GBAtemp Tempmas Mini-Comp #13


C3's personal flamebot and fail artist
Oct 27, 2008
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ugh.. i cant think of anything....[notice: i randomly just saw mods/people and simply put their names. really.]
Name : GBATemp: the forum.
Genre : RPG
Story : This. is. SPARTA!GBATemp! You start with an "account"with 0 posts. as you gain post count, you'll gain levels and abilites! Follow the good side, Kill noobz, destroy them with everything in your arsenal, dont be a jerk, and help the community, or go to the dark side, flame, harass, do ANYTHING and everything to get in trouble, but you must be sneaky, you have to escape the worst thing of all... the BANHAMMER!
Gameplay : Control your character using the D-Pad, ABYX buttons or the stylus, (can be set) use either the stylus or buttons to attack, jump, use skills and abilites. L to change weapon and R to enable item mode for easy healing/usage of items.
"monsters" : noobz, flamers, spyware, adware, trend micro pencillin, Tempers, and more
Boss of:
GBATemp magazine : Costello - Super Lion
GBA Discussions : Lesdrian - Sitting on a santa
NDS Discussions : JPH - Tintin
Wii Discussions : OSW - Kangaroo
Other systems Discussions : Rayder - Moogle
Other Discussions : Toni Plutonij - 8 bit human

Xta Large

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2008
Lancaster, PA
United States
dice said:
make sure that entry (updates) are sent via email

So you're definitely able to update via email? I was afraid that, if I sent more than one email, I'd be disqualified.

Do I have to copy and paste my story over to the email or can I just link straight to my Wiki? Cuz I already gave the link to my wiki, removing the need to update via email.

Rock Raiyu

Clock Up
Jul 14, 2007
Walking the path of heaven
United States
Here's my entry. Hopefully I'm not too late. D:

Tempman: Rise of the Destroadmins

Genre: Action RPG, Hack/Slash

It was an average day at GBATemp for you, after you came home from a hard day. You expected to just enjoy a relaxing day at But you came home to find your computer screen entirely green for some reason. You look at it for a while but then you decided to touch it. After you touch it you get shocked and sucked into the internet! You are knocked out by the shock and when you awaken, you find yourself in an awkward place. Suddenly, 6 dark figures surround you. They are the 6 Mystic Rulers of GBATemp: Hadrian the wise, tineymonkeyt the Elegant(I needed at least one female
), Tony Plutonji The 1337 , JPH The Strong, Narin the Technician, and TheTeej of Greatness.

They inform you that shaunj66 the Enforcer, leader of the Mystic Rulers, has been corrupted by the n00b virus and has mind bent on destroying GBATemp! Not only that, he has taken other Mystic Admins of the n00b virus and has commanded them to do his bidding along with stripping there powers. They have chosen you to be the savior of GBATemp and to stop shaunj66 from completely destroying GBATemp. With that, they give you the last of their power to transform you into Tempman! (or Tempwoman depending on the Gender chosen). You are to adventure to the 6 Worlds of Tempness, defeat the corrupted admins and save GBATemp! Do you have what it takes to stop shaunj66 or be corrupted by the virus? The life of GBATemp is now in your hands!!

The gameplay is like I said, a hack and slash action RPG where you must defeat the Destroadmins (or Corrupted Admins). Gameplay takes place on the touchscreen while menus and other stuff are on the top screen. At the beginning of the game, you have the decision to be a male or female. You are supplied with a variety of weapons(such as the Nunchuck Swing, Destroyer Shot, and the GBlaster) that can be upgradable by leveling up to defeat monsters known as N00bies that are weak minions of The Enforcer. Weapons range from swords to guns. These weapons can also be customized to be made into special combos called a Storm Attack. You have 2bars you must look out for though: one of course is your health bar, your level up bar, and you have a gauge being your Storm Gauge which rises every time you defeat a certain set of N00bies. When this bar reaches critical point, you are able to unleash an attack known as a Temp Barrage that transforms you into your Super Mode for a short period of time. This gives you an increase and speed, power in your attacks, and more combos.

