I've recently bought a 32GB SD for my acekard, and i've put games on it, but when i actually go into my games on the ds some of the games show as being corrupted.
Half of the games seem fine, half of them don't appear at all, there is a corrupted folder in the 'Games' folder which i didn't copy there, and most of the games that actually do show don't even have the little identification image that shows the game. Does anyone know anything i could do to fix this, i have tried coping them all over as one big bulk, i've tried copying them over in groups of 5-10, i've tried formatting it through the operating system and i've also tried formatting it through the Panasonic SD formatter the Acekard team have provided. None of this seems to fix this problem. i thought it might be that the SD card is fucked, but if that was the case it wouldn't show any games at all and wouldn't let me play the ones that show up, would it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. D:
Half of the games seem fine, half of them don't appear at all, there is a corrupted folder in the 'Games' folder which i didn't copy there, and most of the games that actually do show don't even have the little identification image that shows the game. Does anyone know anything i could do to fix this, i have tried coping them all over as one big bulk, i've tried copying them over in groups of 5-10, i've tried formatting it through the operating system and i've also tried formatting it through the Panasonic SD formatter the Acekard team have provided. None of this seems to fix this problem. i thought it might be that the SD card is fucked, but if that was the case it wouldn't show any games at all and wouldn't let me play the ones that show up, would it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. D: