Hacking Gateway???


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
No, the exploit is GW Fastboot, MSET, or Spider. The GW Launcher is a CFW that the exploit runs. An exploit on it's own doesn't do anything. You have to give it something to execute. Just as Menuhax, A9LH, and B9S are exploits. They still have to run something else. They don't do anything on their own.

This is correct, in 3DS scene terms anyway. For the most part. B9S is actually a payload, though. A simple bootloader running from the firm partitions that launches "boot.firm" if it can find it. Sighax is the exploit. GodMode9 makes another fine Sighax payload now (I'm especially loving SALTMODE -- the splash screen is cool, but I prefer my boot process plain, boring, and retail-looking). Technically the other guy isn't completely wrong either though. What the 3DS scene calls a CFW would be referred to as a "homebrew enabler" in other scenes. And Sighaxed firms like B9S or GM9, when installed to the firm partitions, would be called the CFWs. But for the context of the 3DS scene, the terms have been set at this point in the game.

And yes, GW is a CFW in this context, people. How do you think it runs CIAs? It performs the exact same signature patching Luma does. That's how. You can even remove the red cart and GW mode will keep running. Play a CIA. It will work. The cart only acts as a protection dongle, simulates a game cart by loading a ROM into memory when asked to by the CFW, and provides storage for the ROMs and cheats. It's the launcher doing all the work.

I've n3dsxl with fw 9.0.20E. I use gateway payload with luma. How can i update to fw 11.2E without loosing the use of GWpayload?
PS: I dont have any EMUNAND!!

Well, the simplest answer is, backup your SD card, format an EmuNAND, and then restore the card's contents. So, then you have an EmuNAND. Which you can then update with SysUpdater. Being a copy on your memory card, updating it won't affect your SysNAND at all, and you'll keep your exploit. Gateway prefers to use an EmuNAND anyway. And I find that it is best to give it one.

However, I'd highly recommend getting Sighax installed as well. With that, you won't need your current exploit anymore. Your system will run Luma when you turn it on normally, and GW when you hold B while booting the system. For that, I recommend my InScripted AIO (of course, I freely admit, I'm a bit biased, but, most of the people I've recommended it to so far have found it as easy to use as I do). When you say you're using the GW payload, you mean MSET (DS Profile)? I include an MSET installer if that is the case. Just run the NDS ROM however you usually would, and it will set it up to run OldLoader.dat instead of Launcher.dat (you'll need to pick the "NDG" one). Though you could always setup Soundhax (I include a folder and instructions for that as well). Once you have either setup, first copy the contents of the "N3DS" folder in "B9S Configurations" over, then copy the contents of the "One & Done" folder in the "Installers" folder over.

If you use the MSET method, the DS Profile exploit is going to boot you straight into the install menu. If you go with Soundhax, you'll need to run OldLoader from the homebrew menu. Once at the installation menu, you'll see 4 options. I'd recommend one of the first two. The only difference is that the second one will let you switch Sighax firms at the drop of a hat by providing a script for doing so, and the first will not add this extra script. Whichever one you pick, you will be prompted to then pick a firmware (boot9strap or GodMode9). I'd go with B9S. If for no other reason than that it doesn't get updated nearly as often as GodMode9, so you'll be updating your firms less often (that said, GM9 does offer some nice bonus features). Once the system reboots, you will be at the Luma cofiguration screen, so just configure Luma as you normally would. Then proceed to setup Rosalina as I describe in step 8 of the included instructions for the "One & Done" installer.

You really don’t have to stalk me as I attempt to move this community away from an out of date and problemic system. We are literally talking the most likely 50th thread since April asking about Gateway. I feel like the problem isn’t people trying to get others away from gateway, it’s those who are still clinging to a dead cart instead of moving on.

Wow. Really? You usually tend to be a very knowledgeable person about most subjects, but this is one case where you are way off base. The problem IS ignorant people that have never owned the cart trying to tell people they have to choose one or the other. This is absolutely untrue. They are needlessly putting Gateway users in a bind. You can have both, easily. Just direct these people to me and my InScripted AIO (iso site, CFW Discussion section). It's even easier to use than the guide, because it has all necessary files included and uses compiled standalone script runners (I haven't required users to manually run a script in almost a month) to simplify the installation. I'll have them on Sighax (B9S or GM9, their choice, bet the guide doesn't even go there yet) in minutes, with Luma running by default, and Gateway on the B hotkey. They'll have the latest Luma and still retain full GW functionality. You'll get way more GW users to install Sighax and run the latest Luma this way. Because they don't have to give anything up.

