Hacking Guide to installing VC games

  • Thread starter auroreon
  • Start date
  • Views 193,117
  • Replies 166


I saw a few people asking for a very simple step by step guide on how to install VC games using the Twilight hack, and before I figured it out for myself I was one of them. So I decided to make the guide myself.

I do not claim to know very much about this, so if this doesn't work for you I appologize but I have installed countless VC games on many different Wiis flawlessly this exact way so it should work.

This guide is EXTREMELY simple and easy to understand, in fact I gave it to my 8 year old brother and he managed to perfectly install a VC title using it so if you still don't understand... well, you just might be retarded.

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->UPDATE: I have updated this guide to use the Wad Manager 1.0 by Waninkoko instead of the Wad Installer and Wad Uninstaller. With the Wad Manager you can install and uninstall Virtual Console and WiiWare games from the same program.
I have also added a guide to installing the Homebrew Channel and installing VC games using the Homebrew Channel. With the Homebrew Channel you can now run homebrew without using a copy of Twilight Princess (Twilight Princess is required to install the Homebrew Channel).<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

<!--sizeo:2--><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->
<u><b>Installing the Homebrew Channel</b></u><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

<b>Step 1:</b> Download the following items:
<a href="http://hbc.hackmii.com/" target="_blank">The Homebrew Channel</a>
The Twilight hack (NOTE: You must use the Twilight hack file for your games region,
to find out which file you need go <a href="http://wiibrew.org/index.php?title=Twilight_Hack" target="_blank">here.</a> That page also has a download link for the
latest version of the Twilight hack.)

<b>Step 2:</b> Extract the Homebrew Channel, you should get a folder.

<b>Step 3:</b> Connect SD Card to computer.

<b>Step 4:</b> If it does not already exist, make a directory called "/private/wii/title/RZDx/"
on your SD card; replace "RZDx" with RZDE, RZDP or RZDJ as appropriate for your
version of the twilight hack file.

<b>Step 5:</b> Rename your Twilight hack file to 'data.bin' and put it in the "private/wii/title/RZDx/"
directory on your SD Card.

<b>Step 6:</b> Open the Homebrew Channel folder, inside you should see a file called 'boot.elf'.
Move boot.elf to the root of your SD Card. (NOT TO THE 'private' FOLDER!)

<b>Step 7:</b> Now that all the necesary files are on the SD Card we can begin. Unplug the
SD Card from the computer and plug it into the SD Card slot on the front of the Wii
(which is located next to the disc slot, behind a panel).

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><u><b>NOTE:</b></u> If you already have a Twilight Princess save file on your wii, skip the next

<b>Step 8:</b> Insert the Twilight Princess disc into the Wii. Start the game. After
starting the game it will ask you if you want to create a save data on your wii,
(this only happens if you don't have a Twilight Princess save data already).
Select yes and it will create a save file.

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><u><b>NOTE:</b></u> If you already have a Twilight Princess save file on your wii that you want to
keep, back it up on an SD Card before continuing to the next step, as you will be
erasing the save data from the Wii.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

<b>Step 9:</b> Go back to the Wii Menu, click on the Wii button in the bottom left of the
Wii Menu, go to Data Management, go to Save Data, go to Wii.

<b>Step 10:</b> Erase the Twilight Princess Save Data from the Wii.

<b>Step 11:</b> click on the SD Card tab, you will see an icon that says 'Wiibrew loader'
on it, click on it, click copy and it will copy to the Wii memory.

<b>Step 12:</b> Go back to the Wii Menu.

<b>Step 13:</b> Start Twilight Princess again, this time there will be a save file called
'Twilight Hack' and it will have all 20 hearts, load this save file.

<b>Step 14:</b> You will see a man standing in front of you in the game, go up to him and
speak to him. The game will immediatly freeze as you speak to him and lines of code
will appear on a black background. DO NOT BE ALARMED! THIS IS NORMAL!

<b>Step 15:</b> It will then load the Homebrew Channel installer, this will install the
Homebrew Channel. Once it has installed the Homebrew Channel, it will return you
to the Wii Menu.

<b>Step 16:</b> When you return to the Wii Menu you will find your brand new Homebrew
Channel sitting proudly in your Wii Menu. Yay.

