George Zimmerman found not guilty of Trayvon Martin murder

  • Thread starter Deleted_171835
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Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
1) sorry for quoting you again :P

2) at the top of this thread to the right you should see the "Unwatch thread button"

yeah it isn't being watched but the alert settings are for all quoted replies so that is why.. anyway this thread was about to drastically get derailed before because people seem to want to be internet trolls by misinterpreting what I say... thus I don't want to be involved. whatever goes is on them.


Revenge is beneath me but accidents do happen.
Jun 20, 2013
The C Standard Library
United States
yeah it isn't being watched but the alert settings are for all quoted replies so that is why.. anyway this thread was about to drastically get derailed before because people seem to want to be internet trolls by misinterpreting what I say... thus I don't want to be involved. whatever goes is on them.

Welcome to the world of politics..... and children...

Thanatos Telos

random stuff
Sep 13, 2009
United States
been dropping money into savings every month just so that I can get out of Virginia. The place is turning into a police state, the laws are so damn backwards, the people are downright mean. "Virginia is for lovers" is a god damned lie! I just want to live somewhere where my wife and I can feel safe and be around progressive, sane, individuals who do not place a thousand year old book over logic and science.

Northern VA, VA beach, or every other part of VA? The first two are pretty great, but anywhere else is shit.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
United States
I don't feel one can adequately judge whether or not their life is in danger after only a few punches, especially when we don't know why those punches were delivered. The "he just jumped me like some street hooligan and threatened my life" thing is in no way believable.

Ok, you do have a point there. However, Zimmerman did say that Trayvon had told him "You're gonna die tonight motherfucker". Now granted he could have lied about that, but if he was telling the truth then he wouldn't have needed more than a few punches to determine his life was in danger, since Trayvon had flat out stated he was going to murder him.

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
anyway no use in arguing with a 17 year old kid. ignored. I looked at user submitted news and 100% of the page besides this thread is video game related hmmm tells me something doesn't it.. and now I can see the age demographic of trolls.. once again.. since last time there was an issue he was from the same country and only 1 year older. still a teenager.. and still from a country that seems to breed asshats =.=" thank God we split off in 1776.
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See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
You might also meet people like me. :D Seriously though GBAtemp, there should be a ban on material that has to do with politics and religion. Treading a VERY thin line here...

Frederica Bernkastel

Well-Known Member
GBAtemp Patron
Jan 31, 2008
anyway no use in arguing with a 17 year old kid. ignored. I looked at user submitted news and 100% of the page besides this thread is video game related hmmm tells me something doesn't it.. and now I can see the age demographic of trolls.. once again.. since last time there was an issue he was from the same country and only 1 year older. still a teenager.. and still from a country that seems to breed asshats =.=" thank God we split off in 1776.
Hey now, it's no secret that Britian died (I estimate in 1997, after the last major anti-freedom bill was passed), but that doesn't mean everyone from there is particularly bad. Your post was a little uncalled for - if the points you're making hold value, they should stand up on their own to any rational person, there is no need to resort to personal attack if this doesn't happen. It just means that either you're wrong, or that person is irrational and that others reading won't be very inclined to take them very seriously either.

You're right about the video-gamers demographic, however, it tends to be a place where immaturity and ignorance run rampant. Why bother doing productive things, and waste your time learning and exercising your powers of rationality, when you can seek an artificial sense of achievement from both videogames and the communities involved?
I've noticed many of the same attitudes are prevalent in both videogaming communities, roleplaying communities (including the more normal desktop kind - seriously you have no idea how bad some people get with even DnD) and in the anime communities. Interestingly enough, were you aware that the tumblrite 'social justice' movement is an offshoot of some older forum-based roleplaying communities?
That isn't any reason to judge, however, and I make a point of habit to try and discuss things rationally with people with memberships in forums like these, as belonging to a demographic doesn't make a person. Their personal viewpoints and ideas do.

You might also meet people like me. :D Seriously though GBAtemp, there should be a ban on material that has to do with politics and religion. Treading a VERY thin line here...
Censorship is a quick fix, and not one that should be used here.
It is the fault of the media, with their intent to make money by manipulating the views of their audience, that we all have mixed and contradictory opinions.

If everyone were given the facts, straight up, threads like this one would not reach the same level of controversy. We'd still find a few "special snowflakes" with rebellious opinions, too edgy for us normal folk to understand completely, but they wouldn't get anywhere near the same level of support - and hopefully many would recieve the mental healthcare of which they are so badly in need.

I'm left feeling a little bad for the Martin's, as they've been misled by the same tactics as so many others here. While they were right to seek out a second opinion on what had happened, I think we can all agree that this is is mockery of what that should have entailed.

- Alex.
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Jul 14, 2008
and still from a country that seems to breed asshats =.=" thank God we split off in 1776.

I'm genuinely hurt....also please don't block me for actually sensibly quoting you.

Therein lies another facet about the discussion of this topic that is being overlooked or perhaps taken for granted...nationality. Whilst the media is capable of manipulating or emphasising certain facts about the case, it doesn't alter the fact that because a gun is involved it influences people's perception, especially those from non gun available regions. Furthermore the penalties for self defence are very different from place to place...the closest example of a case like this that i can think of which occurred in the UK involved a farmer shooting an invader into his home who was fleeing said angry resident. The burglar died and the farmer was convicted. Perhaps my understanding is flawed due to distance from the system but i think i'm right in saying that under US Castle Doctrine that wouldn't have happened. It's difficult to judge accurately but Country of origin is relatively important in discussions of this nature because of different national feeling. Although irrespective of that there's still a load of stupid posts in this topic regardless of locale.

Whilst i agree with Fredrica Bernkastel that Britain is one messed up place i honestly don't think race would have factored into this if it occurred over here...i honestly believe that despite public perceptions race isn't a huge thing in the UK. That being said if it did happen here Zimmerman would be doing time.


Grey Knight Inquisitor
Feb 28, 2010
The Forge
Zimmerman was within his rights and the laws of the state of Florida to shot his attacker. That's why he was found not guilty. What don't tempers understand about what's going on here.
I think the biggest problem is the complexity of the US law system (federal, state, etc) compared to other countries. Very few countries even have a constitution, which has quite a few parts still from the 18th century. Without changes, except state laws (banning of automatic rifles, but still quite liberal gun laws). Kinda hard for many people to see someone being completely freed of all charges for actually killing another person. Regardless of the circumstances, which are very special in many ways including the media attention.

As for most of the people outside of the US, the biased media and commentators don't help. It's been almost impossible to get a clear review of the case with the relevant fact untampered. If there happens to be a somewhat unbiased commentary, the person speaking makes an odd comment out of the blue and the credibility goes down a lot (alex: thanks for the video, though the last part of it goes a bit overboard as mentioned before, but that really isn't the most relevant part to the case in regards to clarity anyways). I for one have been mistaken in many ways, but then again, I do think that the case has gone out of proportion. If only the media in general didn't want to get as much sensational "news" as possible, this and many other cases would have been dealt with in a better way. Especially the Jury seems to be having it almost as bad as the people being charged, doing the prosecution or trying to defend the defendant.

And no. Going around giving bomb threats and threatening other people with violence should not be tolerated in any ways. Especially when the US is trying to stay a civilized nation with an unbiased justice system. If you feel there has been a wrong here, write to your local politicians (senators too?) and tell them what you think is wrong. And especially if there is something wrong. If you can't find anything else at a fault except that Zimmerman (or anyone else related to the case, be it the judge, jury or someone else) should be sentenced to something that can't be sentenced given the evidence (or the lack of it). The justice system is there to give everyone an possibility of defending themselves. If the case was filled with loopholes in the investigation and the events that happened (not taking into account the events that led to the shooting, since there is basically only one witness, ie. the defendant), it would be a different case. As it is not (or doesn't seem so), I'd just give it a rest and let the justice system do its things. If there is a need for more investigation, it'll be on a federal level (someone correct me if I'm wrong with the way it goes in the 'States).

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
Hey now, it's no secret that Britian died (I estimate in 1997, after the last major anti-freedom bill was passed), but that doesn't mean everyone from there is particularly bad. Your post was a little uncalled for - if the points you're making hold value, they should stand up on their own to any rational person, there is no need to resort to personal attack if this doesn't happen. It just means that either you're wrong, or that person is irrational and that others reading won't be very inclined to take them very seriously either.

You're right about the video-gamers demographic, however, it tends to be a place where immaturity and ignorance run rampant. Why bother doing productive things, and waste your time learning and exercising your powers of rationality, when you can seek an artificial sense of achievement from both videogames and the communities involved?
I've noticed many of the same attitudes are prevalent in both videogaming communities, roleplaying communities (including the more normal desktop kind - seriously you have no idea how bad some people get with even DnD) and in the anime communities. Interestingly enough, were you aware that the tumblrite 'social justice' movement is an offshoot of some older forum-based roleplaying communities?
That isn't any reason to judge, however, and I make a point of habit to try and discuss things rationally with people with memberships in forums like these, as belonging to a demographic doesn't make a person. Their personal viewpoints and ideas do.

Censorship is a quick fix, and not one that should be used here.
It is the fault of the media, with their intent to make money by manipulating the views of their audience, that we all have mixed and contradictory opinions.

If everyone were given the facts, straight up, threads like this one would not reach the same level of controversy. We'd still find a few "special snowflakes" with rebellious opinions, too edgy for us normal folk to understand completely, but they wouldn't get anywhere near the same level of support - and hopefully many would recieve the mental healthcare of which they are so badly in need.

I'm left feeling a little bad for the Martin's, as they've been misled by the same tactics as so many others here. While they were right to seek out a second opinion on what had happened, I think we can all agree that this is is mockery of what that should have entailed.

- Alex.

