Games In Retrospect That Should Be A 10


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2015
United States
Nowadays we get too hung up on review scores. Examples of conversation go like this:
1-"Zelda BotW isn't a perfect 10..."
2-"zbotw IS perfect 10 you f*ck!"
1-"that game is far from perfect"
2-"name a better game?"
1-"uh... Uh... Shawn Whites Cross Country Skiing"
2-"go f*ck off LOL"
1-"2/10 not enough water"

This is not that. I'm just curious what is a perfect game for you and why it should be rescored to a 10, Regardless of official score? In my opinion there are countless 10s out there.(looking back of course) Most of the games they make now are meh...

My example of a 10/10 when looking back would be Final Fantasy Tactics. I think the official scores back then were a 75/100 but looking back there really hasn't been another game that could match it today. It had the CGI cutscenes, matching music, good dialogue, the story, the gameplay, the awesome tech sprites... It even had Cloud Strife in it although he was shitty and weak AF, typical cloud I guess. FFT War of the Lions rereleased for the PSP and they rewrote the dialogue to make it even more gay, which actually made it a little better in addition to adding Luso from the ds series and improved the CGI and load times. I think in retrospect this game gets a 10 regardless of it few flaws, everything just works

And by gay I don't mean it to be offensive, but like this

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Well the only people who need score systems is probably professional sites. I for one don't care about score as long as the reviewer get their point across about the game. Most people who do 10/10 don't talk about the bad in a game. People who don't will point out some flaws. Find the good and bad and now is mixed opinion. I prefer to point out all aspects of the game, the graphics, presentation, sound quality, game play, frustrations, difficulties, which is why my reviews are rather long in this site. I know people don't care for my reviews as much cause is "TL:DR" But I prefer the approach of informing the reader as much as possible about the experience I have with the game and what I think others will find about the game too. Score is basically a visual representation of what the reader sees if they want the short end of the stick when browsing reviews. "Should I buy Super smash bros?" 10/10 "Oh sounds like a yes, though I never played it.

In the end, even those 10/10 games don't mean everyone will want to play it. Even the lowest score of games people play. Is just a struggle between popular opinion. If someone more famous than you likes it, people will hate on you if you don't. I prefer not to share my opinions with people who are like that.

Go ahead and but a game down, as in original post hopefully this isn't about bashing a game
Last edited by gameboy, , Reason: Not enough water

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
Well the only people who need score systems is probably professional sites. I for one don't care about score as long as the reviewer get their point across about the game. Most people who do 10/10 don't talk about the bad in a game. People who don't will point out some flaws. Find the good and bad and now is mixed opinion. I prefer to point out all aspects of the game, the graphics, presentation, sound quality, game play, frustrations, difficulties, which is why my reviews are rather long in this site. I know people don't care for my reviews as much cause is "TL: DR" But I prefer the approach of informing the reader as much as possible about the experience I have with the game and what I think others will find about the game too. Score is basically a visual representation of what the reader sees if they want the short end of the stick when browsing reviews. "Should I buy Super smash bros?" 10/10 "Oh sounds like a yes, though I never played it.

In the end, even those 10/10 games don't mean everyone will want to play it. Even the lowest score of games people play. Is just a struggle between popular opinion. If someone more famous than you likes it, people will hate on you if you don't. I prefer not to share my opinions with people who are like that.

Go ahead and but a game down, as in original post hopefully this isn't about bashing a game
Well I'm not here to bash games, if I don't like it, I don't talk about it. But as to answer your question, Rogue Galaxy is a game that comes to mind with a score I would give being 10/10. Honestly I did a review of a game here already with a 10 Score. Beyond Oasis is a old genesis game made by the same producers of Streets of rage, often compared to Legend of Zelda Perhaps. Has good Graphics, Nice presentation, sound is okay but is not too bad, is only okay cause the music doesn't stand out as well as streets of rage despite being composed by the same Yuzo Koshiro, and most of the sound effects are recycled from streets of rage games. Is just one of the things that is noticable. Otherwise the gameplay plays like a overhead adventure game with some unique innovation elements. If you want to see more, the link below is available. (I apologize for the poor quality, it was my first one for the site and I didn't have experience I do now. I did all of it using a android device to be honest.) I recommend people to play it.:ninja:
Last edited by Sonic Angel Knight,