A: Nunchuck Swing
B: Destroyer Shot
X: GBlaster
Y: Storm Attack
Cross Pad: Move
L Trigger: Access Menu/Switch between menu
R Trigger: Activates Super Mode
Touchscreen: Use to aim/shoot/slash at enemy. Can be s ubstitution for the A/B/X /Y buttons. To aim and shoot, you just point the stylus at the enemy and tap it, to slash, you draw the stylus across the enemy you wish to slash. This can be used for combos.

Status Menu Displays:
Health Bar
Storm Bar
Experience Left til Level Up
Temp Barrage Gauge

Weapons Menu:
GBLaster Level up
Nunchuck Swing Level Up
Destroyer Shot Level Up

Worlds of GBATemp:
DS Land
Wii Island
GBA Kingdom
PSP City
The Edge of the Forum


C3's personal flamebot and fail artist
Oct 27, 2008
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can we copy and paste from here (if we posted here as well) then edited then send in again? i thikn i left out some tuff....


Former Staff
Apr 4, 2008
8-Bit Heaven
United States
After the fall of the Costello clan’s iron-fist rule of the Land Of Temp, chaos ensues. Good admins become bad, and unlikely heroes are born. Out of the ashes of the final battle, a face from the past steps up and tries to reign supreme. The Monkey Of Bone has once more returned to wreak hilarious vengeance on those who oppressed his bacony ways. He has removed any possible connection to his past, and has started systematically wiping out any and all members of this wonderful society only to better his stance as Master Of All Things Tempy.

You’ve been warned. You’ve been removed. You must start over, as a newcomer to this world, and try to free the land of Temp Boards from the insane ramblings and shitty MSPaint jobs that are now the main export from the TempLand farms.

Do you has what it takes?

Style of play:
Imagine Harvest Moon meats Thrill Kill. Its nothing like that. Its a stereotypical 2d RPG in the style of Final Fantasy 2(US) or the older Dragon Quest games.

Quick Synopsis:
Your quest starts you in the Introduction Zone. Feel free to talk to anyone you like. They are mainly decent people. But, with a heads up, look out. Most introduction members say similar things, or even ask about the dreaded *gasp* Roms Of Abundant Play.

Once leaving the Introduction Zone, many new wide planes open up for your choosing. If you would like to play it safe, enter the Post Dem Up Shits Up Son region, which is still under the rule of the Temper Society, but sometimes... just sometimes, you’ll be forced to leave due to overwhelming feelings of nausea.

Other areas of interest - The DS Zone, the Wii Continent, and the Other Systems Hole. If you dive deep enough into these regions, you can find some very useful items to help aid in taking back the Land Of Temp. But also, some very dangerous trolls live there too. So be careful in your travels.

After much time spent leveling, learning the lay of the land, listlessly listening to long laundry lists, and other things pieces of alliteration starting with “L,” you will have your opportunity to enter The Edge Of The World Forums. In this dank, sweltering region, you will come across some of the most vile and ruthless members ever seen in the land. Stay on your toes to avoid such atrocities as the Radioactive Force (no one knows if they’re for the betterment of the ‘verse, or to overthrow anyone in their way to rise and destroy... as you’d learn from your first meeting with the dreaded ToniPlutonij), the p0wning of the P1ngPong, a TrolleyDave rolling down the tracks, and even a completely misguided, gender confused sex-rants of a name changing ex-admin with a heart of gold, lesdrian... gaydrian... erm... hmmm Hadrian, that’s it.

Finally, after battling through Little Orcs, Tiny Monkeys, Biscuit Bees the final battle with the Monkey Of Bone will determine if you, in fact, will save the Land Of Temp, or mold it to your own ego-enlarging piracy capitol of the World Wide Web World.

Prepare to enter “Quest For The Temp Throne.”


(EDITED to add box art.)


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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Here's mine lol

BoneMonkey: Bacon Dasher

"Once upon a time there came a lone soul who went by the name of BoneMonkey. He discovered the temp and settled in, hoping his devious past would be forgotten. After many musings in the Testing Area, this strange beast made it quite clear he had a most unusual fetish: bacon. Like a wild animal, the monkey of bone could control himself no longer and predominantly scoured Google for images of every bacon recipe you could ever think of. His mouth of dribble could take no more. He had to have bacon. But there was a problem: he was far too poor and therefore had no choice but to steal it. The infamous 'Bacon Dasher' was thus born."


