GoldenEye With Mario Characters mod Version 2.001 release

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GoldenEye with Mario Characters has been updated to Version 2.001
Many improvements have been made in the last couple of years.
There are lots of bugfixes, new features and this completely new level replacing Egyptian at the end.
Created by StupidMarioBros1Fan with help from Graslu00, Carnivorous, Sogun and Wreck.
Tested on Emulator and Console by both StupidMarioBros1Fan and Graslu00.


"Super Mario" and Channel Logo on the Startup "Legal Page" have been made bigger & positioned better.
Additional text added to the Startup "Legal Page" stating what version of the mod is being played.
Most of the Dialogue has been edited to have better spacing.
Some of the Dialogue has been changed/improved.
Typos have been fixed.
Unused "Line Mode" has been added to the Cheat Options.*
Cheat Options slightly reordered to accomendate the additional cheat.
"Turbo Mode" Cheat now has correct name instead of "Fast Mode" in Intro Cutscenes.
All Cheats are unlocked by default.** & ***

*Lot of graphical bugs because this cheat was never officially finished with Emulators have a hard time even rendering this effect correctly. Added for the novelty of using it with the Custom Models and to fill in the empty space normally in the menu.
**Save Files don't automatically update so you'll have to delete a Save File in order to have one with everything unlocked.
***The original idea was to keep the Replay Value of having Unlockable cheats but considering that the Target Times were never properly balanced for changes made to the levels, as well as most people wanting to just play with the characters, I've changed my mind on this.


Character Shadows are now more accurately sized.
Characters with Buttons have improved Texture Mapping.
Peach's Ponytail is now more accurate to her official designs.
Daisy & Pauline have properly colored eyes.
Daisy's eyes are slightly more open.
Daisy's tan is darker to better match her N64 Artwork.
Daisy's lips are less pink to better match her N64 Artwork.
Pauline now matches her size in Mario vs Donkey Kong: March of the Minis.
Donkey Kong's nose is properly mapped.
Donkey Kong is now closer to Bowser's size.
StMB1Fan is now less pale to match the 2018 SM64 Import.
Moonraker Elites are now Purple instead of White to fit with Waluigi.
Casino Marines are now Turquoise instead of Purple.
Siberian Special Forces & Pilot no longer have overlapping polygons on their bodies.
Female Civilian (Blue) has a more vibrant Hood texture.
CCTV Tape (GoldenEye VHS) now has 001 on the cover instead of 007.
Moonraker Shuttle now has purple stripes instead of orange ones.
Silver & Gold PP7 3rd-Person models ported from GoldenEye X.*
Changed which model was used for the Gunbarrel version of Mario.**
Donkey Kong is now a Full Character model instead of a Head & sharing a Body with DK Special Forces.**
All Mario Outfits are Full Character models instead of Head & Body models.**

*Thanks to Wreck & Carnivorous for helping me get these models to load in game.
**It is possible to convert Head, Body & Full Character models into each other, doing so allows more freedom with the custom models including having more characters than originally intended without increasing the actual number of files.


Multiple Koopa Heads have been converted into new Body & Full Character models.
2 new Female Koopa Heads have been added.
DK Special Forces now use a new model edited to be closer to the regular Koopa body.
Siberian Elite Forces (Blue SSF) has been added.
Russian Commandant (Female) has been added.
Casino Marine (Female) has been added.
Russian Infantry (Female) has been added.
Jungle Commando (Female) has been added.
Casino Special Forces (Female) has been added.
St. Petersburg Guard (Female) has been added.
dshaynie added as Cameo #2
russmarrs2 added as Cameo #3
Nintega Dario added as Cameo #4
OnyxKing67 added as Cameo #5
SeanKlaskyN64 added as Cameo #6
Rosalina added to Multiplayer
Professor Egad added to Multiplayer
Toadette added to Multiplayer
Toadsworth added to Multiplayer
All additional Characters are playable in Multiplayer.