<!--sizeo:2--><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->
<u><b>Installing Virtual Console games</b></u><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

<b><u>Using the Twilight Hack</u></b>

<b>Step 1:</b> Download the following items:
The Virtual Console titles you would like to install
The WAD Manager 1.0
The Twilight hack (NOTE: You must use the Twilight hack file for your games region,
to find out which file you need go <a href="http://wiibrew.org/index.php?title=Twilight_Hack" target="_blank">here.</a> That page also has a download link for the
latest version of the Twilight hack.)

<b>Step 2:</b> Extract the .rar or .zip file that the WAD Manager comes in and rename the file
'wad-manager_v1.elf' to 'boot.elf'. You can get rid of the other files, the .elf file
is all you need.

<b>Step 3:</b> Connect SD Card to computer.

<b>Step 4:</b> If it does not already exist, make a directory called "/private/wii/title/RZDx/"
on your SD card; replace "RZDx" with RZDE, RZDP or RZDJ as appropriate for your
version of the twilight hack file.

<b>Step 5:</b> Rename your Twilight hack file to 'data.bin' and put it in the "private/wii/title/RZDx/"
directory on your SD Card.

<b>Step 6:</b> Move boot.elf to the root of your SD Card. (NOT TO THE 'private' FOLDER!)

<b>Step 7:</b> Extract the Virtual Console titles you downloaded if they are in .rar files.
You should get .wad files. The .wad files will probably all be named 'title.wad',
rename them to whatever you want but make sure they have different names.

<b>Step 8:</b> Create a folder on the root of your SD Card called 'wad' in this folder put
all the .wad files you have for all the VC games you want to install.

<b>Step 9:</b> Now that all the necesary files are on the SD Card we can begin. Unplug the
SD Card from the computer and plug it into the SD Card slot on the front of the Wii
(which is located next to the disc slot, behind a panel).

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><u><b>NOTE:</b></u> If you already have a Twilight Princess save file on your wii, skip the next

<b>Step 10:</b> Insert the Twilight Princess disc into the Wii. Start the game. After
starting the game it will ask you if you want to create a save data on your wii,
(this only happens if you don't have a Twilight Princess save data already).
Select yes and it will create a save file.

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><u><b>NOTE:</b></u> If you already have a Twilight Princess save file on your wii that you want to
keep, back it up on an SD Card before continuing to the next step, as you will be
erasing the save data from the Wii.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

<b>Step 11:</b> Go back to the Wii Menu, click on the Wii button in the bottom left of the
Wii Menu, go to Data Management, go to Save Data, go to Wii.

<b>Step 12:</b> Erase the Twilight Princess Save Data from the Wii.

<b>Step 13:</b> click on the SD Card tab, you will see an icon that says 'Wiibrew loader'
on it, click on it, click copy and it will copy to the Wii memory.

<b>Step 14:</b> Go back to the Wii Menu.

<b>Step 15:</b> Start Twilight Princess again, this time there will be a save file called
'Twilight Hack' and it will have all 20 hearts, load this save file.

<b>Step 16:</b> You will see a man standing in front of you in the game, go up to him and
speak to him. The game will immediatly freeze as you speak to him and lines of code
will appear on a black background. DO NOT BE ALARMED! THIS IS NORMAL!

<b>Step 17:</b> Eventually it will load the Wad Manager. In the Wad Manager you will
see a list of all the wad files you have in the folder 'wad' on your SD card.
Use up and down on the D-pad on the Wii Remote to select a wad file that you want to install.

<b>Step 18:</b> Once you have the wad you want to install selected press the + button on the Wii Remote
to install that wad file onto the Wii, it will ask you if you are sure you want to install the wad,
press the A button on the Wii remote to confirm you want to install the wad, or press B to cancel.
Continue this process for all wads you want to install.

<b>Step 19:</b> Once you have installed all the wads that you want press the HOME button on the Wii
Remote (thats the button with the blue house on it), this will take you back to the Wii Menu.

<b>Step 20:</b> When you return to the Wii Menu you will find your brand new FREE Virtual
Console games sitting proudly in your Wii Menu. Congratz.

<b><u>Using the Homebrew Channel</u></b>

<b>Step 1:</b> Download the following items:
The Virtual Console titles you would like to install
The WAD Manager 1.0

<b>Step 2:</b> Extract the .rar or .zip file that the WAD Manager comes in and rename the file
'wad-manager_v1.elf' to 'boot.elf'. You can get rid of the other files, the .elf file
is all you need.

<b>Step 3:</b> Connect SD Card to computer.

