Seriously, yes. Use Google or your brain.-snip-
Not Cyclo iEvolution. And where is iSmart MultiMedia?The only Slot1 carts that support GBA are the EX4i, Supercard DSTWO, CycloDS iEVOLUTION, and iPlayer.
Fixed it Foxi4. Google "Ichifly and gba emulator", and yes, a EZ Flash 3in1 would make GBA games possible. link for ez flash 3in1It's all nice and dandy that you're so eager to tell him that there's no such thing but in fact you are wrong.
1. There is an emulator of the GBA that works in standard DS mode - it's just slow as hell and limited to circa 4Mb ROM's, making it relatively useless.
2. DS Lite and the original DS retain full GBA compatibility, provided he will purchase a SLOT-2 solution to accompany his R4i, he may enjoy full and native GBA support.
You're right, my bad. I just make typos when I get agitated and I get agitated when people post not only things that are not true but also in a purposely rude manner. I did mean SLOT-2, thank you for the clarification.-Fix-
I knew there was one that I hadn't listed. And I recall reading discussion that there was a GBA emulator out for the iEVO that utilizes the DSi's processor.Not Cyclo iEvolution. And where is iSmart MultiMedia?The only Slot1 carts that support GBA are the EX4i, Supercard DSTWO, CycloDS iEVOLUTION, and iPlayer.
Just for GBA homebrews.I knew there was one that I hadn't listed. And I recall reading discussion that there was a GBA emulator out for the iEVO that utilizes the DSi's processor.Not Cyclo iEvolution. And where is iSmart MultiMedia?The only Slot1 carts that support GBA are the EX4i, Supercard DSTWO, CycloDS iEVOLUTION, and iPlayer.