: system doesn't know how to build armasm.exe (or something) just copy those .exe files to the place where omake doesn't find them. Now open CMD and type in
cd yoursdkdirectory\CTR_SDK-4_2_7-SampleDemos-20130806-en\SampleDemos\news
- If it manages without errors(hopefully) you should get a CCI file(that's what we are interested in!) in yoursdkfolder\CTR_SDK\images\news_test
- Now download 3DS to CIA converter from Maxconsole.(Only that one will work)
- Extract it.
- Don't forget to install Python 2.7!
- Drag our CCI there and rename it to yourfile.csu
- Run the converter and select CSU to CIA option.
- Type in the name, in my case news_test.csu
- Answer all the questions NO
- Once it says check RSF make sure the RSF generated is correct in terms of services etc.
- After a second you should get a CIA file.
- Copy it over to the SD Card of your Gateway or CFW-compatible 3DS and enjoy the app you have written or just compiled.
- Install the CIA using *Menu
- Try to run it from the Home Menu.
- If it runs than have fun. If it doesn't PM me. I will fix the guide if more people fail at this.