The video game forum apparantly gives people a place to troll since the reprecussions are minimal and the benefit or gain is some pseudo-power trip sans being mod and is a place for the trolls to go when they are bored and "use" people to satisfy their boredom. Imho it doesn't make a difference to me. Trolling doesn't make me "happier" nor does it cure boredom whatsoever. But yeah the main people on this site that tend to cause issues fit that demographic. As far as online gaming is concerned, usually the worst ones are under 14 years old from Russia and otherwise anyone aged under 25 from us/uk/australia. Australia tends to have the most angry gamers in it but I guess that is because they don't have much going for them in that country (at least that is what they tell me I have no idea..I thought AU was suppose to be better than the US culturally so who knows).

But yeah I guess it is one of those things where instead of replying to the troll u are suppose to just let them have their "win" because the problem with flame wars is that trolls won't give up until they think they have won... that or the mod comes in and gives them the boot which seems to basically do the same thing; putting an end to the arguing.

anyways the news keeps going on and on and working more angles about the Zimmerman case. it is analagous to a flame war as well. It will keep going and going and going until some day another big news story comes up and then it will be all but forgotten. I don't believe that anyone should lose his life but still... Zimmerman was getting his ass handed to him, he had a weapon, he defended himself, jury pretty much had to either acquit or just go not guilty. I just don't agree with the armed vigilante thing so I can understand why people are doing protests and stuff but throwing in the race card? on a hispanic? give me a fucking break. that's like when I say to a mexican that he/she is white. guess what? all it will do is piss them off (if it is an idiot anyway, non idiots don't get pissed) but still... it's asking for it.


Sep 23, 2010
The video game forum apparantly gives people a place to troll since the reprecussions are minimal and the benefit or gain is some pseudo-power trip sans being mod and is a place for the trolls to go when they are bored and "use" people to satisfy their boredom. Imho it doesn't make a difference to me. Trolling doesn't make me "happier" nor does it cure boredom whatsoever. But yeah the main people on this site that tend to cause issues fit that demographic. As far as online gaming is concerned, usually the worst ones are under 14 years old from Russia and otherwise anyone aged under 25 from us/uk/australia. Australia tends to have the most angry gamers in it but I guess that is because they don't have much going for them in that country (at least that is what they tell me I have no idea..I thought AU was suppose to be better than the US culturally so who knows).

But yeah I guess it is one of those things where instead of replying to the troll u are suppose to just let them have their "win" because the problem with flame wars is that trolls won't give up until they think they have won... that or the mod comes in and gives them the boot which seems to basically do the same thing; putting an end to the arguing.

anyways the news keeps going on and on and working more angles about the Zimmerman case. it is analagous to a flame war as well. It will keep going and going and going until some day another big news story comes up and then it will be all but forgotten. I don't believe that anyone should lose his life but still... Zimmerman was getting his ass handed to him, he had a weapon, he defended himself, jury pretty much had to either acquit or just go not guilty. I just don't agree with the armed vigilante thing so I can understand why people are doing protests and stuff but throwing in the race card? on a hispanic? give me a fucking break. that's like when I say to a mexican that he/she is white. guess what? all it will do is piss them off (if it is an idiot anyway, non idiots don't get pissed) but still... it's asking for it. mention the race card, my father who is Hispanic (100% Mexican) is a racist. A person can be a racist, plus we don't know if race is involved until the U.S. Justice Dept finishes reviewing the case. And decides whether or not to press charges.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States mention the race card, my father who is Hispanic (100% Mexican) is a racist. A person can be a racist, plus we don't know if race is involved until the U.S. Justice Dept finishes reviewing the case. And decides whether or not to press charges.

To be fair I think the "race card" here isn't "Zimmerman can't be racist since he's Hispanic!" but more that people believe that the courts were biased towards him for being white while he's also part Hispanic.


Sep 23, 2010
To be fair I think the "race card" here isn't "Zimmerman can't be racist since he's Hispanic!" but more that people believe that the courts were biased towards him for being white while he's also part Hispanic.

Hmmm, I would say that's a small minority of people...but Seminole County is a rich white county to be fair. Though Sanford (county seat) is the poorest city.

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States mention the race card, my father who is Hispanic (100% Mexican) is a racist. A person can be a racist, plus we don't know if race is involved until the U.S. Justice Dept finishes reviewing the case. And decides whether or not to press charges.

What I meant is that the news media is stating that Zimmerman is a caucasian or white sometimes which society dictates otherwise but the media twists it enough in a way that people will believe it. and yeah I don't see any evidence that race was an issue however they are using that simply because Trayvon was Black. I believe that if Trayvon was some white person whom was a total asshole, the same thing would definitely have happened thus invalidating the race card in all. But that is just my opinion. Opinions like this are what spark protests, riots, flame wars, bigotry, etc etc. Once could easily hop in this thread and start some vicious name calling. I think now I'll just go ahead and turn off notifications because that is all that is going to end up happening lol. I can read the internet like a book.


GBAtemp's Official ArchAndroid
Nov 10, 2008
A Star Called Metropolis
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United States
In my opinion, I did not think this was a matter of race, I thought it was a matter of common sense and what's right and wrong. Zimmerman decided that he was going to follow this child, with the conscious intent to use lethal force, and to be quite honest, for what? What neighborhood watch do ANY of us know goes into a situation and using lethal force, premeditated or not? The least he could have done was pinned Trayvon down and called it citizen's arrest.

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