Status: Not broken in v8
What is it?
A cross-platform desktop Nintendo Switch multi-tool for managing homebrew and CFWs, injecting payloads, and installing Switch game backups.
It is written in python and works on Windows/Mac/Linux.
Currently offering 50+ homebrew projects in various forms
How does it work?
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is downloaded via the github api.
This means:
- All Homebrew
- Payloads
- Payload Injector (fusee-launcher.py by ktempkin)
- Custom Firmwares
- NUT (server.py by blarwar)
- Fluffy.py by fourminute
- Its own updates
All curated homebrew has been pre-set to install to the proper location on the sd card (root, /switch, /atmosphere). As a safety precaution to prevent folders that were not meant to be deleted from being removed uninstalling an app will only remove files that were copied over at the time of the homebrew's installation. As a side effect, files generated by homebrew and any (non-empty) folders will NOT be removed. Although a bit annoying, this will prevent the unintentional removal of your files or configuration files generated by your homebrew.
What makes this different from the HBAppstore?
The main goals of this app are transparency and longevity.
I really like what the switchbru/4TUsers team are trying to do with the appstore. One of the main things I dislike about the HBAppstore though is that everything is hosted by them and every app / release has essentially been touched and repackaged. This is a good way to deal with the inconsistencies in the scene, however someday their servers will shut down and the HBAppstore will be no more. With everything being hosted on github you get your apps directly from the developer, exactly as they were intended, without relying on a third party. This isn't to say that the HBAppstore is bad in any way and I fully support the 4TU team.
- Compatible with the HBAppstore, apps installed by HBUpdater will register in the Appstore
- Easily update or remove apps on your Nintendo Switch SD card
- Add your own repos to easily manage and update
- View github patch notes and homebrew version history
- Launch each homebrew's project page at the click of a button (gbatemp thread if available or github)
- Inject Payloads with fusee-launcher (this is also a replacement for your current rcm tool)
- Injector remembers last selected payload between restarts
- Manage your backups with blawar's NUT server or fourminute's fluffy
- Add python scripts to be run by PyNX
- Switch serial number checker tool to determine if a given SN is vulnerable.
- Simple tool for making and restoring switch SD card backups
- RCM auto-detection-then-injection (thanks @friedkeenen for the udev rules)
- Memloader for direct SD mounting
This has only been tested on Atmos/Kosmos.
I plan on supporting any bugs found with Reinx (There shouldn't be)
If you find any bugs with SX OS, you can ask for help from team xecuter's support.
What it can do:
The absolute worst thing this can do is wipe your SD card.
It is VERY unlikely, and has never happened in testing.
What it can't do:
Brick your switch
Steal your certs
Kick your dog
Make change
Cure your crippling depression
Project Page: https://github.com/LyfeOnEdge/HBUpdater
Download: https://github.com/LyfeOnEdge/HBUpdater/releases
Python ~ PyNX
- Apollo - evo-brut3
- Argon-NX SD Files - Guillem96
- Brainfuck Interpreter - TheKgg
- Checkpoint - FlagBrew
- ComicNX - HookedBehemoth
- Edizon - WerWolv
- fakenews-injector - noahc3
- ftpd - TheKgg
- Gag-Order - Adubbz
- Hekate - CTCaer
- Homebrew Appstore - 4TU team
- Homebrew Menu - yellows8, plutoo
- JKSV - J-D-K
- lennytube - noirscape
- Lockpick - schmue
- NX-Shell - joel16
- NxThemesInstaller - exelix11
- pplay - Cpasjuste
- PyNX - elnardu
- SwitchIdent (Console) - joel16
- SwitchIdent (Gui) - joel16
- nxdumptool - DarkMatterCore
- CHIP8-NX - Marice
- DeSmuME-NX - Laproxi
- melonDS - Hydr8gon
- NoiES - Hydr8gon
- OpenBor - Cpasjuste
- pFBA: final burn alpha - Cpasjuste
- pNES - Cpasjuste
- pSNES - Cpasjuste
- ScummVM - Cpasjuste
- uae4all2 - rsn8887
- VBA Next - RSDuck
- 2048 - BernardoGiordano
- eduke32 - Cpasjuste
- InvadersNX - MaesterRowen
- Ken's Labyrinth - sacredbanana
- Meritous - Lancer-X, nop90
- OpenLara - XProger
- TicTacToeNX - lorrdfarquad
Python ~ PyNX
- Generic Mod Manager - Genwald
- timefix - Retr0id
- Atmosphere - ScriseM
- Kosmos - AtlasNX
- ReiNX - Rei
- Argon-NX - Guillem96
- fusee-primary - ScriseM?
- Hekate - CTCaer
- Lockpick - schmue
- Fluffy - fourminute
- NUT - Blawar
- ssncpy - akdm

Metro landing page

RCM Injector


Serial Number Checker

SD Backup Tool
Last edited by LyfeOnEdge,