Gaming How good or bad is Xenoblade Chronicles X? (Would you want a switch port?)

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
Well I want to be honest about it. I saw trailers, and I bought it. I played about 15 hours and that is it. Now Before I can say if is good or not, the only frustrating part of the game I noticed so far was the text font size was small with no way to change it. After almost 2 years, there has been no update patch or any details addressing that thing and I noticed after looking around the internet that it has been the most complained issue about the game. (Myself included) Honestly what was they thinking? Regardless if i play on the tv or gamepad it is a problem and I wear glasses cause I'm near sighted. (I can only see clearly when things are very close) Having to hold the game pad at a very uncomfortable level or sit very close to my tv to read text it slowly became a game I really felt frustrated to play. Seriously, just take a look, that is a 1080P image.


Now I dunno how well or poorly the game is, if it sold well or not, is the game even good or not, is it worth playing, if people still play it, but I still can't get over how nintendo never addressed the most complained problem people had with it. I don't even know if there is more stuff wrong with the game cause I hardly played enough to find a problem with it. Besides the censorship or the eshop download to help improve load times, I just wanted to be able to play.

I'm hoping that if they do plan a update to the game, maybe a switch port Xenoblade Chronicle (DX, DeluXe, Xtreme) whatever they could call it. That they make further improvements to the game. The spoilers is to

This probably goes without saying at this point, but again, the text font size. It is just small, I dunno exactly why but maybe it is so it doesn't clutter the screen for the player as the type of game this is. I dunno if is compared to MMO games, I never really played one but perhaps they are also just as small and was trying to emulate a MMO game? Who knows, it would been nice to have a adjustable option for it, is always a good thing to have options.

The load times may be different for each person depending on what they have done. The game released had option to download from eshop with a file size of over 22GB which should be able to fit on the deluxe system (Black color with 32GB internal storage) no problem but not the Basic one (White color with only 8GB internal storage) meaning you would require a USB HDD to play or purchased at the retail. The eshop digital download is very big compared to the majority of games on the system, but this also means the game has faster load times than the disc counterpart. To allow the disc game to have faster load times, Nintendo host "High speed data loading packs" on the eshop which is free to download in four options each with their own impact of how much it improves load times.
  • Basic High-Speed Data Loading Pack - for greatest impact on your experience, download this pack first
    • High impact to load times
    • Installs frequently used data, such as terrain to speed up load times in the city and field.
    • For greater load-time improvement, use in conjunction with one or more of the other data packs below.
    • Size: 2011.0 MB
  • Enemy High-Speed Data Loading Pack - for players who like to explore and fight enemies
    • Medium impact to load times
    • Installs frequently used data in the field, such as enemy data.
    • For greater load-time improvement, use in conjunction with the Basic data pack.
    • Size: 2937.5 MB
  • Player High-Speed Data Loading Pack - for players who like to complete lots of missions
    • Medium impact to load times
    • Installs the data for character graphics and equipment to speed up load times in the city and when you change equipment.
    • For greater load-time improvement, use in conjunction with the Basic data pack
    • Size: 3867.1 MB
  • Skell High-Speed Data Loading Pack - for players who own and like to customize Skells
    • Low impact to load times
    • Installs data for skell graphics to speed up load times in the city and field as well as when loading skell data.
    • For greater load-time improvement, use in conjunction with the Basic data pack
    • Size: 1675.1 MB
While this is common to say the least, both Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 (and even PSP) games offer such an option that is game specific, in this case, the data would be installed from the disc, not downloaded from a server not to mention the file size is about over 10GB which is half the file size of the complete game that is downloadable on eshop. Some ps3 games I own like Metal Gear Solid 4 and Assassin's creed 3 will not allow the player to even start the game until the data install from the disc is done when first starting the game. Perhaps the devs felt it was best to enforce to preserve the system hardware life. Other games like Dead or alive 5, Blaz blue, or Ultra Street Fighter 4 had a optional data install to boost load times but unlike the 2 previous mentioned games, wasn't required to even start the game. Final Fantasy IV Complete collection and both Dissidia Final Fantasy games on psp had a option to perform data install to improve load times of the UMD disc game as well, even more it had a option to select how much data gets installed so you can still preserve some of the memory card space while having improved loading times. All these games allowing data install was no where near the file size of the game advertised on the digital download copies on playstation store, it is usually a half, a third or a quarter of the game's total size.

