Hacking Gateway???


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
DW360 is me..... and i guess i was right, you are the same person here insisting its CFW which we have told you its not (me as an experienced user is telling you).

@mikefor20 i dont work for Gateway, I have contact with them (take my profile picture to why and what i used to do for them).

The GATEWAY card itself is limited and has been for many years, the fact that Gateway have been able to do their best to keep bringing support is great but we have to understand that its card is out dated, it is eventually going to get to the point here it cant do anything more because nintendo blocked it.

StarGate is a completely different card, its updated and able to do what GATEWAY simply cant no matter what.

StarGate is plug and play and works on the latest firmware.

Gateway can only bring EmuNAND updates, its very unlikely that this old flash card will ever be plug and play on anything above 9.2.... and gateway have never claimed it will be.

so i dont get why people are bitching when it still does what it says it does.

people dont want to buy games and its gateways fault they cant play roms online or have updated their console firmware.

thats the users problem, not gateway.... my 2 systems run perfectly fine with gateway.

Of course. I understand all of that. It's the nature of the beast. GW had a good run. There are free alternatives and it won't fucking matter update or not unless they come up with a game changer. And the bullshit SKY clone isn't changing shit.. Anyone buys that piece of shit it a moron unless it does something truly unique. Plug n Play is code for dummy friendly. I don't give a shit about that. If you can't install Luma or GW you don't belong here anyway. Go get a rattle or some Legos.. You know they'll flood this place asking stupid questions anyway. I'll still boot up my old gateway just because it's here and it's fun to search a cheat. And it sounds like you did or do work for them you just don't get paid. In contact and doing things finding cheats for them? Sounds like working for free. Or does "in contact" mean asked on their forum?
Last edited by mikefor20,


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Of course. I understand all of that. It's the nature of the beast. GW had a good run. There are free alternatives and it won't fucking matter update or not unless they come up with a game changer. And the bullshit SKY clone isn't;t changing shit.. Anyone buys that piece of shit it a moron unless it does something truly unique. Plug n Play is code for dummy friendly. I don't give a shit about that. If you can't install a CIA or drag and drop on to your GW you don't belong here anyway. Go get a rattle or some Legos.. You know they'll flod this place asking stupid questions anyway. I'll still boot up my old gateway just because it's here and it's fun to search a cheat. And it sounds like you did or do work for them you just don't get paid. In contact and doing things finding cheats for them? Sounds like working for free. Or does "in contact" mean asked on their forum?
i dont work for them, i dont get paid by them.

I used to offer support in the early stages doing cheat codes.

I used to make them using the AR format and then ported all my codes over to GW.

I then stopped because of users at Fort was stealing both my AR format and GW codes and taking credit for them.

what amused me was this particular user who claimed to have manually found the codes i made for Majoras Mask he claims he did using a known value search.

which simply was not possible, my AR format i allowed the user to set what hour they wanted to be on, the hour number you see in game, its value is not that you see in the memory so you couldnt do a known search for 1am, 2am, 3am ect.

The same applied for the GW format, and then he also claimed to have made my fastforward/rewind time code, again you cant do this using a known search.

The actual method of making this code was by finding the address for the day number, then in a memory editor i located the address that handled the flow of time, the AR format I then took the values as close as i could at set hours.

for GW i didnt see the point in this, but i set it to add/subtract so it would allow you to fastforward/rewind.... this cant be searched for using a known value.

and i was able to do this because i also did the same for the CUBE version (for Action Replay) also did the same for Xplorer64 (but never shared with them) and is why i was able to also make it for the 3ds because its basically the same logic, once i knew where the address was for the day number i could make the other codes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
Just watched the latest teaser for SKY+GATE card. What a turd. I would rather keep my R4i Gold in my slot where it belongs. Have a GW for everything else I saw so far. And the buttons on the cart to switch instead of the GW menu is absolute shit too. A $7 R4 makes more sense than that. I had an AR too. I was in to it for a while. Been a long time but I did tinker with GW a bit recently.. GW has its uses..
Last edited by mikefor20,

Shady Guy Jose

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2008
Just watched the latest teaser for SKY+GATE card. What a turd. I would rather keep my R4i Gold in my slot where it belongs. Have a GW for everything else I saw so far. And the buttons on the cart to switch instead of the GW menu is absolute shit too. A $7 R4 makes more sense than that. I had an AR too. I was in to it for a while. Been a long time but I did tinker with GW a bit recently.. GW has its uses..
From what I can see, StarGate is an excellent card that covers all possible scenarios:
  • It's a standard DS flashcard
  • It can be used to install NTRBoot, and thus all of the current CFWs
  • It can be connected to a PC for updates or NTRBoot without a hacked 3DS
  • It can play 3DS games on any firmware, Sky3DS style, even selecting them from the DS menu if you don't care for the buttons
  • It may also have all the old Gateway functions if they make their CFW* compatible with it
*Yes, Gateway is a CFW, judging from current 3DS standards. If you run it from B9S, like you said you do, it follows the exact same principle as Luma, RxTools, etc. It's just worse. You said Luma installs itself into the 3DS, while Gateway doesn't, which is simply not true. I run Luma and Gateway from the SD card, in the exact same way. Apart from features, the only difference between Luma and Gateway is that Gateway requires a DRM card to be inserted in order to boot.