Multiple Guards have been changed into Green Koopas are more common than Red Koopas in the first half of the level, while the inverse is true for the second half. Some are now Yellow Koopas.
Multiple Guards are now Female.
The two Guards near Security Gate A now jog instead of walk to their destinations.
The two Guards inside the bunker have been moved to near the Oil Drums so they can actually shoot at you. An extra set of Body Armor is inside so it isn't empty.
The Guard that runs to the Alarm is now much closer than before to compensate for being slower, also sees you almost immediately.
Now plays the unused "Dam X" song when an Alarm is triggered.*
Yellow Koopa with DD44 now has two DD44s.**
"Winds Blowing" starts playing at a low volume when on the Dam, plays at full volume when about to Bungie Jump, and stops playing when off of the Dam & inside the Dam.***
Some Crates have been flattened to allow Guards to shoot over them. Looks a little weird but performs better than having multiple tiny boxes next to each other.
The bungee jump animation for the Outro Cutscene is now faster but also shorter, so the Outro is in general is shorter.

*This song can be heard in Multiplayer in the original game.
**The main reason for this change is because I like dual-wielding DD44s, however it also adds to the few instances of dual-wielding in the game outside of the All Guns cheat.
***Instead of being one of the level's music tracks, as GoldenEye only has 2 per level, "Winds Blowing" is now a sound effect that can be used dynamically. Unfortunately there is no option to turn the off music in a level, so the Outro will continue playing "Dam" or "Dam X"


Multiple Guards have been changed into Red Koopas are more common than Green Koopas in the second half of the level, while the inverse is true for the first half. Some are now Yellow Koopas.
Multiple Guards are now Female.
Scientists have more variety of colors & females.
Guard Paths are no longer broken.*
When running away, Scientists now run at an increased speed instead of jog to their destination.
Restroom Scientist now runs at an increased speed instead of jog to his destination.
Restroom Scientist now only waits 2 minutes instead of 4 minutes before moving or when the door console is destroyed.**
Bowser spawns farther away so his Reinforcements aren't super-late to the party.***
Bowser's Reinforcements now run at an increased speed to their places.***
Bowser's Reinforcements are now Red & Yellow Koopas instead of only Green Koopas.
Luigi has new Dialogue for if Bowser dies before he does.****
StMB1Fan has been replaced with dshaynie and has a Silver PP7 instead of a Gold PP7.
dshaynie has improved AI and edited Dialogue.
The Conveyor Belt Outro nows shows the DD44 and all versions of the PP7 instead always showing the PP7 (Silenced).*****

*A bug in Older Versions of the Editor would break some of the walking paths for Guards. No longer an issue.
**For those that don't know, this guy has an all-access keycard so if the console used to open the door gets destroyed, you can just wait in the Restroom.
***They're still a bit late but not as badly as in v1.0, only so much can be done when there isn't an actual option to control how fast a character moves. Likely an issue with GoldenEye and not the Editor.
****Ouramov/Bowser isn't Invincible until he runs away, so it's possible to kill him and cause Trevelyan/Luigi to be stuck in his current action. With Bowser having a huge head as well as dshaynie having a Silver PP7, it's now relatively easy to kill Bowser early.
*****This change is to help show off the Silver PP7. Only these 5 guns are shown because the animation doesn't make sense with the rest of the guns.


Now plays the unused "Runway X" song when the only Objective left is Escaping in the Plane.*
More even divide between Red & Green Koopas in the level.
Multiple Guards are now Female.

*This song can be heard in Multiplayer in the original game, "Runway Ending" no longer plays during the Outro Cutscene because GoldenEye levels only have 2 Music Slots.


Intro Camera no longer clips through the ground.
A few Guards are now Female.
Reinforcements are now Siberian Elite Forces.
Added bookshelves to the Cabin that contains the Safe to compensate for removing the original props.*
supermarioglitchy4 has been replaced with OnyxKing67
OnyxKing67 has improved AI and edited Dialogue.**
The vent jump animation for the Outro Cutscene is now faster but also shorter, so the Outro is in general is shorter.

*A bug in the Editor causes the props in this specific cabin to have bad positioning as well as prevent the Safe from opening. Only solution I've found is removing them entirely, since even if they eventually stop blocking the safe, their new positions would be too weird/outside the cabin.
**Onyx now gives you a chance to leave before firing. Will fire on sight if you return to him.


Camera Objective looks for the correct Monitor Screen.*
Multiple Guards have been changed into Blue & Yellow Koopas.
Multiple Guards are now Female.
Reinforcements are now Siberian Elite Forces.
Dinosaur no longer requires the player to be super-close to him to start walking.
Dinosaur no longer gets temporarily stuck on the Computer Room Doors.
Dinosaur's Dialogue has been edited & added 2 unused lines.

*A bug in Older Versions of the Editor would automatically edit the Objective to look for one of the Monitors hanging from the Ceiling. No longer an issue.


