Rayman Origins demo is now available in Nintendo eShop, get it while it's hot guys
You get 30 uses for this one.
You get 30 uses for this one.

The game is smooth, and the 3D effect is decent for such a 2D game, but the sprites are kinda small and look less vivid than other ports of the game.Hope this comes out over here today!
Can you let us know how it is in 3d. THNX
If you are looking for a portable version of this game, you should consider the Vita release, it looks and plays much better, still not as good as a home console version though, but still, the Vita gives this game much power than the 3DS.I have been waiting ages for this to appear and was looking forward to the 3DS version after playing the Xbox version, I just wanted to see if I should buy the console version or go with the portable version to play on the go. The main thing that strikes me about the game is that the graphics are so tiny, to the extent that I don’t think they do the game justice, also I found myself holding the screen nearer to my face, which didn’t go well with trying to focus on the 3D effect. Not sure if I will be picking this up on the 3DS whereas before the demo came out I was planning to. Will probably wait for the reviews to see how the graphics affect the other parts of the game. Though they are small I think the art style is still great.
A shame really, I'm not sure whether to blame the developers for this terrible port or that the 3DS just isnt powerful enough.
How big is the demo? Wish I could see for myself, but I wonder if like some other demos, the details of the game resources are reduced so it doesn't take up as much space.
Disappointed in this a lot... I was dying to see Rayman origins play in 3D for a while, as I thought the game seemed like PERFECT for it. But judging from the demo, the game is much slower, and its the first time I've seen rayman look that bad and the 3D doesnt make up for it at all sadly either. I was considering to get rayman on the 3DS at one point, but decided to get it for vita and am very glad I did. I do not think I would have enjoyed the game as well at all if I had it on 3DS.
It makes me depressed for 3DS though. But I guess this means I'm justifed in what I think, 3DS and Vita are both worth owning and each do something the other cant.
A shame really, I'm not sure whether to blame the developers for this terrible port or that the 3DS just isnt powerful enough.
@[member='masterchan777'], I actually thought the vita version was better than the console versions, ha ha. I played Rayman origins demo on 360, and it was good, but it wasnt enough to tempt me to buy it for it, but on vita, I just felt it seemed to control much better, as well as the hidden relics in vita version as well.
How can you "up the resolution"? The 3DS screen is 400x240, you can't change that.Oh cool, glad I'm not the only one who thinks this demo blows. The controls are too slippery and unresponsive for a platforming game. And I'm sorry, but they should have just remade the whole game for the 3DS. Keep the art style, but up the resolution or something, everything is so fucking small on the screen. And that's not the 3DS' fault, it's more of it just being a bad port.