That said, I won't be buying a StarGate, since it simply offers nothing more than my current setup. However, for first time buyers who would need a B9S card, it's the best option hands down (assuming comparable pricing), since, as you said for Gateway, while the other features aren't required, they're nice to have. And for people who can't use CFW, it offers all the other options.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
I think the main advantage of StarGate is that it supports the latest firmwares and yes people may bitch about buying a card when there is free cfw.

but the downside to cfw is that its cfw, and that it can only run cia games which means you need 2x the data for both cia and its install.

cards are simply drag drop said rom and boot, you could install cia from the card to the console if needed but then again why install when you can boot a rom and save data space.

and again its not CFW its an exploit.

can we please remember CFW is CUSTOM FIRMWARE, FIRMWARE is flashed to that boots instantly.

this doesnt happen with gateway.

you can turn your console on with gateway card inserted and nothing will happen.

you boot into gateway by using an exploited entry point to load the dat file.

that is not CFW because it installs nothing again take the PS3 for a perfect example of what CFW is, you install it over your origional firmware to instantly boot.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Except it's not a defunct product (not completely). An update WILL be released after the Stargate releases and irons out any bugs that pop up. There is only 1 programmer on the team (supposedly).
Even if there is a release, is it really worth the wait? During the delays we've seen; B9S release, B9S update, Luma3DS has added Rosalina, CFWs/payloads can be installed on the FIRM0/1, NTRBoot has been released, and two carts have been announced to come preinstalled with NTRBoot (one actually being released, while Gateway delays the other to death.)
During that time we've heard about 3 different announcements through the secondhand sources that Gateway was going to update. Each time they missed the deadline and you guys continued to wait.
How long are you people willing to put up with this kind of shit? This team isn't even brave enough to say something directly, they trickle it through emails and to secondhand sources. They weren't even ballsy enough to announce their second cart is being made by them nor even mention that it's been delayed. How much abuse are you people seriously going to go through before you stop supporting them?
  • It can be used to install NTRBoot, and thus all of the current CFWs
This right here makes it completely pointless to own. For a lot cheaper you can actually buy a large microSD card and R4i Gold to accomplish the same results.
Last edited by The Catboy,
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Shady Guy Jose

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2008
I think the main advantage of StarGate is that it supports the latest firmwares and yes people may bitch about buying a card when there is free cfw.

but the downside to cfw is that its cfw, and that it can only run cia games which means you need 2x the data for both cia and its install.

cards are simply drag drop said rom and boot, you could install cia from the card to the console if needed but then again why install when you can boot a rom and save data space.

and again its not CFW its an exploit.

can we please remember CFW is CUSTOM FIRMWARE, FIRMWARE is flashed to that boots instantly.

this doesnt happen with gateway.

you can turn your console on with gateway card inserted and nothing will happen.

you boot into gateway by using an exploited entry point to load the dat file.

that is not CFW because it installs nothing again take the PS3 for a perfect example of what CFW is, you install it over your origional firmware to instantly boot.
That's why I said "3DS standards". By your definition, nothing in the 3DS scene is a true CFW. Gateway's "CFW" works the same way as Luma (which isn't a CFW either, by your definition). The only difference is that the card need to be inserted.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
Even if there is a release, is it really worth the wait? During the delays we've seen; B9S release, B9S update, Luma3DS has added Rosalina, CFWs/payloads can be installed on the FIRM0/1, NTRBoot has been released, and two carts have been announced to come preinstalled with NTRBoot (one actually being released, while Gateway delays the other to death.)
During that time we've heard about 3 different announcements through the secondhand sources that Gateway was going to update. Each time they missed the deadline and you guys continued to wait.
How long are you people willing to put up with this kind of shit? This team isn't even brave enough to say something directly, they trickle it through emails and to secondhand sources. They weren't even ballsy enough to announce their second cart is being made by them nor even mention that it's been delayed. How much abuse are you people seriously going to go through before you stop supporting them?
update or not, an external device that can load stuff from a sd card insered in a flashcard give more power, so when you can have a Gateway card, it would be stupid to not use it. (even if right now, they gave sign of life since 8 months, the card is still usable if you own one.)