Circuit Boards no longer misplaced on the ground.*
Multiple Guards have been changed into Yellow Koopas & are more common in the first half of the level.
Multiple Guards are now Female.
Scientists have more variety of colors & females.
Some Crates have been flattened to allow Guards to shoot over them. Looks a little weird but performs better than having multiple tiny boxes next to each other.

*A bug in the Editor sometimes automatically moves objects off of tables & other objects and puts them on the ground beneath said stuff. An issue I caught with Frigate in v1.0 but not with Silo since the Circuit Boards were still collectable.


Completing Objective A now plays the unused "Frigate X" song so you don't have to double check if it's been completed or not.*
Multiple Hostages are now female.
Multiple Shooters are now female.
Hostage & Shooter on the Bridge repositioned to be easier to aim at from both sides.
Hostages now run at an increased speed instead of jog to their destinations.
Hostages now pick between 2 instead of 6 destinations.**
Hostages no longer randomly change destination after being spooked.
Hostages can now take shorter paths to their destinations***
supermarioglitchy4 now runs to the Starting Location instead of the same destinations as the Hostages.
supermarioglitchy4 now has his own "Escaped" text.
Pilot has improved AI.

*This song can be heard in Multiplayer in the original game.
**Destinations are based off where in the level the Hostage is so there are possible 4 destinations for Hostages to run towards but it'll be the same 2 destinations for each Hostage everytime, reducing the RNG element.
***Whether an oversight by the original devs or on purpose to make the level more frustrating, the level did not have the Path Presets required for Guards to enter certain rooms or doors. This resulted in the Hostages taking longer paths than they needed to.


A few Guards are now Female.
Reinforcements are now Siberian Elite Forces.
Now plays the unused "Surface II X" song when an Alarm is triggered.*
"Winds Blowing" plays at a low volume when inside a building, stops playing when entering the Bunker.**
Dario added to the level as a passive NPC.

*This song can be heard in Multiplayer in the original game, "Surface II Ending" no longer plays during the Outro Cutscene because GoldenEye levels only have 2 Music Slots.
**Instead of being one of the level's music tracks, as GoldenEye only has 2 per level, "Winds Blowing" is now a sound effect that can be used dynamically.


Cell Guard jogs instead of walks to his destinations so it doesn't take 10 years to see Mario's "cunning plan" in action. Some Guards have been changed to Yellow Koopas.
Multiple Guards are now Female.
Reinforcements are now Siberian Elite Forces.
Mario now runs instead of jogs in the Outro Cutscene, avoiding being clipped into by Peach.


Multiple Guards are now Female.
Wario has been repositioned so his arm isn't clipping through the container.
Wario is now easier to spot for newcomers who don't know where he is.
Wario now waits less time before talking.
Wario now says "Waaah!!!" when dying.
Casino's Dialogue has been edited & added an unused line.
Casino's Reinforcements now run to their places.
Casino runs at an increased speed when leaving.
Peach now runs to your location instead of jogs.
DK no longer pushes Mario during the Outro Cutscene.
SeanKlaskyN64 added to the level as a passive NPC.


Multiple Green Koopas have been changed into Red Koopas some are now Grey Koopas.
Multiple Guards are now Female.
Intro Camera is no longer super-close to the ground.
Pauline's dialogue has been edited to fix a plothole.
Guard paths no longer go through the room with Pauline.*
Mario & Peach stop at about the same spot in the Outro Cutscene.
russmarrs2 added to the level as a hostile NPC.**

*Pauline will become hostile if you shoot too close to her, even if you're aiming at a Guard. A specific Guard would walk through the room and was more likely be in the room than in the original game due to being slow. Guards will still follow you into the room so it's not a safe room or anything.
**russmarrs2 isn't a regular Guard, he'll mind his own business unless you disturb him in which case he'll defend himself.


Multiple Guards have been changed into Red Koopas are more common than Green Koopas in the second half of the level, while the inverse is true for the first half. Some are now Yellow Koopas.
Multiple Guards are now Female.
Wario now waits less time before talking.
Wario now walks to a nearby room instead of jogging to the starting location so he increases the Timer sooner.
Wario now says "Waaah!!!" when dying.
Now plays "Streets X" when the Timer has 1 Minute remaining, will stop if Wario increases the Timer but will start playing again when the Timer goes back down to 1 Minute remaining.


