Have you become like him yet? Telling all the new kids how gaming was back in the day, games were difficult, looked plain and not as amazaing as it does now? Have you become a retro junkie towards todays youth?
Trying to convince people that games aren't cheap, is just how is made, challenge is a good thing, you just lack skills? How about tired of hearing people like this complain about how people are being unfair, only to end it all by saying "GIT GUD"
I bet some of you have, you think you may have become like this have you? A old man cranky kong salty codger of video games. Admit it. Have you? Come on and share. Don't be standing next to uncle scrooge disappointed in how bad the new players are today.
Or rather i compare you to Yoda from star wars?
(Okay i ran out of pictures) So down to business, basically if this wasn't clear, this topic of discussion is anytime you may have once talked about gaming to younger people who didn't know what it was like in the past. Anytime you may have felt like Cranky Kong or made any references to his personality at all. Weather it be as a joke, to upset someone, teach someone a lesson or just give helpful advise, just talk about it.
(If you didn't like the jokes or references, i am sorry i tried my best)
Last edited by Sonic Angel Knight,