There's absolutely no need to try to pry GW users away from something they payed good money for. We can do everything you can and more. I have all of both worlds. I can do everything with my Sighax install that you can with yours. Actually, probably quite a bit more considering my configuration has access to nearly every CFW and payload app, has a custom Luma Legacy that uses the "legacy" folder so it won't mess up my 8.x configuration, and is packed with GM9 scripts that allow me to switch hotkeys, default payload, chainloader, Sighax firm, boot firm (only when the Sighax firm is GM9, for obvious reasons), or even my exploit -- that's right, I can even switch to A9LH and back at the drop of a hat (no practical reason to do it, but I can). But I can also just tap the B button and bam, it goes into Gateway and I get all of its features too (I can even hit Y to boot into the homebrew menu, with the ability to select between 3 different homebrew menus at that, because I have a second EmuNAND on 9.2 running Menuhax). Sure, we have to have an EmuNAND on 11.2. They take very little space on a 64 GB card (hence why I setup a 9.2 one as well for homebrew). Besides, it's not like Luma was using my EmuNAND for anything (though it can boot to it, of course). My SysNAND and first EmuNAND are linked, so that I can have the same games on both. The one downside to that being that you need to sync tickets after installing new titles, but, small price to pay to have the same games on both, especially given the fact that I have a script for that too (keep in mind this is completely optional -- you can unlink the EmuNAND and just play ROMs on it, and play CIAs from Luma only, if that is how you would rather roll).
Last edited by Kazuma77,


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
B9S is actually a payload, though. A simple bootloader running from the firm partitions that launches "boot.firm" if it can find it. Sighax is the exploit.


B9S is its own exploit, separate from sighax. sighax is the fake-signing that allows you to replace the firm, b9s is a sighaxed firm that uses "bad" parameters to get execution before the bootrom locks itself. this is an entirely different exploit from the fake-signing
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
In the 3ds scene, I have never once seen gateway mode, regardless of emunand or sysnand refered to as CFW. I understand the definition. Everything in my house from my consoles to my oldTI calculator has a custom firmware installed. Big deal. Each scene has its terminology. Flashcarts are GW, SKY ETC. CFW is always whatever CFW is pertinent to the conversation. RX, Carbonik, Luma ... People use those terms on here in that context all the time. No dispute. GW enters the conversation and the minions go insane. And the difference between the two groups is the external hardware. You can't boot GW mode without GW. I know you can remove the cart. Doesn't make it a CFW Any the entry points I listed earlier were for CFW applications and homebrew. I am well aware the GW exploits..

This is correct, in 3DS scene terms anyway. For the most part. B9S is actually a payload, though. A simple bootloader running from the firm partitions that launches "boot.firm" if it can find it. Sighax is the exploit. GodMode9 makes another fine Sighax payload now (I'm especially loving SALTMODE -- the splash screen is cool, but I prefer my boot process plain, boring, and retail-looking). Technically the other guy isn't completely wrong either though. What the 3DS scene calls a CFW would be referred to as a "homebrew enabler" in other scenes. And Sighaxed firms like B9S or GM9, when installed to the firm partitions, would be called the CFWs. But for the context of the 3DS scene, the terms have been set at this point in the game.

And yes, GW is a CFW in this context, people. How do you think it runs CIAs? It performs the exact same signature patching Luma does. That's how. You can even remove the red cart and GW mode will keep running. Play a CIA. It will work. The cart only acts as a protection dongle, simulates a game cart by loading a ROM into memory when asked to by the CFW, and provides storage for the ROMs and cheats. It's the launcher doing all the work.

Well, the simplest answer is, backup your SD card, format an EmuNAND, and then restore the card's contents. So, then you have an EmuNAND. Which you can then update with SysUpdater. Being a copy on your memory card, updating it won't affect your SysNAND at all, and you'll keep your exploit. Gateway prefers to use an EmuNAND anyway. And I find that it is best to give it one.