Makes me curious just how much data is on the disc anyway? It begs questioning. If they do plan to put on switch, I would think they would use the same method as this for potential improved load times. It would be highly likely since we already seen games showing up that says "A Micro SD card to download additional data is required to play this game" would mean the file size of the game data is broken into two part that was unable to fit on the 16GB cart they use. I dunno how but if they find a way to improve load times that would be nice.... and have optional data installs that isn't hosted on their server.

This will be awkward to comment on. I may even be wrong but I will try my best. I noticed this game has online functions with the nintendo network. Supposedly it allows players to connect with others and either help them and obtain further loot rewards for various things. One thing is that every time you start your save data, it ask you which type of experience you want, which basically ask which kind of online communication you want. In the game there is 8 different umm.... squads to be apart of, each one is geared to a specific goal allowing the player to choose which type of game is best for their play style. While I was mostly confused just trying to remember all this and still am trying to write it, I think this is common for MMO games, which further has me thinking it was designed based on that type of game.

Just a reminder, I have not played any MMO game previously and still haven't till date. Either way I wasn't really sure how to engage in the online activities as I also didn't find a way to play with anyone else (nor did i have wii u friends to try with, I think i need to see the manual again) I hope a improvement to make things simple for everyone if possible. I know, is unfair to actually write stuff about it considering how little I remembered to play, but I also haven't had best online experiences with games and if the intended game was a MMO style could help make it newcomer friendly. The nintendo switch can be used to take advantage of local wireless, or maybe even something similar to 3DS street pass.

More content is always a good thing. Is also a good reason to justify spending the same $60 again if is worth it. To be honest, I never spent over $40 for a game port for whatever reason. Most game ports published usually is $40 and not the same price you initially spent the first time, the port usually includes all previously released DLC in one package and usually some improvements made to it. But don't add anything new. (Of course this depends on the game in question but I am speaking of most common ones) but if they make a effort to add more content on top of things, then I wouldn't mind it. Add some cross over weapons, like maybe Link's Master sword, Pit's Bow, Marth's Falchion, extra costumes and things, even if it could only be as cosmetic as it was when Bayonetta was released on wii u and she had those costumes, as long as it shows considerable amount of effort put into it to make the player care more and feel like it's worth buying again. A port has potential for improvements, not just a lazy copy and paste without any checks for bugs or problems during the transaction.

In closing, I think many people who read this see a person who has very minor complaints and no one really cares by the time they get up to this point, or even just someone who is upset. Well I kinda am upset. A on going complaint that never was fixed and no reason why. Yes, I was someone who bought the game with excitement to play and found it frustrating with the text problem, when I started playing I just wanted to experience it but kept losing interest over this. Put yourself in my position, you was excited to play a game, before you can even feel like you played it, you encountered a problem, ignoring the problem to give it a chance, you realized over time it became constant and even affected you. That is all I'm saying. Again, I can't personally say if i dislike the game itself or like it cause I had hardly played much. If there is no port planned I may look into other options like maybe a new tv.

Anyway for anyone who has played the game, what are your thoughts about it? Do you like or dislike the game, was the font size a problem for you? Would you buy a improved port of the game? Leave your comments below please. :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2009
United States
I loved X, but i don't think it needs a Switch port with the franchise continuing to move forward with 2 and all. Once you get your Skells, the game really opens up


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2010
I heard setting the resolution of your Wii U to 720p makes the text size larger, and that the game is 720p natively and is upscaled to 1080p. Might be worth trying out.


Penguin accelerator
Feb 13, 2015
The text is small but it's not much of an issue for me - it's well readable on my 720p monitor at (wait for it) legs' length, and passable on gamepad

Loading times, slower than WiiU average for sure, but nothing bad - in fact, even the slower speed of the bluray drive compared to HDD can be an asset (enemies load slower + driving at full speed = advantage)

As for your online confusion (understandable -- this is a game where you will need the manual and further online guides to fully enjoy), the choice you make while you load a save (or somewhere from the "pause" menu) puts you in a "squad" - an up-to-16-people team with which you can chat in real time, cooperate for the kill/find X amount in the bottom right corner of the screen, or invite them to the true multiplayer missions from the computer in your base; the choice you make selects either a room of people who are supposed or not to invite you to those missions, or you can choose to attempt to join an online friend.

