George Zimmerman found not guilty of Trayvon Martin murder

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Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
I wish. The whole reason there's any debate in this thread, and that the media were able to hype it up so much, is because people genuinely believe that Trayvon was innocent, and that Zimmerman was an evil white man out to get the poor young black kid [who was beating him into the sidewalk].

Agreed 100% because it was stupid... and that Zimmerman is hispanic but they try to make it like "oh he is white he is white...he is whitee......" since when in recent decades (shit since the 1950s even) has a hispanic man in this country been considered white? And plus they demonize their own people to that extent. It is a shame. I know some Mexicans that aren't bad people at all.. one of them even has a lot of money (I tell everyone he is rich because he probably fuckin' is rich..he's about to retire at 65 from working at refineries all his life plus doing double shifts and whatnot. dude is ant-marijuana, doesn't drink a lot afaik, and is a stand up citizen of the usa).

But now we gotta call Zimmerman white so we can make him into the devil *chuckle* and yeah..this country sucks. lol

Well anyway as much as I don't believe anyone should have lost their life, I think that if zimmerman was just carrying a knife or a mace he probably would have either been paralyzed for the rest of his life or he would be dead. That kid sure beat the crap out of him that is for sure. And I have know blacks from the projects that were fucking STRONG and it is because all they do with their time (besides going to the convenient store for candies like this guy) is they do pushups whenever/wherever they can. In stairways up to where they live, out by where they play basketball wherever they can. They get strong, street smart, and they can beat the living shit out of people with their bare hands. Plus on top of that they generally are not taught morals and standards of life so they don't know the difference between harming/killing people to get along with their life opposed to just getting along with people.

I knew this one guy like that but somehow he taught himself morals. I doubt he's alive any more either that or he is in prison because he hasn't visited me in quite a long time. Usually he would come by every number of years to say hi. Great guy and man I'll tell you what, I wouldn't want to get in a fight with him. He is lean so he looks thin but I punched his arm and it is like hitting a brick wall.

Frederica Bernkastel

Well-Known Member
GBAtemp Patron
Jan 31, 2008
I responded a little more in my last post, so it'd be appreciated if people could re-read it, but I'll continue here.
Agreed 100% because it was stupid... and that Zimmerman is hispanic but they try to make it like "oh he is white he is white...he is whitee......" since when in recent decades (shit since the 1950s even) has a hispanic man in this country been considered white? And plus they demonize their own people to that extent. It is a shame. I know some Mexicans that aren't bad people at all.. one of them even has a lot of money (I tell everyone he is rich because he probably fuckin' is rich..he's about to retire at 65 from working at refineries all his life plus doing double shifts and whatnot. dude is ant-marijuana, doesn't drink a lot afaik, and is a stand up citizen of the usa).

But now we gotta call Zimmerman white so we can make him into the devil *chuckle* and yeah..this country sucks. lol

Well anyway as much as I don't believe anyone should have lost their life, I think that if zimmerman was just carrying a knife or a mace he probably would have either been paralyzed for the rest of his life or he would be dead. That kid sure beat the crap out of him that is for sure. And I have know blacks from the projects that were fucking STRONG and it is because all they do with their time (besides going to the convenient store for candies like this guy) is they do pushups whenever/wherever they can. In stairways up to where they live, out by where they play basketball wherever they can. They get strong, street smart, and they can beat the living shit out of people with their bare hands. Plus on top of that they generally are not taught morals and standards of life so they don't know the difference between harming/killing people to get along with their life opposed to just getting along with people.

I knew this one guy like that but somehow he taught himself morals. I doubt he's alive any more either that or he is in prison because he hasn't visited me in quite a long time. Usually he would come by every number of years to say hi. Great guy and man I'll tell you what, I wouldn't want to get in a fight with him. He is lean so he looks thin but I punched his arm and it is like hitting a brick wall.
The 'Social Justice' movement does this too. Young, White, Males are the worst demographic right now in terms of employability, 'diversity' is stacked against it, plus it is also frequently portrayed as comprising of a bunch of inadequate delinquents incapable of doing good. In reality, however, this is just as true as the original stereotype of the black 'gangster'. Except that is apparently much more prevalent nowadays, as it is allowed to thrive while we strive to ignore it for the sake of 'political correctness'. The same goes the way of social justice wymyn too, and their 'lack' of privilege.

Will we ever grow up, and stop judging (or not judging) people just because they fall into a particular demographic?


See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
I wish. The whole reason there's any debate in this thread, and that the media were able to hype it up so much, is because people genuinely believe that Trayvon was innocent, and that Zimmerman was an evil white man out to get the poor young black kid [who was beating him into the sidewalk].

Ah. I feel your pain.
I agree with the constitution, and the principles behind it (as I do with the Magna Carta, actually), but I do think that some people really don't "get" it.