However, I'd highly recommend getting Sighax installed as well. With that, you won't need your current exploit anymore. Your system will run Luma when you turn it on normally, and GW when you hold B while booting the system. For that, I recommend my InScripted AIO (of course, I freely admit, I'm a bit biased, but, most of the people I've recommended it to so far have found it as easy to use as I do). When you say you're using the GW payload, you mean MSET (DS Profile)? I include an MSET installer if that is the case. Just run the NDS ROM however you usually would, and it will set it up to run OldLoader.dat instead of Launcher.dat (you'll need to pick the "NDG" one). Though you could always setup Soundhax (I include a folder and instructions for that as well). Once you have either setup, first copy the contents of the "N3DS" folder in "B9S Configurations" over, then copy the contents of the "One & Done" folder in the "Installers" folder over.

If you use the MSET method, the DS Profile exploit is going to boot you straight into the install menu. If you go with Soundhax, you'll need to run OldLoader from the homebrew menu. Once at the installation menu, you'll see 4 options. I'd recommend one of the first two. The only difference is that the second one will let you switch Sighax firms at the drop of a hat by providing a script for doing so, and the first will not add this extra script. Whichever one you pick, you will be prompted to then pick a firmware (boot9strap or GodMode9). I'd go with B9S. If for no other reason than that it doesn't get updated nearly as often as GodMode9, so you'll be updating your firms less often (that said, GM9 does offer some nice bonus features). Once the system reboots, you will be at the Luma cofiguration screen, so just configure Luma as you normally would. Then proceed to setup Rosalina as I describe in step 8 of the included instructions for the "One & Done" installer.

Wow. Really? You usually tend to be a very knowledgeable person about most subjects, but this is one case where you are way off base. The problem IS ignorant people that have never owned the cart trying to tell people they have to choose one or the other. This is absolutely untrue. They are needlessly putting Gateway users in a bind. You can have both, easily. Just direct these people to me and my InScripted AIO (iso site, CFW Discussion section). It's even easier to use than the guide, because it has all necessary files included and uses compiled standalone script runners (I haven't required users to manually run a script in almost a month) to simplify the installation. I'll have them on Sighax (B9S or GM9, their choice, bet the guide doesn't even go there yet) in minutes, with Luma running by default, and Gateway on the B hotkey. They'll have the latest Luma and still retain full GW functionality. You'll get way more GW users to install Sighax and run the latest Luma this way. Because they don't have to give anything up.

There's absolutely no need to try to pry GW users away from something they payed good money for. We can do everything you can and more. I have all of both worlds. I can do everything with my Sighax install that you can with yours. Actually, probably quite a bit more considering my configuration has access to nearly every CFW and payload app, has a custom Luma Legacy that uses the "legacy" folder so it won't mess up my 8.x configuration, and is packed with GM9 scripts that allow me to switch hotkeys, default payload, chainloader, Sighax firm, boot firm (only when the Sighax firm is GM9, for obvious reasons), or even my exploit -- that's right, I can even switch to A9LH and back at the drop of a hat, no practical reason to, but I can). But I can also just tap the B button and bam, it goes into Gateway and I get all of its features too (I can even hit Y to boot into the homebrew menu, with the ability to select between 3 different homebrew menus at that, because I have a second EmuNAND on 9.2 running Menuhax). Sure, we have to have an EmuNAND on 11.2. They take very little space (hence why I setup a 9.2 one as well for homebrew). Besides, it's not like Luma was using my EmuNAND for anything (though it can boot to it, of course). My SysNAND and first EmuNAND are linked, so that I can have the same games on both. The one downside to that being that you need to sync tickets after installing new titles, but, small price to pay to have the same games on both, especially given the fact that I have a script for that too (keep in mind this is completely optional -- you can unlink the EmuNAND and just play ROMs on it, and play CIAs from Luma only, if that is how you would rather roll).

Mostly the best post in the thread. I disagree on your assessment of GW's validity as a CFW. I still think that the scene segregates the 2 so the terminology got segregated too. That's how its commonly used so thats what it means. Happens all the time. Other than that. Right on. I agree Good suggestion on the multi emunands..

Shady Guy Jose

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2008
In the 3ds scene, I have never once seen gateway mode, regardless of emunand or sysnand refered to as CFW. I understand the definition. Everything in my house from my consoles to my oldTI calculator has a custom firmware installed. Big deal. Each scene has its terminology. Flashcarts are GW, SKY ETC. CFW is always whatever CFW is pertinent to the conversation. RX, Carbonik, Luma ... People use those terms on here in that context all the time. No dispute. GW enters the conversation and the minions go insane. And the difference between the two groups is the external hardware. You can't boot GW mode without GW. I know you can remove the cart. Doesn't make it a CFW Any the entry points I listed earlier were for CFW applications and homebrew. I am well aware the GW exploits..