Gameplay: You run around a supermarket as a crazed bacon fiend stealing all the bacon rashers you can find whilst avoiding the security guards shaunj66 and Costello who wield ban-hammers. 3 swipes of the hammer and your BANNED (game over)! If you see a guard before he sees you, you can throw a bone at him which will make him dizzy for several seconds giving you the chance to sneak pass. For each level you survive you get to go on a bonus mission where you can steal up to 5 random ingredients to be stirred in a mixing pot along with the bacon. The most unusual combinations will score you the most points. Bacon and ice-cream pie. Yum. The levels get harder as you progress: more mods from the temp will start to patrol the supermarket. Eventually, as the days pass, the store will run out of bacon. This is when you find yourself travelling the world of BonerVille in search of new supermarkets. As your quest continues you will bump into various members from the temp along the way. Some may help you depending on what you say to them, most will just laugh in your face.

The number of points you have at the end of the game will determine your ultimate fate, so search for as much bacon as you can and think up the most outrageous recipes!

Move: D-Pad or Touch Screen
Action: A / Touch Screen
Jump: B
Throw bone: X
Scratch bottom: Y
Pause: Start
Mic: Shout into the mic to get the attention of the guards (this feature can be turned off).

Never Forget


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2006
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Interested? Read more within. (Warning: It's long....)

GBATemp Adventure (NDS)


In the peaceful land of Templand, its inhabitants led a life of joy and contentment. Spending their days gaming in a land of free-flowing milk and honey, the Tempers had never known fear or anger or boredom or hunger in that paradise on Earth.

Our hero, Tempbot, was out strolling in the forest on an otherwise ordinary, perfect day. Unnoticed by Tempbot was the mass of sinister creatures gathering just at the outskirts of Templand then...

While basking in the light of the setting Sun, Tempbot suddenly remembers he hadn't locked the village gate on his way out. Dashing back to Templand, he is shocked to see his once-beautiful homeland in flames and ruins. Frantically searching around for survivors, he finds the village elder Cortillo fatally injured beside the town bell.

The elder explains that he had spotted the invaders and was about to alert the entire village but was cut down before he was able to. With his dying breath, he begs Tempbot to rescue the captured villagers, who appeared to be north-bound.

Having buried the village elder on a cliff overlooking the sea, Tempbot now embarked on a journey across strange and dangerous lands to save his fellow villagers as well as to discover who would wish such wanton destruction on their homeland...


2D Platformer with puzzling elements (sort of Sonic meets Megaman meets Castlevania etc)


The first zone will play pretty much like a Sonic game, in the sense that you are racing to reach the endzone, but have many routes to go about achieving that. The basic pickup will be DS game cartridges (DSG), which are like Sonic rings at this point (i.e. 1-hit buffer if in possession of at least one, but get lost if hit by enemy). Along the way are various enemies, which Tempbot will have to eliminate either by jumping on top of them, or dashing through them. Other pickups Tempbot can find are Screen-protectors (grants a 1-hit buffer), GBATemp symbol (maxes out DSG in possession in one pocket), DS console (adds another pocket for collecting DSG) and shiny flashcarts (grants temporary invulnerability).

At the end of each zone will be a boss fight, who on being defeated will reveal a pod from which a Temper can be rescued. Clearing zones under a prescribed time will unlock goodies like alternative colours, avatar design, voice files and so on.

Having completed the first zone, you now can decide which zones to tackle on your way to the north. Also, the rescue of your first Temper also unlocks the Assist System, where you can call up the rescued Temper and activate their special powers, at the cost of your DSG. Calling up a rescued Temper can be done through the shoulder buttons or setting a microphone voice command through the menu.