"Trial by media". Zimmerman's innocence was the job of the jury to decide, and not of every citizen who has happened to turn on their television set for a few minutes recently. Poor Zimmerman may have been found not-guilty by the courthouse, because they were sensible enough to get over the emotional appeal and to look at what he was and wasn't allowed to do, but that doesn't mean anyone who knows about it is too. In fact, as I've mentioned, there are some particularly ridiculous posts I've seen in various places with people having delusional views of his innocence purely because they aren't aware of what actually happened.
Zimmerman's life, as he knew it, might be over (for at least a good few months), but those involved in the mass media don't care - they got their latest controversial story, they get their paychecks.

Anyone remember that one guy... er... Snowden, was it? He's still in that airport, currently arranging more talks with Russia. Have we heard about him since the trial began?..
That, is my point.

Yeah, and that's a really good point. I'm gonna try and actually make an effort to seriously read the ins and outs of what happened, because seeing all this debate is really interesting. I have a hell of a lot of things to catch up on since I was literally away from the internet for about five months. With my limited knowledge what this looks like is that the case is getting so much attention because an African American citizen was shot and killed by a non-African person. Again, I need to read more details about it.

The only major thing I have been following is the Edward Snowden case, and from what I do know, he's still holed up in Russia, and he's talking to them despite them telling him that if he wants asylum he needs to stop leaking or something along that line. Guy's in a real predicament and I actually applaud what he's doing because he's following what's right. And ugggh, the media, they are all kinds of trouble. Like how that one news company threw in bogus names for the Asiana Airlines incident, and now they're being sued for it.

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
I responded a little more in my last post, so it'd be appreciated if people could re-read it, but I'll continue here.

The 'Social Justice' movement does this too. Young, White, Males are the worst demographic right now in terms of employability, 'diversity' is stacked against it, plus it is also frequently portrayed as comprising of a bunch of inadequate delinquents incapable of doing good. In reality, however, this is just as true as the original stereotype of the black 'gangster'. Except that is apparently much more prevalent nowadays, as it is allowed to thrive while we strive to ignore it for the sake of 'political correctness'. The same goes the way of social justice wymyn too, and their 'lack' of privilege.

Will we ever grow up, and stop judging (or not judging) people just because they fall into a particular demographic?

I have noticed this and the only way the white can succeed is show that he is mature and a go getter. Not that many people actually fall into this category and can easily become jobless due to that. Get hired by a white person some time, and then be supervised by non whites... basically what happens is the non white will report to the white superior and have your ass canned in no time just because you aren't a minority. It is a bad thing.

But you have some options when this happens. If you get wrongly terminated, there are government agencies that you can complain to and they will contact the place you get terminated from. Some people get their job back. it is sad that people have to resort to this but that is how it goes these days.

On the other hand if you get to know the minorities before even applying for a job and get accepted and start working there, you have a much better chance of being retained as an employee. That is what I am getting into right now. I have no issues with minorities whatsoever and they seem to know that. But they won't know that if you just like step in as a new hire... that shit doesn't float to well with people. they start going like "wooahhh i wish they hired another one of us...wahhhhhh" it is stupid. what the hell is the difference? an employee is an employee. there's only one type of employee: employee. it isn't bounded by race. but man there are so many people that have to make issues..... and all u wanna do is make some cash so you can have a place to live and so you can eat. and possibly do that with having other things that people who have jobs get such has have gf wife baby car clothes video games etc etc the list goes on. those whom are situated in the workplace have it and they don't care if new people get to have those things or not.

Frederica Bernkastel

Well-Known Member
GBAtemp Patron
Jan 31, 2008
Yeah, and that's a really good point. I'm gonna try and actually make an effort to seriously read the ins and outs of what happened, because seeing all this debate is really interesting. I have a hell of a lot of things to catch up on since I was literally away from the internet for about five months. With my limited knowledge what this looks like is that the case is getting so much attention because an African American citizen was shot and killed by a non-African person. Again, I need to read more details about it.

The only major thing I have been following is the Edward Snowden case, and from what I do know, he's still holed up in Russia, and he's talking to them despite them telling him that if he wants asylum he needs to stop leaking or something along that line. Guy's in a real predicament and I actually applaud what he's doing because he's following what's right. And ugggh, the media, they are all kinds of trouble. Like how that one news company threw in bogus names for the Asiana Airlines incident, and now they're being sued for it.
Snowden is a quite the fool for not having negotiated with them sooner. There's some political unrest between Russia and the US right now, with Israel having bombed what appears to be a Russian depot, after disagreements with how to handle things in Syria. Everybody knows Israel does things based on US order, and so Russia are trying to avoid provoking anything serious.
I value the facts he has brought to life, however, as now it isn't just conspiracy theorists and crazy privacy-obsessed paranoid buffoons who are looking to keep their information secure, and private.