Mostly the best post in the thread. I disagree on your assessment of GW's validity as a CFW. I still think that the scene segregates the 2 so the terminology got segregated too. That's how its commonly used so thats what it means. Happens all the time. Other than that. Right on. I agree Good suggestion on the multi emunands..
All right, I see we're mostly coming around. There's just one tiny detail: Gateway Mode doesn't need the flashcard to run. Later versions refuse to boot without it as a protection measure, but you may remember that earlier versions booted without it just fine, as I mentioned a few posts back. That's why I say that their launcher.dat is, in 3DS terms, as @Kazuma77 and I put it, just the same as Luma, RxTools, whatever. The only (bad) difference is that the later versions require the card to boot at all, but just as a security check. Thus leading to our conclusion that Gateway (the software, not the card) should be in the same bag as Luma and the rest when it comes to the term used to describe them. In the 3DS scene, it's normally "CFW". I believe that none of them should be called that, since nothing gets installed to the 3DS, as you and other people pointed out about Gateway, and I added that Luma doesn't install anything either unless you run boot.firm from SysNAND. And you never really "boot the Gateway card" as you would an old DS flashcard, since there's nothing there to boot at all. You seem like you know your stuff, and you're absolutely right in that GW still has its uses (I wholeheartedly agree). You just seemed to be a bit off the mark as to how it worked, since it really is exactly the same as the other "CFWs", just with different features.

Regarding the segregation by the scene, I think it's mostly due to the fact that it requires a DRM cart, that it's not open-source, and that it's made for profit. In terms of functionality, it's similar to the other "CFWs", especially the earlier versions that boot without even needing the cart (I believe they only work with the initial 4.5 MSET exploit, though).

Just an example to clarify: if Luma had a check to see if a particular card (say, Cubic Ninja) was inserted, it would be the exact same as Gateway. Would you remove it from the "CFW group" because of that?
Last edited by Shady Guy Jose,


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
CN doesn't contain a SD slot or roms... Gateway does... No matter the checks process. GW is a specific piece of hardware. Even if its a similar end result it's 2 different animals. %100. Gateway is not a CFW. anymore than a physical cart is a CIA. It'a just not. Any old firmware modificaton may qualify as a CFW in the purest form of the definition. But not in this scene.

Shady Guy Jose

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2008
CN doesn't contain a SD slot or roms... Gateway does... No matter the checks process. GW is a specific piece of hardware. Even if its a similar end result it's 2 different animals. %100. Gateway is not a CFW. anymore than a physical cart is a CIA. It'a just not. Any old firmware modificaton may qualify as a CFW in the purest form of the definition. But not in this scene.
All right, I see we mostly agree except for that tiny detail. What I'm trying to say, yet maybe failed to properly put across, is the following:
  • I'm not saying the physical Gateway card is a CFW, obviously.
  • However, the software required to use the card (Gateway Mode) is the same as the other CFWs out there.
  • If Gateway Mode was altered in a few lines of code (that's really all it would take) to run .3ds files from a folder in the internal SD card instead of the Micro SD card in the Gateway, would it qualify as a CFW for you?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
All right, I see we're mostly coming around. There's just one tiny detail: Gateway Mode doesn't need the flashcard to run. Later versions refuse to boot without it as a protection measure, but you may remember that earlier versions booted without it just fine, as I mentioned a few posts back. That's why I say that their launcher.dat is, in 3DS terms, as @Kazuma77 and I put it, just the same as Luma, RxTools, whatever. The only (bad) difference is that the later versions require the card to boot at all, but just as a security check. Thus leading to our conclusion that Gateway (the software, not the card) should be in the same bag as Luma and the rest when it comes to the term used to describe them. In the 3DS scene, it's normally "CFW". I believe that none of them should be called that, since nothing gets installed to the 3DS, as you and other people pointed out about Gateway, and I added that Luma doesn't install anything either unless you run boot.firm from SysNAND. And you never really "boot the Gateway card" as you would an old DS flashcard, since there's nothing there to boot at all. You seem like you know your stuff, and you're absolutely right in that GW still has its uses (I wholeheartedly agree). You just seemed to be a bit off the mark as to how it worked, since it really is exactly the same as the other "CFWs", just with different features.

Regarding the segregation by the scene, I think it's mostly due to the fact that it requires a DRM cart, that it's not open-source, and that it's made for profit. In terms of functionality, it's similar to the other "CFWs", especially the earlier versions that boot without even needing the cart (I believe they only work with the initial 4.5 MSET exploit, though).

Just an example to clarify: if Luma had a check to see if a particular card (say, Cubic Ninja) was inserted, it would be the exact same as Gateway. Would you remove it from the "CFW group" because of that?
that nice you try to reason him but I am not sure it's actually possible, even if the creator of Gateway say that Gateway need a cfw, he won't believe it.
Since they are the only people that say gateway isn't a CFW, I am pretty @mikefor20 = @Retroboy (sorry but they are on the same topic with the same opinon with the same false thought "GW != CFW".)

Not sure if it worth the time, and anyway what does it change if he think it's a cfw or not ?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
ok this is getting out of hand now when it is very fecking simple.

Gateway is not a CUSTOM FIRMWARE, in fact it has no firmware at all.

GATEWAY is a sodding exploit that boots into GATEWAY MODE, again this is not a CUSTOMER FIRMWARE because it doesnt even touch your ORIGINAL CONSOLE FIRMWARE.

FACT, that it is impossible to modify FIRMWARE on the fly, FIRMWARE has to be FLASHED/WRITTEN TO and once it has been ITS PERMINENT unless you have a FLASHKIT to restore your backup.



People have released methods of running exploits and able to provide the same features but WITHOUT touching your consoles firmware.

PEOPLE who try flash their FIRMWARE are at a higher risk of bricking their console.

Lets put it this way and if people still insist then your pretty much a n00b.

Remember the PS3 and JAILBRAKE dongle, that you inserted to your CONSOLE and it booted its EXPLOIT upon doing the POWER/EJECT....... this here was an EXPLOIT that bypassed the consoles security and able to run its own code which opened it up to homebrew.

THIS WAS NOT CUSTOM FIRMWARE because it had to be performed every time you power down.

then came CUSTOM FIRMWARE which you flashed to your console which BOOTED INSTANTLY every time.


GATEWAY is a flashcard that takes advantage of security holes in the console up to 9.2 it loads the dat file which is then temporarily written to the console.


Shady Guy Jose

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2008
No Pickles and Arc. Too bad how god ruind both your assholes by putting teeth in them. I have no cognitive malfunction here. Perhaps that's all projection? Tell me pickles, did you ride the short bus? I never confused the GW hardware and a CFW. You are making things up again. I am not confused on what a CFW, Flashcart an exploit and an entry method are. Not new concepts. GW anything doesn't work without the HW. There is no modified GW code. IF GW code was modified to run off the SD it would be similar. GW is still an extra SD slot. That is part of the package. Even if you think it's not important. Plus cheat functions. CFW can't do those things. And a CFW without those things is not the same situation as a GW. GW is obviously a unique situation. And GW mode still wont run without GW. But if it did! LOL Please. And if a rat had wings it would be a bat. But it doesn't so it's still a rat. It's a different method all together. And lumping it in with CFW's is wrong. Just like I wouldn't lump Shady Guy Jose in with Pickles and re-tArck. I was attacked several times before you got in to it pickles.
The thing is, Gateway Mode does run without the card. You can test it yourself by using an old launcher.dat. It does boot an EmuNAND*, just like any other CFW would, without you even needing to buy the card. IIRC, CIA loading and the like weren't implemented at that time, but you can use the Gateway Menu to do stuff like NAND backups. The card DRM was only implemented later on.

*only compatible with old versions like 5.X/6.X

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

ok this is getting out of hand now when it is very fecking simple.

Gateway is not a CUSTOM FIRMWARE, in fact it has no firmware at all.

GATEWAY is a sodding exploit that boots into GATEWAY MODE, again this is not a CUSTOMER FIRMWARE because it doesnt even touch your ORIGINAL CONSOLE FIRMWARE.

FACT, that it is impossible to modify FIRMWARE on the fly, FIRMWARE has to be FLASHED/WRITTEN TO and once it has been ITS PERMINENT unless you have a FLASHKIT to restore your backup.



People have released methods of running exploits and able to provide the same features but WITHOUT touching your consoles firmware.

PEOPLE who try flash their FIRMWARE are at a higher risk of bricking their console.

Lets put it this way and if people still insist then your pretty much a n00b.