Multiple Guards are now Female.
Added 1 more Rocket to the table with Rocket ammo.
Now plays "Depot X" when you pick up the Rocket Launcher.*

*Depot is one of the few levels where there isn't really an increase in danger or action so finding a place to play the X Theme is difficult. I figured that since a lot of destruction happens whenever you use the Rocket Launcher, seemed fitting for the music to ramp up a bit even if there is no actual change in the level or enemies.


Multiple Guards are now Female.
Most Crates have been flattened to allow Guards to shoot over them. Looks a little weird but performs better than having multiple tiny boxes next to each other.
You no longer kneel when standing next to the escape hatch*
Bowser & Peach have been moved around so it's easier to shoot Bowser without hitting Peach.
Bowser is now kneeling so it's easier to line up Bowser & Daisy for quick headshots.
Doors close a bit slower to give you an extra second to shoot Daisy.
Added 5 seconds to the Timer so it's easier to beat 00 Agent without killing Daisy.**
Luigi's Dialogue has been edited to reflect the additional 5 seconds.

*Normally kneeling helps with using the laser watch but with Mario being much shorter than Bond, this actually made it harder because you were too close to the ground and would randomly stop kneeling.
**Killing Daisy still delays the Timer like normal & is recommended, but you're less likely to have to restart if you miss her. This change is to balance out bad RNG from Bowser's death animation since he's so big that he'll still get in the way.


Intro Camera no longer clips through the ground.
Music has been changed to the unused "Jungle" song instead of the "Jungle Noises" song.*
Multiple Guards are now Female.
"Jungle Noises" stops playing when entering the Caves.**
Most Crates have been flattened to allow Guards to shoot over them. Looks a little weird but performs better than having multiple tiny boxes next to each other.

*This song can be heard in Multiplayer in the original game.
**Instead of being one of the level's music tracks, as GoldenEye only has 2 per level, "Jungle Noises" is now a sound effect that can be used dynamically.


Multiple Guards are now Female.
Control X now plays during the "Protect Peach" sequence.*
Guards during the "Protect Peach" sequence now run at an increased speed instead of jog to their destinations, rebalancing this part of the level.
Peach no longer needs to be on screen to open the blast door.**
StMB1Fan has improved AI and edited dialogue.
StMB1Fan has new dialogue for if you find him before Yoshi does.

*This song can be heard in Multiplayer in the original game, no more "Elevator 1 Music" because GoldenEye levels only have 2 Music Slots & there is no option to turn off the music.
**That's right, it's not a random amount of time for Natalya/Peach to open the door in the original game, it's 15 seconds as long as she is on screen. If she is off screen, she stops typing and won't continue until she is on screen again. Possibly an oversight as it's a very obscure thing to do on purpose and is closely related to not having to continuously do stuff when you're moving through the level.


Multiple Guards are now Female.
Luigi runs at an increased speed so it's harder to get infront of him.*
Scientists now run to specific locations & disappear instead of doing random actions.**
Some Crates have been flattened to allow Guards to shoot over them. Looks a little weird but performs better than having multiple tiny boxes next to each other.
Caverns X now plays when Luigi sees you at the end of the level.***
Caverns X now plays if too many scientists have been killed.***
Caverns X now plays if the radio is destroyed before you contact Toadsworth.***

*Most of the doors are open until Trevelyan/Luigi runs through them, Agent is much easier if you can get infront of him since you just need to run to the end.
**While tolerable in the original game, the Koopas move too slowly which makes it really hard to complete this level on Secret & 00 Agent. Made more sense to overhaul their AI than to rebalance them.
***This song can be heard in Multiplayer in the original game, no more "Elevator 2 Music" because GoldenEye levels only have 2 Music Slots & there is no option to turn off the music.


Luigi now runs at an increased speed towards the Control Console so it's much harder to reach it before he does.*
Multiple Guards are now Female.
Luigi now runs around the ladder without fear of running into it.**
Mario's scream is now timed better on Console, on Emulator it's a little delayed.
Outro Cutscene no longer ends half a second early.

*This doesn't prevent some kind of glitch, this just almost guarentees that the Timer will start.
**When a Guard runs into a ladder, they fly straight to the top. This glitch sometimes happens with Trevelyan in the original game which then he starts shooting down at you, almost always killing you before reaching the top. Because Luigi is slower & wider, this happened way more often so in v1.0 I made him just run to the side to avoid this glitch.


