Hello again ! Here the current state of the english translation:
- Pilotes/vehicle profies have been decoded and are ready to be translated.
- Controls are translated.
- The story episode are done 22 out of 51.
Regarding the french translation, it will be a bit technically challenging, the game uses an encoding called SJIS (for Shift JIS) that is used to write japanese and english.
In that case, we don't have access to the french characters that we would like to have access to like the accents and the c cedille. It could be a good first draft to omit those
and to write the translation in pure ascii only. Adding to that hurdle, the current transation is directly into assembly files that are compiled and that replace part of the rom,
with a system like that it will be a big hurdle to port the translation to multiple language and I'm convinced there is a better way to do it.
So here is what I think on how we should proced, I think I can work on getting what needs to be decoded, if you want to help with the translation,
I think it would be best if we do that via github with a formalism like a ".txt" file per story episode. So, what do you think ?
PS: Je ne te reponds pas en francais car je pense que c'est plus utile pour tout le monde si les discussions publiques se font en anglais, notamment car lorsque tu cherches 'f-zero climax translation' sur google tu tombes rapidement sur ce forum.
Merci beaucoup de vouloir aider !
Il y a beaucoup de trucs a faire et c'est cool de voir que ce jeu est presque pas encore tout a fait oublie ! ^^
PSS: Du coup pour contribuer, regarde mon fork sur github (ca devrait etre le seul) et creer une issue a partir de la et on devrait pouvoir communiquer la bas.
Je crois que nous ne pouvons ni l'un ni l'autre envoyer de message prive sur ce forum, si tu a d'autres methodes de communication je suis preneur.