Remember the PS3 and JAILBRAKE dongle, that you inserted to your CONSOLE and it booted its EXPLOIT upon doing the POWER/EJECT....... this here was an EXPLOIT that bypassed the consoles security and able to run its own code which opened it up to homebrew.

THIS WAS NOT CUSTOM FIRMWARE because it had to be performed every time you power down.

then came CUSTOM FIRMWARE which you flashed to your console which BOOTED INSTANTLY every time.


GATEWAY is a flashcard that takes advantage of security holes in the console up to 9.2 it loads the dat file which is then temporarily written to the console.

On that logic, Luma isn't a CFW either, then.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
United States
You all like to argue, "Well it works for me," that's perfectly fine that it works for you. GM9 setup as my FIRM0 and Mizuki as my CFW works fine for me, but I won't suggest it over B9S+Luma3DS. But working fine for you doesn't help the OP nor the countless other threads like this. People are making these threads because something isn't working for them and thus they turned to us to fix that problem.
Re-read my post. I actually agree with you on most counts there. Here's the exception, and the thrust of my post: When someone replies, "Gateway works for me, I'd like to keep it" the answer isn't "Stop clinging to that dead card, you're only hurting yourself and the scene, etc." You'll often see Quantumcat do the opposite and offer constructive advice (how to update EmuNAND/SysNAND to 11.2 for example) after the user has stated their Gateway use case. You should follow their example.

To which we simply can't help them anymore, beyond either suggesting they make a frankenfirm or stop using the cart. Those are their only two solutions left at this point
Except...those aren't the only two solutions. Here we come to another point that I'll never understand about some of you folks here. There is almost ZERO reason, aside from online, to update past 11.2 at this point in time. There are literally no games that require a higher firmware, and there are workarounds to getting online. Combined with DNS blocking, there's effectively ZERO risk of a brick. It wasn't that long ago that you thought you couldn't even run the system without the Gateway cart inserted at all times, so let's not pretend you're fully informed on this particular topic.

Stating my dogmatic nature against Gateway doesn't make me wrong, if anything that's more an ad hominem. I am very much against this cart's continue support, but I also stay to the facts and pose questions to why people really keep supporting this team. They have made 4 promises and failed to meet all of them, they even failed to meet the ETA for their new cart. It boggles my mind that there are still groups of people who see this and continue to argue against me.
A few points. That's not an ad hom, you need to look up what an ad hom is. Merely insulting you isn't an ad hom. If I say, "Joe is an asshole and his point is shit", that's insulting, not an ad hom. If I say, "Joe's point is moot because he's an asshole", THAT'S an ad hom. I've accompanied my snark with points, so try to avoid overusing that term. Now, to your point, I don't think ANYONE is going to argue that the Gateway team are good people. I also don't think very many people are going to recommend buying the cart today. I know I certainly wouldn't make either claim. That said, if you ALREADY OWN ONE, there are perfectly valid reasons to want to continue using it. Right now, the current support it has meets the bare minimum required to play EVERY. GAME. the system currently offers. We are, however, quickly approaching the point where that dynamic will change without additional firmware support. Of course, since this product has been on the market since 4.x, I'd say it's had a pretty good run regardless. I certainly got my money's worth out of it.

Now I could easily shrug this off and in fact I have actually shrug it off before. But this case, none of you have actually helped the OP. Me suggesting Gateway users move to something else has boiled down to the most helpful suggest a Gateway user can get at this point. Tell me, "It works fine for me," while ignoring the fact that it doesn't work fine for the OP, doesn't help them. That's something I can't simply shrug off.
The other arguments of, "It's just a kid's system" or simply telling me to leave aren't helpful either. In fact that's just dismissing the issue as whole, which is the worst way to handle an issue.
This paragraph is exactly the problem some folks have with you. I repeat that you should probably follow Quantumcat's example - go back and read some threads. Quantum will typically offer the guide, but if the user insists, or has a use case, they will immediately help with topics like chainloading, manual firmware upgrades, ctr, etc. The "it's a child's video game system" was just meme snark and low effort keks on my part ;P But there's a BIT of seriousness with the context of your dogmatic views on this topic.
Last edited by mrjoshuaco,


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
ok this is getting out of hand now when it is very fecking simple.

Gateway is not a CUSTOM FIRMWARE, in fact it has no firmware at all.

GATEWAY is a sodding exploit that boots into GATEWAY MODE, again this is not a CUSTOMER FIRMWARE because it doesnt even touch your ORIGINAL CONSOLE FIRMWARE.