I have noticed this and the only way the white can succeed is show that he is mature and a go getter. Not that many people actually fall into this category and can easily become jobless due to that. Get hired by a white person some time, and then be supervised by non whites... basically what happens is the non white will report to the white superior and have your ass canned in no time just because you aren't a minority. It is a bad thing.

But you have some options when this happens. If you get wrongly terminated, there are government agencies that you can complain to and they will contact the place you get terminated from. Some people get their job back. it is sad that people have to resort to this but that is how it goes these days.

On the other hand if you get to know the minorities before even applying for a job and get accepted and start working there, you have a much better chance of being retained as an employee. That is what I am getting into right now. I have no issues with minorities whatsoever and they seem to know that. But they won't know that if you just like step in as a new hire... that shit doesn't float to well with people. they start going like "wooahhh i wish they hired another one of us...wahhhhhh" it is stupid. what the hell is the difference? an employee is an employee. there's only one type of employee: employee. it isn't bounded by race. but man there are so many people that have to make issues..... and all u wanna do is make some cash so you can have a place to live and so you can eat. and possibly do that with having other things that people who have jobs get such has have gf wife baby car clothes video games etc etc the list goes on. those whom are situated in the workplace have it and they don't care if new people get to have those things or not.
You're right, I'm talking about initial employment though. It's a statistic I've been following quite keenly, and I'm glad to say that it's wavering and doesn't look like a trend that'll stick around for long. 'Social Justice', however...

Diversity should NEVER be simply to meet a quota. I think that people, regardless of gender, age or ethnicity (skin color ahuehuehue), are people, and should be rated based upon their actions and skills. Is that really such a bad viewpoint to have in this day and age?
The Republican party has one rather similar, and consequently its members and representatives are branded as ~horrible~ racists.


random without backing up why you stated this, typical of internet trolling... moving along.
He's not the only one shamelessly doing this, and frankly with examples like this, I can't blame him...

Your post suggests that you actually couldn't.

(Or at least don't.)
This post is off-topic and utterly irrelevant. Please desist with your condescending correctional posts, because while adding nothing to the conversation (against the rules you're _supposed_ to be enforcing, yes?) I'm willing to bet that they also constitute a rather large portion of your post-count.
More importantly, aren't moderators supposed to be setting a good example to the users of a forum as to how they should behave?

Instead, please leave the corrections to us, the users, because they're far more useful in the heat of a debate, where we can use them to undermine the points presented by others. This wouldn't be quite the same without the abuse of logical fallacies, and I don't appreciate you depriving people of theirs.

Just _stop_.
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See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
Snowden is a quite the fool for not having negotiated with them sooner. There's some political unrest between Russia and the US right now, with Israel having bombed what appears to be a Russian depot, after disagreements with how to handle things in Syria. Everybody knows Israel does things based on US order, and so Russia are trying to avoid provoking anything serious.
I value the facts he has brought to life, however, as now it isn't just conspiracy theorists and crazy privacy-obsessed paranoid buffoons who are looking to keep their information secure, and private.

I find it admirable that he's not even worried about this either. I also think that he's been holed up in Russia for far too long, and now with his passport annulled, he's pretty fucked unless he gets in the good graces of Russia and can successfully acquire a travel documentation that would allow him to depart to Venezuela.

Either way, your posts are actually hellishly entertaining and informative, so kudos to you for that. :)

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
Snowden is a quite the fool for not having negotiated with them sooner. There's some political unrest between Russia and the US right now, with Israel having bombed what appears to be a Russian depot, after disagreements with how to handle things in Syria. Everybody knows Israel does things based on US order, and so Russia are trying to avoid provoking anything serious.
I value the facts he has brought to life, however, as now it isn't just conspiracy theorists and crazy privacy-obsessed paranoid buffoons who are looking to keep their information secure, and private.

You're right, I'm talking about initial employment though. It's a statistic I've been following quite keenly, and I'm glad to say that it's wavering and doesn't look like a trend that'll stick around for long. 'Social Justice', however...

Diversity should NEVER be simply to meet a quota. I think that people, regardless of gender, age or ethnicity (skin color ahuehuehue), are people, and should be rated based upon their actions and skills. Is that really such a bad viewpoint to have in this day and age?
The Republican party has one rather similar, and consequently its members and representatives are branded as ~horrible~ racists.

He's not the only one shamelessly doing this, and frankly with examples like this, I can't blame him...

This post is off-topic and utterly irrelevant. Please desist with your condescending correctional posts, because while adding nothing to the conversation (against the rules you're _supposed_ to be enforcing, yes?) I'm willing to bet that they also constitute a rather large portion of your post-count.
More importantly, aren't moderators supposed to be setting a good example to the users of a forum as to how they should behave?

