So I'm working on a .3DS collection and while most of the "good stuff" I have on my 128GB mSD, all the "junk games" I'm slapping on my 64GB mSD w/GWRC. To do so, I'm going to end up trimming them all to death, and then I have to inject my private headers (Yes, I have one for each Chip ID) to prevent any ban hammers. Ugh...
Is there an easier way of getting my chip ID specific PH's to work with all these .3ds games on my GWRC? I know the Sky3DS+ has a pretty simple solution, but I'm just dreading having to inject each ROM with PH's AND trim them.
Heck, is there an easier way of trimming ROMs rather than 1 by 1? Same 4 PH's...?
Looking for shortcuts here... It's bad enough I have to DL these ROMs, but then to inject PH's and trim each one is just going to take me forever...
As you may know by now, I'm also trying to get some themes made for the DSTwo/iMenu & GWBC/R4i. I know we can edit 3DS themes, but if I remember correctly, nobody has been able to dump the stock color themes for the 3DS??
If so, link me. Please.
If not, explain. No really, I'm interested as to know why not. GBATemp has done some amazing things recently and I'm shocked if this hasn't happened yet...
I just love the stock themes. One of the best things about the 3DS, hands down. Would love to make a general theme for my karts that matches the 3DS theme. It's so sleek...
So I'm working on a .3DS collection and while most of the "good stuff" I have on my 128GB mSD, all the "junk games" I'm slapping on my 64GB mSD w/GWRC. To do so, I'm going to end up trimming them all to death, and then I have to inject my private headers (Yes, I have one for each Chip ID) to prevent any ban hammers. Ugh...
Is there an easier way of getting my chip ID specific PH's to work with all these .3ds games on my GWRC? I know the Sky3DS+ has a pretty simple solution, but I'm just dreading having to inject each ROM with PH's AND trim them.
Heck, is there an easier way of trimming ROMs rather than 1 by 1? Same 4 PH's...?
Looking for shortcuts here... It's bad enough I have to DL these ROMs, but then to inject PH's and trim each one is just going to take me forever...
As you may know by now, I'm also trying to get some themes made for the DSTwo/iMenu & GWBC/R4i. I know we can edit 3DS themes, but if I remember correctly, nobody has been able to dump the stock color themes for the 3DS??
If so, link me. Please.
If not, explain. No really, I'm interested as to know why not. GBATemp has done some amazing things recently and I'm shocked if this hasn't happened yet...
I just love the stock themes. One of the best things about the 3DS, hands down. Would love to make a general theme for my karts that matches the 3DS theme. It's so sleek...