FACT, that it is impossible to modify FIRMWARE on the fly, FIRMWARE has to be FLASHED/WRITTEN TO and once it has been ITS PERMINENT unless you have a FLASHKIT to restore your backup.



People have released methods of running exploits and able to provide the same features but WITHOUT touching your consoles firmware.

PEOPLE who try flash their FIRMWARE are at a higher risk of bricking their console.

Lets put it this way and if people still insist then your pretty much a n00b.

Remember the PS3 and JAILBRAKE dongle, that you inserted to your CONSOLE and it booted its EXPLOIT upon doing the POWER/EJECT....... this here was an EXPLOIT that bypassed the consoles security and able to run its own code which opened it up to homebrew.

THIS WAS NOT CUSTOM FIRMWARE because it had to be performed every time you power down.

then came CUSTOM FIRMWARE which you flashed to your console which BOOTED INSTANTLY every time.


GATEWAY is a flashcard that takes advantage of security holes in the console up to 9.2 it loads the dat file which is then temporarily written to the console.


It's like I said. In any other scene, what people refer to as a CFW would be called a "homebrew enabler" or "jailbreak payload" etc. So yeah, you can say GW isn't a CFW in that sense. But then neither is almost anything else that's been labeled as a CFW either. All any of them are doing is performing a "jailbreak" by patching things like region checks and signature checks in memory. By objective definitions, yes, what gets installed to the firm partitions is the true CFW.

For most people, their actual CFW is going to be B9S (though GM9 makes a good one as of adding that bootloader, and especially as of adding SALTMODE, IMHO). Which is really just a chainloader that looks for "boot.firm" on the SD card and CTRNAND, and runs whichever it finds first (if any). It's kind of funny if you think about it. We finally got true CFW, but we didn't actually want it by the time we got there, because loading a payload from the SD card offers more flexibility. So we had the true CFW revert to loading a jailbreak. It's like the bicameral mutation, but with the effects being mostly positive (though I won't get into philosophy here, Google "Neotech" if objectivism-based philosophy interests you, and PM me if you want to discuss such things, don't derail the thread).

Technically Luma CAN be installed to the firm partitions and will run from them just fine. So it can be a true CFW, but that's not how most people have it setup. Nor should they. It will only make it harder to update Luma, and make it slightly more dangerous, since it will require re-flashing the firm partitions every time an update comes out. Do you really want to do that every time a new nightly comes out? Probably not. Whereas B9S doesn't get/need updated nearly as much. The last one wasn't even mandatory.

Note that even if it is being used as an actual CFW, the changes it's making are still of a temporary nature. Being copied to the firm partition aside, it's still acting as a memory patcher. You can still extract NATIVE_FIRM from the CTRNAND partition, copy it to the firm partitions, and the system will be 100% retail (d0k3 has made some scripts that do this, and they're great for testing purposes).

However, the 3DS scene has subjectively defined a "CFW" as pretty much any payload that boots to the home menu and patches things in memory, like signature checks. Since both Luma and Gateway's launcher fit that description, then by the scene's subjective definition of a CFW, both qualify. The thing is, if you go around using the objectively correct terms instead of the now deeply ingrained subjective labels being used by the majority of the 3DS scene, you're just going to confuse people even more than they already are. It's just easier to go along with the accepted uses, and clarify what they're actually referring to when necessary, than to type up a lengthy rant every time someone calls a homebrew enabler a CFW.

B9S is its own exploit, separate from sighax. sighax is the fake-signing that allows you to replace the firm, b9s is a sighaxed firm that uses "bad" parameters to get execution before the bootrom locks itself. this is an entirely different exploit from the fake-signing

I just noticed this because I have you on ignore (and reading this reaffirms my choice). No. B9S is a chainloader that CONTAINS an exploit. Only the part of the code that B9S uses to obtain elevated access can be considered an exploit. The rest of the code is not a part of the exploit. Since you want to split hairs, fine. It's a chainloader that uses the Sighax AND boothax (or whatever you want to call it) exploits. GM9 does all the same things B9S does when installed as a firm (and more). But would you call GM9 an exploit? If d0k3 devised a new exploit that was unique to GM9, would that make it an exploit? No. It would still be a file manager/bash interpreter. A file manager that CONTAINS a unique exploit. But not that exploit.
Last edited by Kazuma77,
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