(Worst part about those real-multiplayer missions? You can only play them once per save)

The division you choose (that job-out-of-8 thing that gives the logo in the bottom right of the radar) mainly determines which task will pay more division points (the numbers that appear over that icon, that contribute to your blade level, and fund a daily ranking of the most prolific division for the rewards you can claim at the multiplayer computer - yes, the difficulty/annoyance to earned points ratio is far from balanced)
It also selects the "division support" to kick in if you ask a character that instead of recruiting - it boosts one stat IIRC as long as a square appears on the screen around their division's logo? Never really understood much that part

Don't care about switch version since I won't buy one :) (As I said for years about 3DS)
Last edited by Ryccardo,


Man with a mission
Apr 2, 2011
Southern California
United States
Well, I certainly got my mileage out of X (around 160 hours of it) but I feel that despite the game's absurdly long manual there are plenty of game mechanics that come of as poorly explained not to mention some intrinsic gameplay design choices that mess with its otherwise enjoyable flow. This was probably meant to pad out its lack of an engrossing main story (unless you're willing to grind for the more interesting side content) but coming off of the original and the other Xeno games it sadly comes off as shallow. As for my definite list of things that should have been fixed on the Wii U besides text (why would you put text designed for an MMO on a 720p TV framebuffer streamed to a 540p miniature screen) I have: better pro controller support (don't know why they bothered since 50% of the game's critical UI including fast travel is gamepad only), better audio balancing (it's kind of hard to hear the story when you hear "JUST EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU" on a regular basis in serious story cutscenes), and better track selection (you know how depressing to finally be able to fly in a mech in this game only to have a mediocre vocal track replace EVERY, SINGLE, GREAT AMBIENT TRACK in the game every time you use it; someone made an entire mod just to fix this).

X's greatest fault is that it's a game that's only willing to give back to a player as much as a player is willing to invest in it (if you do though, it's glorious). It's definitely not all that accessible and the early hour were really off-putting even to me, and it ended up being my favorite Wii U game. I feel that unless Monolith Soft was willing to work on a direct sequel to X on the Switch and more importantly, notably redesign/streamline certain aspects of progression in the game a hypothetical port just doesn't make sense. While the hardware boost could certainly improve some things like asset streaming and resolution I don't think the game itself would benefit enough from a straight port.

Also as a short aside to the loading screen comment - all the data is already on the disc. The loading packs were just released to relieve some of the burden from the slow disc drive. Unless you fast travel, boot the game, or enter a shop you will never encounter any sort of loading screen. Just be prepared for some serious pop-in without the packs.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
It was hard to get into the game but in the end I really liked the game.
The text size is way too small. I couldn't read the text playing in gamepad mode and in the normal mode I had to move my TV closer to my couch. You also need to look on the map on the gamepad for the map when you are playing in TV mode. While they can easily change the view of the map in a switch port, adjusting the text size for the handheld mode is a much bigger task. Because of this I don't think we will ever see a switch port. Even although many people including me are loving xenoblade, it is still a niche game.


JRPG enjoyer, Xenoblade, YS and DQ connoisseur
Sep 15, 2015
Somewhere warm
Costa Rica
Switch port?

Yes please, I´d like to see some sort of DLC if it ever gets
ported (maybe add a new story explaining/adressing a few things)

Bigger text would be good, It was impossible to read anything on the Wii U
gamepad because of the small text

Maybe improved visuals too

Mmm... and perhaps better character animations, sometimes the animations felt kinda" lazy
Last edited by AutumnWolf,