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
That's why I said "3DS standards". By your definition, nothing in the 3DS scene is a true CFW. Gateway's "CFW" works the same way as Luma (which isn't a CFW either, by your definition). The only difference is that the card need to be inserted.
but there are CFW that actually installs to the console, or like me you can boot Luma as you would gateway.

Gateways FASTBOOT is CFW because it overwrites your existing firmware so it instantly boots, downside of this is it requires the card so if your card was to break your system is fooooked.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

update or not, an external device that can load stuff from a sd card insered in a flashcard give more power, so when you can have a Gateway card, it would be stupid to not use it. (even if right now, they gave sign of life since 8 months, the card is still usable if you own one.)
thats my argument to people kicking off.

the card still does its job and always has.

the only reason people are bitching is because they want the latest emunand to play online, or have updated their console and the console doesnt work with gateway.

if you demand to play online then buy your games and problems solved.

if your one of those people that claim they dont pirate or have done a dump of a game they own, then erm.... sure thing and my shit sings to me.

you dont need gateway to play legit games online, and chances of gateway ever supporting higher firmware is very unlikely, it could update emunand once stargate has fully launched.

but you all should have expected that eventually that day will come in which gateway is unable to bring anything new because nintendo block any exploits practically as soon is theyre leaked.

like all flash cards they have to die some day.

i think the only way you will ever see a fully supported card or exploit is when nintendo are done with the 3ds and no longer support it, but saying that its not likely as everyone then is likely to be focused on the new system.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
thats my argument to people kicking off.

the card still does its job and always has.

the only reason people are bitching is because they want the latest emunand to play online, or have updated their console and the console doesnt work with gateway.

if you demand to play online then buy your games and problems solved.
To play online on emunand 11.2, you can install the cia that have the title ID "0004013000003202" from the latest firmware. (also "0004013000003203" for N3DS)

This is the friends system module, the one who is checked to play online.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
update or not, an external device that can load stuff from a sd card insered in a flashcard give more power, so when you can have a Gateway card, it would be stupid to not use it. (even if right now, they gave sign of life since 8 months, the card is still usable if you own one.)
Yeah the power of waiting 8 months and being out of date. I guess it does have the advantages of .3DS ROM support and cheats, but really? During those 8 months microSD card prices dropped (at least here in the US,) which is plenty of time to buy a larger one/save up to buy a larger one. With even more than enough time to completely convert one's system over to a free CFW setup, with all of your games and saves.
It's honestly delusional to sit around waiting on this team for them to delay another update. More games are being released with NATIVE_FIRM requirements, driving the functionality of the cart even further down.
if you demand to play online then buy your games and problems solved.
Or you know, actually install a functional CFW. Gateway users are choosing to stay out of date and now are suffering the reproductions of their choice. You know doesn't issues going online? Every other CFW user who was able to update to 11.6 without a hassle because we made the choice to stop relying on Gateway. You can make that choice too, it's free and works, without 8 months of waiting.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
It’s not really hating on them to point out their glaring flaws, nor was the brick code debunked.
They’ve said countless times that they will “keep us posted” and an “update will be soon,” but thus far they’ve missed about 3 different deadlines.
Even if they do comes out with an update, is it really worth the wait? Gateway users have delt with literal months of delays and well over a year of dealing with outdated software. To even support them at this point comes off as sad and desperate.

Worth the wait? Waiting for what. Run B9S and wait for nothing. And Who cares? You already got your money's worth and have no reason to continue using or talking about Gateway if you don't like it.

I think the main advantage of StarGate is that it supports the latest firmwares and yes people may bitch about buying a card when there is free cfw.

but the downside to cfw is that its cfw, and that it can only run cia games which means you need 2x the data for both cia and its install.

You do not need 2x the space to install a CIA. Use Boop to stream it over from PC to FBI, Scan a QR or Freeshop to install directly.

Even if there is a release, is it really worth the wait? During the delays we've seen; B9S release, B9S update,Luma3DS has added Rosalina, CFWs/payloads can be installed on the FIRM0/1, NTRBoot has been released, and two carts have been announced to come preinstalled with NTRBoot (one actually being released, while Gateway delays the other to death.)
During that time we've heard about 3 different announcements through the secondhand sources that Gateway was going to update. Each time they missed the deadline and you guys continued to wait.
How long are you people willing to put up with this kind of shit? This team isn't even brave enough to say something directly, they trickle it through emails and to secondhand sources. They weren't even ballsy enough to announce their second cart is being made by them nor even mention that it's been delayed. How much abuse are you people seriously going to go through before you stop supporting them?