Not all zones have to be completed in order to reach the last level, although it will mean missing out on many special abilities from the Tempers and other unlocks. Apart from the unlocks from clearing zones under a certain time, there is also an area in a level in each zone that can only be accessed through a particular ability or combination of abilities. At the end of such hidden areas are Temper avatars, which unlock Warioware-style minigames with that Temper as a stage theme.

No matter how you proceed, the final zone will be an artic wasteland, where the final boss, BoMon resides. When you finally come face to face with the villian, you finally understand who BoMon is: it is BoneMonkey, who had been outcasted from Templand! Building up his empire of evil and gorging himself on bacon, he now had the power to exact his revenge!

Owing to the enormous size of BoMon owing to his bacon addiction, this will be a large, 3D boss battle. The different bludder layers BoMon possesses are vulnerable to a particular Temper special attack, so players who rushed to battle BoMon will have a longer, harder fight.

On vanquishing BoMon, you discover his Sack of Neverending Bacon and free the remaining Tempers. Returning to rebuild Templand, Tempbot is made the new village leader.

~~Congratualations! A winner is you!~~


Having completed the game, you have now unlocked several new features.

One of which is the last Temper special ability from BoMon. The list of 13 abilities are:

Bacon (from BoMon) = become a giant and trample through the levels!
Spamalot = cheap, rapid range attack
Flame breath = shoots a line of fire from the mouth (can also light areas and ignite items)
Icy Crush = creates an iceberg before you that drops from the sky (can also create platforms and melts into water)
Lightning storm = randomly creates streaks of lightning across the screen (can also power machinery)
Tornado spin = scribble on the touchscreen to generate a tornado that sweeps up enemies or yourself for a while
Angel wings = sprout wings and gain access to higher levels or glide further
Earthquake = rub portions of the ground to create fissures, cause landslides, avalanches or cave-ins
Teleporter = tap a location on the touchscreen to instantly teleport there
Telekinesis = tap on enemies or objects to hold them down or move them around
Morningstar = press A to strike (able to destroy boulders), hold A to spin morningstar above you
Bubbleshield = use to generate a one-hit buffer bubble around you (also eliminates underwater countdown timer)
Exploder = Tempbot undergoes small-scale nuclear fusion, causing immense damage to anything within arms reach

A second run-through where you face BoMon in giant form will net you an alternative ending, as well as award you the BoneMonkey avatar to access his mini-games. (The battle in this case will be more like Super Smash Bros. style)

A difficulty selector is also available, in which the higher difficulties involve greater volumes of enemies that move faster.

Online mode is also unlocked, and you get to submit your fastest zone completion times, race another player competitively through zones or minigames or cooperate through the main game.

In co-op mode, a whole host of possibilities are unlocked through different combinations of Temper abilities! Activate Icy Crush alongside Tornado spin to create Hailstorm! Blow a Flame Breath into a landslide to create Lavaflow! Have one player use Angel Wings while the other does Spamalot! How many useful combinations can you uncover?

Various achievement medals are awarded based on "all abilities found", "all mini-games completed", "no enemies spared", "all non-boss enemies spared", "all special combinations performed", "all unlockables attained", "all difficulties cleared" and "co-op completion". For fulfilling all these achievements, the player receives..... an Internet cookie!!! (No, not kidding. But presenting this cookie to the village elder's grave will grant you the super-special-awesome hidden Temper ability, BANHAMMER [this magical hammer will circle around Tempbot in passive mode, but tapping an enemy will send it off to attack it])


Top-screen = Map, Status, DSG collected, Tempers rescued (and abilities), Time elapsed
Touchscreen = environment Tempbot is in, inputting Temper ability commands
Shoulder buttons = scroll through rescued Tempers
Microphone = call Temper by name (assigned in menu)
D-pad = movement
Y = hold when inputting voice command
X = menu (assign voice command, rearrange rescued Tempers, customise avatar, access mini-games)
A = jump / hold DOWN and press A for dash attack
B = use currently selected Temper ability
START = pause


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2008
The beach.
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United States
Since everyone's posting their entries, here's mine!