JRPG enjoyer, Xenoblade, YS and DQ connoisseur
Sep 15, 2015
Somewhere warm
Costa Rica
Well, I certainly got my mileage out of X (around 160 hours of it) but I feel that despite the game's absurdly long manual there are plenty of game mechanics that come of as poorly explained not to mention some intrinsic gameplay design choices that mess with its otherwise enjoyable flow. This was probably meant to pad out its lack of an engrossing main story (unless you're willing to grind for the more interesting side content) but coming off of the original and the other Xeno games it sadly comes off as shallow. As for my definite list of things that should have been fixed on the Wii U besides text (why would you put text designed for an MMO on a 720p TV framebuffer streamed to a 540p miniature screen) I have: better pro controller support (don't know why they bothered since 50% of the game's critical UI including fast travel is gamepad only), better audio balancing (it's kind of hard to hear the story when you hear "JUST EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU" on a regular basis in serious story cutscenes), and better track selection (you know how depressing to finally be able to fly in a mech in this game only to have a mediocre vocal track replace EVERY, SINGLE, GREAT AMBIENT TRACK in the game every time you use it; someone made an entire mod just to fix this).

X's greatest fault is that it's a game that's only willing to give back to a player as much as a player is willing to invest in it (if you do though, it's glorious). It's definitely not all that accessible and the early hour were really off-putting even to me, and it ended up being my favorite Wii U game. I feel that unless Monolith Soft was willing to work on a direct sequel to X on the Switch and more importantly, notably redesign/streamline certain aspects of progression in the game a hypothetical port just doesn't make sense. While the hardware boost could certainly improve some things like asset streaming and resolution I don't think the game itself would benefit enough from a straight port.

Also as a short aside to the loading screen comment - all the data is already on the disc. The loading packs were just released to relieve some of the burden from the slow disc drive. Unless you fast travel, boot the game, or enter a shop you will never encounter any sort of loading screen. Just be prepared for some serious pop-in without the packs.
While I did like the song I do agree, there should be an option that lets you switch between This song:

And the continent themes
Last edited by AutumnWolf,

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
I feel that unless Monolith Soft was willing to work on a direct sequel to X on the Switch and more importantly, notably redesign/streamline certain aspects of progression in the game a hypothetical port just doesn't make sense. While the hardware boost could certainly improve some things like asset streaming and resolution I don't think the game itself would benefit enough from a straight port.
Well they could make a sequel, why not? Capcom has done Megaman 2 and Mega man X 2, so Xenoblade Chronicles X 2 :P

Thank you all for the comments, at the time of writing this post, I had wondered if my words fell on deaf ears. I was just curious if I was the only one who felt that some of the problems with me not enjoying the game was just me or actually relevant. Suppose they did make a sequel to the game for switch, the first option would be to have text font size options possible for both TV and portable mode, have better loading times or least not have to download game packs from the server (I stated already most games allow data install from the game itself rather than from a server) simplify the online experience, perhaps have a app that goes with the game if nintendo honestly want to make use of smartphones with the switch online experience, and add extra content (Doesn't have to be dlc but does help support the game past time of life).

I felt it was a bit unfair to say much about the game considering how little i played with most of my issue is just the text being small. Honestly I feel bad about buying the game and not playing it when I really wanted to. I still wonder how so many complaints about it never was either fixed or addressed by nintendo at all. Considering the style of game this turned out to be, I felt maybe it was more of a MMO game than a single player rpg and as stated already never played a real one prior to the game. Anyway avoiding repeating the same things again, If there is no planned update or port, but a sequel, I hope they take some time to create a survey first or have some beta test and have community involved in the games shape to improve on the game.

Monolith soft has been known for making knowledgeable games and xenoblade chronicles on wii being a very noticeable one by many for is kind of MMO-ish gameplay without being MMO itself probably tried to do it with this game and maybe the lack of experience making a real one had caused some faults. Us job as players to point them out and let them know this so it can be improved on. Hoping the game in december is very much improved or a new one will be in the works. :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2009
Was it good? yeah it was kinda went under people radar because of the first Xenoblade back then and now because of Xenoblade 2.
Would i like a Switch port? nah i would like the Wii U to have a couple of really good games to call its own

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  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    like i searched all folders
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    are you using haxchi, tiramisu or aroma?
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    no, I'm asking which one of them you are using
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    in that case, there is no such thing as homebrew launcher for aroma
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    you have to launch your homebrews directly from the wii u menu
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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    Im downloading fallout 3 goty edition
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    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: I'm downloading more ram for my hamster pc