<b>Step 4:</b> Create a folder in the root of your SD card called 'apps'.

<b>Step 5:</b> Create a folder inside the 'apps' folder on your SD card called 'wad-manager'.

<b>Step 6:</b> Move boot.elf to the 'wad-manager' folder you just created.

<b>Step 7:</b> Extract the Virtual Console titles you downloaded if they are in .rar files.
You should get .wad files. The .wad files will probably all be named 'title.wad',
rename them to whatever you want but make sure they have different names.

<b>Step 8:</b> Create a folder on the root of your SD Card called 'wad' in this folder put
all the .wad files you have for all the VC games you want to install.

<b>Step 9:</b> Now that all the necesary files are on the SD Card we can begin. Unplug the
SD Card from the computer and plug it into the SD Card slot on the front of the Wii
(which is located next to the disc slot, behind a panel).

<b>Step 10:</b> Turn the Wii on and start the Homebrew Channel.

<b>Step 11:</b> The Wad Manager will be listed in the Hombrew Channel, click on the Wad
Manager and the Homebrew Channel will load the Wad Manager.

<b>Step 12:</b> In the Wad Manager you will see a list of all the wad files you have in the folder
'wad' on your SD card. Use up and down on the D-pad on the Wii Remote to select a wad file
that you want to install.

<b>Step 13:</b> Once you have the wad you want to install selected press the + button on the Wii Remote
to install that wad file onto the Wii, it will ask you if you are sure you want to install the wad,
press the A button on the Wii remote to confirm you want to install the wad, or press B to cancel.
Continue this process for all wads you want to install.

<b>Step 14:</b> Once you have installed all the wads that you want press the HOME button on the Wii
Remote (thats the button with the blue house on it), this will take you back to the Wii Menu.

<b>Step 15:</b> When you return to the Wii Menu you will find your brand new FREE Virtual
Console games sitting proudly in your Wii Menu. Congratz.

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->WARNING!!! DO NOT INSTALL MORE VC GAMES THAN YOUR WII HAS SPACE FOR!<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

<!--sizeo:2--><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><u><b>Uninstalling Virtual Console games</b></u><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

To remove VC games from your Wii you must use the WAD Manager program, its not
enough to simply remove them from the Wii via the Wii data management as removing
them this way leaves behind a ticket.

To uninstall VC games, simply load the Wad Manager just like you did to install the wads.
Uninstalling the games is the same as installing them, just press the - button on the Wii
Remote instead of the + button when selecting the games you want to uninstall from the list.

I'm not allowed to tell you where you can get any of the files used in this guide, so sorry about that... Google is your friend.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
Visit site
Well done auroreon, that is brilliantly explained. This should help users who are struggling lol

cheers have a pint on me!

Hardcore Gamer

Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2008
Good guide. Uninstalling is the same way, put the games you want to remove into the wad folder and run the other boot.elf file, the WAD Uninstaller one.

I did this earlier and it removes the save games too, so I guess you have to back them up too if you want to keep them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Visit site
Very good,
Step 12: click on the SD Card tab, you will see an icon that says 'Wiibrew loader'
on it, click on it, click copy and it will copy to the Wii memory.
what does this mean?

Hardcore Gamer

Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2008
Boolbla said:
Very good,
Step 12: click on the SD Card tab, you will see an icon that says 'Wiibrew loader'
on it, click on it, click copy and it will copy to the Wii memory.
what does this mean?

That's the Twilight Princess Save Data file, they renamed it, that's what you see now.


Boolbla said:
Very good,
Step 12: click on the SD Card tab, you will see an icon that says 'Wiibrew loader'
on it, click on it, click copy and it will copy to the Wii memory.
what does this mean?

In the Wii save data management, where all your game saves are there are 2 tabs in the top right of the screen, 1 for the wii memory with all the save data thats saved to the wii and one for the SD Card with all the save data thats saved to the inserted SD card.


Mar 21, 2008
bosscolor said:
I have a question :

The twilight hack works only with the retail disc ? Does the backup contains the fail ?

Yes it will still work but obviously requires a modded console.


Azadar said:
wheres the twilight hack link it syas in the above click here but no hyperlink. We need STEP1 please

oops, forgot to add the hyperlink. Fixed.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2007
Good job on the guide, I had a rough idea what to do, but it's always nice to follow a step by step. Well written, and no doubt useful to a lot of people.

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