GBATEMP - The Flame Wars
Genre: Turn-Based Roleplaying / Turn-Based Strategy / Adventure

The game begins with Kivan, as he opens up the world system of GBATEMP. In a turn-based roleplaying game fashion, the player journeys with Omero and Alexander to search for bugs and glitches that ruin GBATEMP. The top screen is used for an overworld map of GBATEMP, where the player can run around and battle enemies. The bottom screen is used for battling, and the stylus can be used to enter commands. This phase of the game lasts a few hours, introducing the player into the system.

After the initial gameplay is over, the whole design of the game changes to that of a turn-based strategy game. The player is given the role of Costello, a general trying to calm down the GBATEMP flame wars. He searches for Shaunj66 and Thug4Lif3, as they are the missing links in solving the mystery of the chaos. As Costello, the player has control over his armies in battle, trying to take down enemy "trolls", "haters" and "noobs". The adventure aspect of the game comes into play in how Costello travels through the land and recruits more members into his crew. Focusing on a few major characters, characters level up, leave parties, die and re-join again in the storyline. In adventure mode, the player controls Costello on the bottom screen as the status of all the party members can be seen on the top screen. The player has a choice on whether he/she wants to use the stylus or button commands. In battle mode, the bottom screen is used to move around the battlefield, similar to other DS strategy titles. The top screen, though, not only shows character and battle statistics - it also shows the battle upclose with quick cut scenes of characters fighting each other right as they happen.

As the player progresses through the game, the story switches between Kivan's plot and Costello's plot, revealing the whole truth of the flame wars in a different method. Costello's dreams channel into Kivan's past, and he himself begins to discover who (or what) the real threat is. Will you be able to solve the mystery?

- Over 100 hours of gameplay. (Not including sidequests)
- Rich storyline filled with plot twists.
- Two perspectives on the story. (Past and Present)
- Animated Cut scenes on every major plot point. (Voice-overs included)
- Over 200 individual characters to recruit into your party.
- Class System (RTS): Over 50 classes to choose from. Stats are based on classes.
- Morale System (RTS): In-depth battle system based on character position and timing.
- Pressure System (RPG): In-depth battle system based on previous moves.
- Playable with both Stylus and Button commands.
- Customizable Weapon/Item/Armor System.
- Multiplayer Mode: Battle armies against your friends.
- Four Difficulty Levels: Newbie/Normal/Harder/Intense.
- Buy now get a free limited-edition "Hadrian" stylus!


Active Member
Jul 19, 2008
Den Helder
My entry:

This is my entry for GBAtemp Tempmas Mini-Competition #13.


I'd like to announce you the new GBAtemp game called the battle against the radioactivity.


GTM (GBAtempman!) has discovered something horrible, Toni Plutonij is planning to take over the world! By sending radioactive monsters he wants to brainwash every human being living on this planet! Save the world before it's too late!


Fight the radioactivity with anti-radioactivity pistols, machine guns and other weapons. In 30 2D levels you'll have to fight the strongest radioactive monsters ever seen! There are also a couple of minigames added in this videogame, for example you'll have to deactivate bombs by untwisting a couple of screws. In this 2D platformer you'll also meet an end boss after completing a level, which aren't easy to defeat. You'll have to use your strongest weapons to defeat these monsters, otherwise you won't be able to make it!

I hope this isn't offensive to you, Toni. And I know, my English sucks, but I hope you understand what I wrote.

Greets, Locotes.

( Just copied the mail I sent )


Show me...
Apr 23, 2008
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First-person shooter/stealth game

It's year 2025. Just when you thought the forums were ridded of dumb posters and real class acts, they emerge once again from the depths of The Edge of Forum! From the makers of Doom, comes NOOB!

Make your way through the virtual world of GBAtemp, blowing up the keyboards of noob posters, slappping some sense into them, and just all-out put an end to the stupidity of forum noobs!

Let the forum buggers feel your wrath, with weapons like tape, to shut the mouths of the freaky forum dwellers, and the maturation beam, which instantly smacks some sense into people! You're the only decent person left on the forums, so it's your turn to make a difference!


Show me...
Apr 23, 2008
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I re-entered my entry, because I saw one on another page with pretty much the same basis... Oh well.