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Ignoring that I don't think 10/10 is possible (no perfect games) and assuming you just mean top rated... not really.
Plenty of games went underrated but nothing amazing I felt was unfairly maligned or so ahead of its time that it warrants such a thing. Indeed with the rate at which certain aspects of games are advancing I would be very surprised to see such a thing -- I fully expect to find a book, video or some music that warrants that but game design is advancing so much at present that I really don't expect it for games. Doesn't stop older things from being playable but does make it harder to achieve what you ask.

You say final fantasy tactics and while it might have been underrated at the time (the console-PC divide was in effect still, PC peeps were playing stuff like it) were it released today and pitted against all that is available and has been made since... no.


Nov 20, 2017
Comfy nest
I dislike 10-points score ratings because they force you to be way too specific. Everyone should just start using 5-points score ratings:

1 is unplayable
2 is bad
3 is average
4 is good
5 is great

That's it. And if you can't choose between a game being bad or average, or great from good, then you should find another job.

As for gaming comparison I say leave these pissing contests to things like game awards or GOTYs.

Deleted User

Different people have different preferences. I can appreciate that a lot of work went into Mario Galaxy 2 and it got great reviews. But I didn't enjoy playing it. On the other hand I'd call Mario Kart DS underrated because it deserves 10/10 not 9/10. I really loved that game.

Some people are going to say BOTW is the greatest shit ever because that's how they felt while playing it. Other people didn't like it so much.

Games that get 10/10 buy that review score. Indie games can't get 10/10 because indie developers can't afford to buy a bump up to the review score.

It can be easy to tell what games don't deserve a 10/10 eg. Sonic 06 but what games are worth a 10/10 depend on the individual.

1-"Zelda BotW isn't a perfect 10..."
2-"zbotw IS perfect 10 you f*ck!"
1-"that game is far from perfect"
2-"name a better game?"
1-"uh... Uh... Shawn Whites Cross Country Skiing"
2-"go f*ck off LOL"
1-"2/10 not enough water"
Idiotic debates like this are best ignored.
Last edited by ,


Nov 6, 2002
Land o't pies
United Kingdom
Ratings out of 5 are indeed better in my opinion too, or there's Eurogamer who probably have the best idea overall, of Essential, Recommended, Avoid and, er, nothing at all..... 4 categories. Ratings out of 10 can be somewhere in the middle ground, but the best example of how they don't always work is here on GBAtemp when one reviewer gave Mario Odyssey 8/10 yet another gave a fukkin visual novel, that was on the front page at the same time, something like 8.4, which was frankly ridiculous, and made the site look like a laughing stock to the newbie that hasn't visited here before...(don't get me started on using decimal points, or half a point...)

Of course one could argue the review score is meaningless etc etc, but that's exactly what 90% of people reading said review head straight for, and clearly the reason the OP made this topic.
Personally it matters not to me though, I've usually made up my mind about a game before I've read a review, with the content (and to a lesser extent the rating) merely confirming whether I was right or wrong in my interest - and I'm right 90% of the time! :D

At least most people have ditched using percentage: apart from me who's just wrote 90% twice in 2 sentences....:O (make that 3 out of 3! :lol: )
Last edited by mightymuffy,

Tom Bombadildo

Dick, With Balls
Jul 11, 2009
I forgot
United States
D) None of the above. Like FAST, I've never played a game that was worth any kind of perfect score, including all of my absolute favorite games I'll love until I die. I'm not a fanboy blind to the flaws of the games I like, and I don't need a game to have a good review score to justify feeling good about playing it.

