Hi there !
Excuse me if I'm bothering with a few strange questions , but I have a little problem and I think you guys can help me.
It is so that I dusted off my Wii about a month ago and realized that I had factory reset it for sale . Now I want to play Wii again but do not know how to go about it ( forget everything).
The Wii have firmware 3.3e and is chipped with a Wiikey . What I remember was that I ran the games from the hard drive and using wiiflow and HBC , but how should I go about restoring it? Should I update the chip? Is it possible to get the Wii updated to 4.3e ?
Somethimg called Geckoios comes to mind but dont know why.
Step by step tutorial is most welcome.
Please help!
Excuse me if I'm bothering with a few strange questions , but I have a little problem and I think you guys can help me.
It is so that I dusted off my Wii about a month ago and realized that I had factory reset it for sale . Now I want to play Wii again but do not know how to go about it ( forget everything).
The Wii have firmware 3.3e and is chipped with a Wiikey . What I remember was that I ran the games from the hard drive and using wiiflow and HBC , but how should I go about restoring it? Should I update the chip? Is it possible to get the Wii updated to 4.3e ?
Somethimg called Geckoios comes to mind but dont know why.
Step by step tutorial is most welcome.
Please help!