Name: The Sims - GBAtemp Edition
Genre: Simulation/Text Adventure

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in the shoes of a mod and/or admin of GBAtemp?
Ever wonder what life in general is like in GBAtemp? This is the first game to EVER capture GBAtemp in its entirety. Whether you want to help the
good, and put down the of noob posters, the decision is up to you. You can go the way of the good, or go the bad way!

Over 200 levels of exciting preset scenarios. You can deal with that pesky spammer, get the message into someone’s head that GBA games don’t work on slot-1 flashcarts, or be the noob committing these atrocities!

-4 different Difficulties: Regular Member, Advanced member, Moderator, and Administrator!

-5 Game Modes: Story, Time Attack: Where you try to make the difference and save the forum in a limited amount of time, Survival: See how long you last until the noobs swarm you with PMs about game releases, firmware updates, and just all-out trollers!, Co-op and Online Multiplayer, and Ban the Noob!

-Great unlockables and cheats!

OR, you can go online, where the situations are real, and you play with REAL people. Register yourself online, where you get leaderboards, so you can see where you rank in the GBAtemp world!

Here's an example of online play!



CIJC: there is no 1.25. its fake, for r4 clones.

NISAN: when wonder new verision r4 1.19 orginal ?

InuYasha: R4 is dead when it comes to support so don't ever expect a 1.19 firmware to come out.....

*Gameplay may change during online play

Don't miss out on this great real-life sim, coming soon!


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2002
United States
ayaa...I don't know how my entry is going to stack up to these other ones, since people are coming up with some pretty sweet ideas.


Temp Odyssey: Battle for the Forums

Genre: Adventure-RPG

Story Premise:
Set in 20XX, the main character (rename-able but default “Lite”) has just been named one of GBAtemp’s newest administrators. Similar to the MegaMan Battle Network games, the internet has evolved into a virtual world, freely roamed by user’s avatars. With the forum promotion, the player’s avatar dons Tempy’s (The GBAtemp Mascot) trademark goggles and headphones, in essence becoming Tempy. Shortly after the player’s new appointment, Shaunj66 gives him a tutorial of the “administrative functions” now available to him and then leaves the player to chat with the forum posters and other administrators. Shortly before the player logs off for the night, the player’s Tempy avatar notices news of a new rom release. The player quickly approves an automated release thread creation from the news post for it, and logs off.

This is no ordinary rom release post though, and soon after the player logs off, hundreds of malicious “bots” suddenly appear and begin to attack the GBAtemp servers by barraging them with thousands of posts requesting the rom in question. The administrators and mods attempt to block access and ban IP’s as they can, but are quickly overwhelmed by what was obviously a carefully planned attack. The player returns the next morning to find the board in shambles, and many of the user’s avatars having been virtually kidnapped in the confusion.

It turns out that banned users of GBAtemp’s past like Blue God and Demonstar have somehow broken out of GBAtemp’s jail, their underground prison long buried under dozens of board updates, and organized under a shadowy figure to carry out their long held grudges. To put a halt to the shadowy figure’s chaotic intentions, the player must fight through the attacks of warez, malware, and rickrolls placed in his path, while searching the net for clues to the location of KiVan, long in self-exile, who is the sole keeper of the location of the legendary BanHammer, the only weapon strong enough to ward off the deadly ancient foes once and for all.

Throughout his quest, the player and Tempy also find allies in the form of flash cart vendors and fellow review sites. They even find some assistance in the form of Eula, the female avatar of the head of Nintendo’s legal team who’s seeks to apprehend the band for a similar assault on Nintendo’s server, falsely blamed on GBAtemp users. Only together can Lite, Tempy, and Eula discover the identity of their mysterious foe and disrupt his evil plans.

The entire game is played by controlling the Avatar (Tempy) of the new GBATemp Admin. Tempy is seen from a third-person view, and the camera is focused on his movement. Tempy travels through the internet, using the GBAtemp area as a base. From this area, he can use web addresses (some known at the beginning of the game; others given as plot points and by talking to different characters) to access other specific sites and their sub-areas to explore. Other sites (like search engines) are accessed for plot points by “real-world” characters, who communicate with Tempy and other avatars but do not physically appear in the game.