Text now has less Empty Lines so the credits go by faster.*
Certain Lines have been remade in CAPS to be easier to read with the fewer Empty Lines.
Mario now stands on a metal crate so he can kiss Peach instead of motorboating her.**

*On Emulator the Credits go by a lot faster which is why I didn't mess around with making them faster in v1.0, they didn't seem THAT slow until I saw them on Console.
**When making v1.0, I was too busy laughing at him being too short to realize what it actually looked like Mario was doing. GoldenEye is rated T for Teen but that's a bit out of place here.


Some Crates have been flattened to allow Guards to shoot over them. Looks a little weird but performs better than having multiple tiny boxes next to each other.
Waluigi now talks when spotted, mentions he has a keycard so you know he is required despite not being an Objective.
Waluigi now says "Waaah!!!" when dying.


Multiple Guards are now Female.
Bowser now talks when spotted.
Bowser now taunts you after collecting The Golden Gun.
Now plays the unused "Egyptain X" song after Bowser's Second Death & the sky changes color.*

*This song can be heard in Multiplayer in the original game.


Temple & Complex have been restored with Peach's Castle & Bob-omb Battlefield replacing Basement & Stack instead.
Koopa Picture no longer glitched on Console.
All additional Characters have Pictures.
All Characters are unlocked by default.
Roster order is slightly different for the main cast, Koopas have been reordered completely.
Fish in Peach's Castle now disappear when damaged instead of being broken & falling to the ground.*
More Signposts added to the Castle Courtyard in Peach's Castle.
Dirt is now colored properly in the Castle Courtyard in Peach's Castle.
Weaponsets have been slightly reordered.
Grenade Launcher Weaponset has been replaced with GoldenEye: Source's "Explosives" Weaponset.**
Rocket Launcher Weaponset has been replaced with a custom "PP7s" Weaponset.***
Default weaponset is now "Pistols" so the list starts near the beginning instead of the end.****

*The only way to damage the fish is with a Rocket, the glass is bullet-proof.
**The weapons are as follows:
1. ZMG
2. Timed Mine
3. Grenade
4. Automatic Shotgun
5. Remote Mine
6. Proximity Mine
7. Grenade Launcher
8. Rocket Launcher
***The weapons are as follows:
1. PP7 Special Issue
2. PP7 Special Issue
3. PP7 (Silenced)
4. PP7 (Silenced)
5. Silver PP7
6. Silver PP7
7. Gold PP7
8. Gold PP7
****In the original game, the default is "Rockets" which is the 12th weaponset in the list, followed by "Lasers" and "Golden Gun" before looping back around to "Slappers only!"


Peach's Castle replaces Egyptian.
Music is still "Egyptian" & "Egyptain X" because I feel that they fit the tone of the level.
Because the actual levels are swapped, in Multiplayer Peach's Castle will always use "Egyptian" as the music while Egyptian will have Random Music.

Basic level idea is similar where you have to kill Bowser 3 times, however finding The Golden Gun is not an Objective.
The Golden Gun is a hidden item that you have to figure out how to obtain. It isn't anything complex but why spoil the surprise here?
The level layout is inspired by Super Mario 64 where the Castle is split up into 4 areas and you have to unlock the Double Doors & Star Doors to progress further.
Bowser is located in the same 3 rooms as in SM64, AI is the same as in Egyptian but Health & Armor have been tweaked.*
Guard AI is a mix of what they're like in Control & Caverns except they have bad hearing.** & ***
Difficulty is higher than Egyptian but about the same as Caverns but longer? Still way easier than Aztec.****

*I rebalanced Bowser 1 to not be a complete pushover, Bowser 2 & 3 are unchanged from Egyptian. All 3 are beatable without using The Golden Gun but still provide a decent challenge like in Egyptian. I do recommend finding The Golden Gun on 00 Agent though, Bowser 3 has really good accuracy.
**Basically Guards run towards you if they spot you from far away, do random moves when close, and have a decent chance of throwing Grenades at you.
***The Guards kept hearing gunshots from all over the Castle & would try to swarm me, ruining the idea of taking them down room by room. While I could just lock the doors, then they'd be gathered infront of the doors & still ruin the idea.
****Wasn't exactly sure how to go about balancing so it is based off my skill level with the original game on N64 which I'd say is average. I'm good at Agent, decent at Secret Agent and 00 Agent is a challange. Now if you're playing on Emulator with a Mouse & Keyboard, the level is way easier just like the rest of the game. Balancing for Mouse & Keyboard was not one of the goals for this update or the mod in general.

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