Hello, just got a 3ds! Some questions...


Jan 8, 2015
United States
So the last console I owned or even played was a GBC and N64... I had switched over completely to the dark PC master race side... Eons ago, the only reason I had an N64 was to be apart of the N64 emulator community, back when that was still being developed. Currently I am 26 and ready to charge into Nintendo territory! So pretty much I need some rundowns on games semi-adults can appreciate that I may have missed over the GBA and DS era... Ones that you would hate to have never played or experienced.

As an electrical engineer I can greatly appreciate the fact that this community exists! I was amazed to discover the existence of flash cards, much less a legitimate homebrew & development community!

Request If anyone has any specific information on the dstwo card, compiling / registry, cpu data / architecture, examples projects or open source projects that utilize the dstwo processor I would love to get my hands on it.

Before I even had my 3ds I had a dstwo card and an r4i-sdhc card... I wanted to jump in heads-first into messing with homebrew and the glorious world of cheats... As I have done some digging around and research on the homebrew community trying to play catch-up (not easy, most information / development is long gone)... I would love to jump into some of the old abandoned open-source homebrew projects, particularly ds-linux and dstwo-linux... From my perspective if we could get a solid linux port running on the DS via a flashcard, or even better supporting DSi-mode in order to access more of the 3DS hardware? Imagine the possibilities!

DSx86, DS2x86 and Scummvm were primary reasons I got the 3DS! I mean just imagine the awesomeness of getting to play all those classic does / point-click adventure games on a portable gaming console as awesome as the 3ds xl is... Not to mention the possibilities for a legitimate linux-based web browser with flash support, etc.

I feel by looking at the list of Dingux emulators and released DS homebrew emulators that most of them are a result of porting / manipulation to functioning on the DS... One of the first things I'm going to do is compare the GBA and SNES emulators performance on Homebrew versus executed through Dingux via DStwo linux beta 1...

Hopefully I'll be around here for a while and can stir up some energy back into DS / 3DS homebrew! Regarding the 3DS... I feel the DSTwo cpu/etc. if fully unlocked via linux port, would be superior in most emulation performance than homebrew via the 3ds..


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
Play emulators through your PC why go through so much trouble getting emulation to work on a under powered extremely weak DSTwo onboard CPU.

You said you're a PC guy so must have at least a decent PC that can emulate GBA, SNES and even DS games.

If you're really interested however wait for the DSTwo+ aka DSTwo Plus for the 3DS, maybe just maybe SuperCard has upgraded the onboard CPU on their upcoming latest flash card.

Xenon Hacks

Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2014
United States
Play emulators through your PC why go through so much trouble getting emulation to work on a under powered extremely weak DSTwo onboard CPU.

You said you're a PC guy so must have at least a decent PC that can emulate GBA, SNES and even DS games.

If you're really interested however wait for the DSTwo+ aka DSTwo Plus for the 3DS, maybe just maybe SuperCard has upgraded the onboard CPU on their upcoming latest flash card.

Some games require fast reflexes like the MMBN Series and can only be played up to a certain point using a keyboard


Jan 8, 2015
United States
Regarding PC Emulators, yes I am aware they are a nice choice... Its just that if I'm sitting at my PC I find myself browsing the net, playing SC2, D3, Far Cry, Fallout, etc. I currently travel a moderate amount and end up with lots of little blocks of spare time at odd places... Sure I could go with a more upgraded device like the PS-Vita or one of those Dingux / Android based portable gaming machines If I only wanted to play with emulators... But lets be honest here the 3DS has more going for it than just that... A variety of unique exclusives that are actually pretty decent. A very decent and portable 3-D effect for those new exclusives... The ability to jump into DS-Mode and enjoy all the great homebrew, emulators and classic NDS games has me looking at the 3DS as a pretty awesome thing.

I an understand if the 3DS isn't something for you, but for me it is something special and great. I am not looking to take my 'console games' portable,(Regarding PS:Vita) I am trying to get into all those wonderful exclusive portable games... Lots of the portable games require a certain amount of dedication, patience and time commitment that is not practical for my PC. Things like Harvest Moon games... I am not realistically going to ever load up harvest moon daily on my PC. But if its the game I'm currently playing on my 3ds, I have no problem getting in more than 5x10 minute sessions in on a daily basis... While eating lunch, or waiting through a long line... Also my significant other has a 3DS, we love to go out to eat and play out games together.