Wait for what? So dramatic. IF an update happens, cool! If not, so fucking what? You can still use the damn thing. If you don't like it? Who cares? ? Don't use it and stop obsessing about a flashcart that "Isn't worth the wait." Sounds like your a little hurt there. A little scorned. Gateway hate is pathetic. It's like hanging out in the bushes in front of your ex's house trolling their dates! You fucked Gateway too! For months till you till you dumped it for one CFW or another. And no I don't want to hear your anti-luma tirade either.. Get a life and let people do what they want. Too many crusaders here.

Shady Guy Jose

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2008
but there are CFW that actually installs to the console, or like me you can boot Luma as you would gateway.

Gateways FASTBOOT is CFW because it overwrites your existing firmware so it instantly boots, downside of this is it requires the card so if your card was to break your system is fooooked.
Not really. Moving Luma's boot.firm to CTRNAND so that it can boot without an SD card doesn't make it more of a CFW. If Gateway's developer bothered to program it the same way (read gateway.bin and launcher.dat from CTRNAND), it would be just the same. True CFW, as in modifying the system files, is still in its infancy. Gateway Fastboot is just a bad version of A9LH.

All in all, what I mean is that Gateway's "CFW" and Luma work in similar ways, apart from the card requirement, so it's stupid to call one "CFW" and not the other. None of them are true CFW, yet both fall into what we call "CFW" in the 3DS scene.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
Yeah the power of waiting 8 months and being out of date. I guess it does have the advantages of .3DS ROM support and cheats, but really? During those 8 months microSD card prices dropped (at least here in the US,) which is plenty of time to buy a larger one/save up to buy a larger one. With even more than enough time to completely convert one's system over to a free CFW setup, with all of your games and saves.
It's honestly delusional to sit around waiting on this team for them to delay another update. More games are being released with NATIVE_FIRM requirements, driving the functionality of the cart even further down.

Or you know, actually install a functional CFW. Gateway users are choosing to stay out of date and now are suffering the reproductions of their choice. You know doesn't issues going online? Every other CFW user who was able to update to 11.6 without a hassle because we made the choice to stop relying on Gateway. You can make that choice too, it's free and works, without 8 months of waiting.

You know who cares? Leave them alone. Having an extra SD slot and a cheat engine is FUCKING GREAT. Stop the gate hate. It's lame.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
Yeah the power of waiting 8 months and being out of date. I guess it does have the advantages of .3DS ROM support and cheats, but really? During those 8 months microSD card prices dropped (at least here in the US,) which is plenty of time to buy a larger one/save up to buy a larger one. With even more than enough time to completely convert one's system over to a free CFW setup, with all of your games and saves.
It's honestly delusional to sit around waiting on this team for them to delay another update. More games are being released with NATIVE_FIRM requirements, driving the functionality of the cart even further down.
honestly they don't need to do a lot to be up 2 date, they are just late but hopefully they'll update one day, doesn't really matter for me since I don't really use my 3ds right now since I have got my Switch, I am just watching the post about gateway and laughing :P


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Or you know, actually install a functional CFW. Gateway users are choosing to stay out of date and now are suffering the reproductions of their choice. You know doesn't issues going online? Every other CFW user who was able to update to 11.6 without a hassle because we made the choice to stop relying on Gateway. You can make that choice too, it's free and works, without 8 months of waiting.

How are they suffering, its always stated its limited to 9.2 and as with any EMUNAND you run the risk of being banned..... recall the not so long ago emunand update for CFW users getting banned.

Gateway still does what its supposed to do, it never promotes itself as a means to play roms and have full online access..... this is and always has been at the users discretion.

So they havent updated emunand for quite some time, but does that mean you cant play roms anymore.... NO.

so tell me the real reason your bitching, because you demand to not only download roms, but you also demand online access too?

heres a solution for you, BUY your GAMES.

yes there are free CFWs out there, but they dont provide the features Gateway does, you have to feck about copying a CIA and then INSTALLING then removing the CIA file.


drag/drop .3ds file and boot.

ok so you cant play online, but who cares your able to play games for free.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
The GW card isn't a CFW, but the launcher.dat apply temporary patch to get the card working on the menu home, and so it is called a CFW.

Luma also apply patch to bypass some check ect... -> CFW.

Not sure if I can be more clear than that.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
It's just an EXPLOIT. Not a CFW. You can't over generalize everything to make yourself right. The exploit is a means to run the hardware. Just a door. Not much else. The GW does the rest. It's 2 different worlds. Installing CFW's rely on exploits as well. But those exploits install the CFW not trigger the HW in the Game Slot. Just stop it. Mabe its your bad english
Last edited by mikefor20,

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