Tempy navigates the over-sites in full 3-D, but switches two-dimensional when exploring their sub-areas. In the over-sites, the top screen functions as the gameplay screen, while the bottom screen can switch between a map of the area, a touch-sensitive notepad, and a screen to use special items and skills to solve visual puzzles (such as the Tools feature in Wild Arms or the Psynergies in Golden Sun).

In the sub-areas (dungeons), the screens switch; top is map, bottom is gameplay. This part of the game is side-scroller. Tempy is moved around with the control pad and attacks by tapping the stylus. Special attacks and skills can be activated by special movement of the stylus on the screen or alternatively can be assigned to the “X” and “Y” buttons for shortcuts.

Tempy’s goal is to explore 10 sub-dungeons and fight the “boss” of each one, always a now-banned member of GBAtemp who had been exiled to GBATemp’s Jail in ages past. Upon each boss’ defeat, Tempy gains an update to his “cheat.dat” file, which expands the powers he can use.

To attack, Tempy can use the special powers given by cheat.dat, but also has access to a number of other weapons not limited in use, like enlarged DS styluses, and rays of light shot from a classic GBA’s afterburner mod. These items can be purchased from flash cart venders in the over-sites or found in download queues (essentially treasure boxes) in the sub-areas. Healing items and protection items can also be purchased from these vendors.

Throughout the entire game, Tempy’s health is represented by a status bar on the top of the screen which only appears if he takes damage, or is dangerously low on bandwidth (health). He also has another status bar for “battery power” that is drained when he uses different attacks from the cheat.dat file. Both bars can be recovered completely by the player saving and logging off (the equivalent of staying at an inn in an RPG) at the bookmark location on all over-sites.

Tempy’s status bars and stats can be improved through a leveling system similar to Zelda 2; Monsters are worth individual amounts of EXP, which Tempy can choose to put towards lengthening the status bars or improving attack/defense/magic/magic defense ability. There is no cap on levels, but no real need to extensively power-level.

Additional game features:
Tempy at a certain point of the game, will be able to recruit partners for exploring sub area dungeons, either CPU controlled or through Wi-Fi Co-op. While a CPU partner will stay on the same screen as the player, in Co-op, each partner can progress through the dungeon at their own speed, but requires the other to access the boss of certain areas.

Sidequests - In addition to the standard adventure fetch-quests for item and weapon rewards, Tempy can also moderate posts on GBAtemp, causing certain rewards or punishments based on his performance. Success in this mini-game entails going through a thread, choosing irrelevant/illegal posts to delete, and editing some posts for grammar/language. Tempy can also alternatively choose to corrupt GBAtemp, starting by posting abusive or spam posts himself, to setting “traps” for users and moderators. This abuse leads to a bad end. Being a successful admin however gives rewards of items, and eventually opens up a secret sub-area and bosses.
Meet all your favorite GBATemp friends! Interact and team-up with Hadrian, Costello, even the legendary KiVan himself, as you solve the mystery behind the assault on GBAtemp, and why its members are being framed for an assault on Nintendo’s servers.

Six endings; Five based on success, whether Eula has been saved from the final boss, and if the player completed the optional dungeon. The last ending is the hidden “dice” ending.

Controls (Over-sites)
Control Pad: Move Character
Stylus: Draw on notepad/use special ability/switch menus
L/R: Switch menus
A: Chat with other characters
B: Jump
Start: Access Item/Assign Special Abilities/Status Menu
Select: Access Quicksave Menu

Controls (Sub-Areas):
Control Pad: Move Character left and right
Stylus: Activate cheat.dat attacks
L/R: Switch between map and notepad menus on top screen.
B: Jump
X/Y: Assignable buttons
Start: Access Item/Assign Special Abilities/Status Menu
Select: Access Quicksave Menu

Xta Large

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2008
Lancaster, PA
United States
I have a question that NEEDS to be answered.

I already sent in my entry. Can I send in my updated copy, or is it a 'one email per person' sorta thing?

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