One of my favorite PS2 games, Seek and Destroy, has an awful review score (IIRC like 5/10 from most reviewers) and I am well aware that the game really isn't that good. But I don't care, because I love playing the game and I have a lot of fond memories of playing it when I was younger. I will never claim it's a 10/10 just because I like it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2015
United States
Triforce Heroes and Metroid Federation Force were severely underscored too. They had everything going but got bad reviews because they werent a traditional zelda or metroid game, plus early reviewers werent able to go online and had to judge its single player mode. those games were meant clearly for online play and the online was fantastic.

the only gripe i had was that they patched mission 17 in mff to make you run at normal instead of half speed. half speed was the best. everyone having to rescue an egg with the timer and metroids floating around was probably the best moment in gaming that year

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
The idea that a 10 is absolute perfection is an ideal that flaws number scores more than anything else.

I considered writing an article on number scores tbh. They're probably one of the worst ways ever thought of to rank games simply due to the fact of how widely subjective a score is. You could ask 100 people what a 10/10 is and they'll all tell you different things.
The only way a number score works is if you can personally identify with the person giving it, and understand exactly who they are and what they enjoy. Which is a bit too much prior knowledge to make the score useful. I hate scoring games, I usually just go with the first number that pops into my head.

I honestly think Steam's way of things is miles ahead of any scoring system. A simple recommended or not recommended suffices, and then people could read further if they wanted to know why. Even then it still has flaws, but I digress.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2015
United States
Perfect 10
If we're talking about underrated games I'd say Sonic Unleashed. Easily the best Modern Sonic Games, the rest don't even compare.

yea sometimes scores have uncomprehensive scoring criteria. C.O.D got 9.5 based on single player but nobody said a word on how broken the online was and still is or how fundamentally its the same game from 2011. I gave it a 0, no innovation, completely broken on release, fake weapons(exploding fire shotgun...) the inability to chose other than white or black race avatars

a lot of the handheld games need to be rescored higher too. they get scored based on console specs instead of the tech it come with. scores get lowered because of the 240p dilemma but games that come at 720 or 900 still get high scores. Gurumin for psp was one of the perfect ones but not for 3ds because of newer tech


The man who cried "Ni".
Former Staff
Apr 4, 2006
I give you that some games retain playability or keep or even gain a following long after their release and that warrants an extra "point" or two over those games with a same score that didn't last as long.
That aside, numeric game scores are silly, it's really pointless to be that precise with things that are basically subjective.
A local gaming magazine had grades that went "great game that everyone should try", "great example of the genre", "for genre lovers only" and "meh". Everything else was told in the review, the pros and cons and how well it stacked in relation to other games.


Nintendo 3DS XL
Nov 10, 2012
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky, by far the best Pokémon game ever released and likely one of the best RPGs of the decade it was released in.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I considered writing an article on number scores tbh. They're probably one of the worst ways ever thought of to rank games simply due to the fact of how widely subjective a score is. You could ask 100 people what a 10/10 is and they'll all tell you different things.
It is actually a known problem in marketing and product design, and goes further if there is a skill component at play (trying to make a meal that impresses a chef sort of thing, or indeed comedians and the aristocrats).

The only way a number score works is if you can personally identify with the person giving it, and understand exactly who they are and what they enjoy. Which is a bit too much prior knowledge to make the score useful.
While having a clone play your potential games for you is nice I do seek out reviewers in all things that share similar likes and dislikes, broadly and in specifics. Get a few of those and the average works well. Equally you can pick out things from incompatible reviews that may still speak to things you want.

I honestly think Steam's way of things is miles ahead of any scoring system. A simple recommended or not recommended suffices, and then people could read further if they wanted to know why. Even then it still has flaws, but I digress.
Back when I were a lad there was the concept of the solid rental (or indeed second hand in 10 months). While my time is shorter and I want to only spend it experiencing great works where I can I am still somewhat tempered by money in this so can see my way to playing a game I would have passed at £60 but can now have for £10.
When it comes to user reviews I do usually filter things. One that works for me is anything all caps and anything with poor spellong and grammair gets dropped.

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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    no, I'm asking which one of them you are using
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    in that case, there is no such thing as homebrew launcher for aroma
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    you have to launch your homebrews directly from the wii u menu
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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    Im downloading fallout 3 goty edition
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    @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after
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    Carrying a PC or phone is so old school!
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