Instead, please leave the corrections to us, the users, because they're far more useful in the heat of a debate, where we can use them to undermine the points presented by others. This wouldn't be quite the same without the abuse of logical fallacies, and I don't appreciate you depriving people of theirs.

Just _stop_.

I still don't know what his point is. Oakland is a great place unless you just stick to one small tiny little area such as International which is in East Oakland or if you stick with Peralta in West both aren't that ideal of places to be. Poeple venture from there to downtown and sometimes just once in a while someone gets punched in the face randomly or mugged. Is that what he is talking about? It can happen anywhere. Oakland is actually a lot more clean than San Francisco. last time I was in SF it was rather vile. Right off the bart.

But yeah it is good to travel because there are more places to see. Easier said than done sometimes you just don't have anything to go out and do.

Well good thing that job stuff is changing. I have seen a lot of selfish bastards especailly in government jobs. They try to make sure that their little bubble doesn't get interrupted and they go to extremes to do it. It's like why hire anyone new if you already have this impermiable bubble you want to maintain? Purely ignorant and wastes people's time. Places should only hire if there is a need and if there isn't just keep the doors shut.

anywho I wonder how long it will take before people troll and get into racism arguments in this thread and then the admins will close it. This thread, entirely, does not belong on this forum at all anyway.

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
Oh and I just noticed that this is user submitted news. heh.. yeah.. good going guys, this isn't even gaming related. I'm guessing this thread won't even last much more than a couple hours before it is locked.


NOT a New Member
Dec 20, 2008
United States
been dropping money into savings every month just so that I can get out of Virginia. The place is turning into a police state, the laws are so damn backwards, the people are downright mean. "Virginia is for lovers" is a god damned lie! I just want to live somewhere where my wife and I can feel safe and be around progressive, sane, individuals who do not place a thousand year old book over logic and science.

Don't move to New Jersey then...too many idiots. Just the other day, I heard a 19 or 20-year-old complaining about her boyfriend being arrested. No joke, this was what I was able to hear:

"His blood-alcohol was only, like, 0.2. So he threw a Four Loko can out of the window. It's not like he was throwing real alcohol out the window." Successful dipshit is successful....???
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Future CEO of OUYA Inc.
Jun 25, 2008
Angel Grove, CA
United States
Don't move to New Jersey then...too many idiots. Just the other day, I heard a 19 or 20-year-old complaining about her boyfriend being arrested. No joke, this was what I was able to hear:

"His blood-alcohol was only, like, 0.2. So he threw a Four Loko can out of the window. It's not like he was throwing real alcohol out the window." Successful dipshit is successful....???

Trust me, Jersey was NEVER on my radar lmao! BTW it looks like this will be sent to the feds as a hate crime which is justifiably so. Irregardless of whether Zimmerman followed the stand your ground law or not, his actions and his profiling were indicative of a hate crime.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2009
United States
Trust me, Jersey was NEVER on my radar lmao! BTW it looks like this will be sent to the feds as a hate crime which is justifiably so. Irregardless of whether Zimmerman followed the stand your ground law or not, his actions and his profiling were indicative of a hate crime.

Why is it when a white man kills another white man in self defense it's not a hate crime, but when a white man kills a black man in self defense it's labeled as a hate crime? Sound to me like you are a racist.


Sep 24, 2011
so i was right all along...

i knew there was going to be one outcome. either guilty or not guilty. guess i was right

I think we just found gbatemp's new legal expert.

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
The temp has been deviating to more open minded materials as of late. Bad decision to include religion and politics on a gamers forum.

yup i'm out before the forum regulars / trolls ruin the integrity of the conversation. nothing to add to this disaster waiting to happen. to all else involved, good luck.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
United States
random without backing up why you stated this, typical of internet trolling... moving along.
...I know some Mexicans that aren't bad people at all.. one of them even has a lot of money...

...I have know blacks from the projects that were fucking STRONG and it is because all they do with their time (besides going to the convenient store for candies like this guy) is they do pushups whenever/wherever they can...

You have a pretty limited view of Mexicans and black people.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
United States
A 17 year old unarmed kid was killed because he was black its as simple as that. People bringing up that he got suspended alot or that he smoked weed as staples of his "bad" character make me cringe. I expect Zimmerman to be killed very soon he wont last long and i wont be surprised if it is carried out by some other racial group not blacks.

Are you shitting me? Age doesn't determine if your a kid, it's the level of maturity and choices that do and from what I've seen Martin wasn't a "kid" at all. Also, he wasn't "killed because he was black", he could have been a white,asian,hispanic male and the situation still could have ended the same way regardless of color. I expect people to think rationally and I won't be surprised if it takes a while to carry out.
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