As far as I can tell/know the DSTwo+ is somewhere between vaporware/scam and reality, until it becomes more inline with reality, I will think about it. Keeping my 3DS up to date, with the ability to buy 3ds games from the e-shop and play all my DS, SNES, NES, GBA, Scummvm, DOS, Apple II, MAME, etc over my flash card seems like an alright deal to me. I will more than likely always be a PC gamer on my PC. Even if the DSTWO+ does exist, and is released as a capable of everything the Dstwo is, combined with everything the sky3ds or gateway is it would most likely rely on backwards-compatibility with the dstwo homebrew as opposed to re-doing it all...

With the dstwo you have access to the Arm 7 processor in the 3DS, not the more powerful Arm 9 (I believe), but you also have the dstwo built in processors, one of which is actually pretty powerful, beats the DS's CPU I believe and is actually pretty on-par with Dingoo CPU specs. I've heard the ver. 1.0 Beta of Dingux linux for the dstwo was emulating an Dingoo A320 at 80~90%, if everything released for the Dingux worked on a DS it would be a pretty cool piece of hardware. Also, things like Scummvm, and all of the point-click adventure games were designed for the keyboard/mouse... Something pretty cool happens when mouse control becomes a touch-screen supported by the engine...


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
Regarding PC Emulators, yes I am aware they are a nice choice... Its just that if I'm sitting at my PC I find myself browsing the net, playing SC2, D3, Far Cry, Fallout, etc. I currently travel a moderate amount and end up with lots of little blocks of spare time at odd places... Sure I could go with a more upgraded device like the PS-Vita or one of those Dingux / Android based portable gaming machines If I only wanted to play with emulators... But lets be honest here the 3DS has more going for it than just that... A variety of unique exclusives that are actually pretty decent. A very decent and portable 3-D effect for those new exclusives... The ability to jump into DS-Mode and enjoy all the great homebrew, emulators and classic NDS games has me looking at the 3DS as a pretty awesome thing.

I an understand if the 3DS isn't something for you, but for me it is something special and great. I am not looking to take my 'console games' portable,(Regarding PS:Vita) I am trying to get into all those wonderful exclusive portable games... Lots of the portable games require a certain amount of dedication, patience and time commitment that is not practical for my PC. Things like Harvest Moon games... I am not realistically going to ever load up harvest moon daily on my PC. But if its the game I'm currently playing on my 3ds, I have no problem getting in more than 5x10 minute sessions in on a daily basis... While eating lunch, or waiting through a long line... Also my significant other has a 3DS, we love to go out to eat and play out games together.

As far as I can tell/know the DSTwo+ is somewhere between vaporware/scam and reality, until it becomes more inline with reality, I will think about it. Keeping my 3DS up to date, with the ability to buy 3ds games from the e-shop and play all my DS, SNES, NES, GBA, Scummvm, DOS, Apple II, MAME, etc over my flash card seems like an alright deal to me. I will more than likely always be a PC gamer on my PC. Even if the DSTWO+ does exist, and is released as a capable of everything the Dstwo is, combined with everything the sky3ds or gateway is it would most likely rely on backwards-compatibility with the dstwo homebrew as opposed to re-doing it all...

With the dstwo you have access to the Arm 7 processor in the 3DS, not the more powerful Arm 9 (I believe), but you also have the dstwo built in processors, one of which is actually pretty powerful, beats the DS's CPU I believe and is actually pretty on-par with Dingoo CPU specs. I've heard the ver. 1.0 Beta of Dingux linux for the dstwo was emulating an Dingoo A320 at 80~90%, if everything released for the Dingux worked on a DS it would be a pretty cool piece of hardware. Also, things like Scummvm, and all of the point-click adventure games were designed for the keyboard/mouse... Something pretty cool happens when mouse control becomes a touch-screen supported by the engine...

Keep it simple man, you're in the wrong part of the forum to be asking such a technical question on 3DS/DS homebrew anyways.

They're currently working on a GBA and SNES emulator for the 3DS which would be way better than 30 FPS emulation on the DSTwo.

There's a big section in the forum called "3DS" surely someone will be able to help you there.

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  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    in that case, there is no such thing as homebrew launcher for aroma
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    you have to launch your homebrews directly from the wii u menu
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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