Before you all start spouting "speed myth" and "don't burn slow" stupidity, try doing some actual research of your own, or even take some A+ Certification courses. It's common knowledge to anyone tech that if you burn a disc slower it can be read faster, it's just how the dyes work. However, before you all attempt to jump down my throat with claims that you burnt this game at this speed and it worked this well, there are some drives out there that can burn at a higher speed and provide nearly or the exact same quality of burn as a slower burn. It all depends on what you are burning with, and since the majority of drives in homes aren't expensive powerhouses, it's best to burn at a slower speed if you are having problems or aren't sure of your drives capability.
brownmurder: Attempting to enforce your point by saying "it could just be a faulty burn" is a terrible way to hold an argument, so you've only made people take you less seriously.